Dog with depression: symptoms, causes and treatment

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Depression in dogs - Symptoms and What to Do
Video: Depression in dogs - Symptoms and What to Do


Can a dog have depression? The truth is, and in this PeritoAnimal article we will talk about the symptoms, the causes and, of course, the treatment of dog with depression. If you notice changes in your partner's behavior and find that he looks sad, he may be suffering from depression. You should always go to the veterinarian, because the signs you notice are very non-specific, meaning they can be either depression or physical illness. It is important to know that both situations are treatable.

Canine Depression Symptoms

although the canine depression symptoms can vary from one dog to another, the symptoms below are the ones you can detect most frequently:

  • Reduction of your activity;
  • Decrease in interactions with other dogs and people;
  • Loss of interest in the environment;
  • Changes in food, some dogs stop eating and others eat compulsively;
  • Prostration, lethargy and apathy;
  • Increased sleep hours, although some dogs may sleep less;
  • moaning, crying and howling without apparent cause;
  • Search for quiet places to hide;
  • Decrease in affectivity;
  • Changes in behavior;
  • Absence of play behaviors;
  • Slow movements;
  • Possible incontinence;
  • stereotypes, that is, compulsive repetition of the same behavior, such as licking or biting the paws;
  • Some dogs are anxious and/or aggressive.

Also, depression is classified into endogenous and exogenous, depending on whether the cause is internal or external. Although there is talk of canine depression in breeds such as chihuahua, pug, poodle or husky, there is no genetic predisposition of these breeds to depression, that is, endogenous depression with a biological basis could occur in any breed or breed of dog. The exogenous is more common, a consequence of the environment and/or various causes.

Canine Depression in Elderly Dogs

Depressive symptomatology in elderly dogs can be related to the so-called cognitive dysfunction syndrome. This is an aging process at the brain level, which we could relate to Alzheimer's, which affects humans. The dog will show deterioration of its mental faculties, with symptoms such as disorientation, evacuation inside the house, repetitive behaviors, decreased relationship with other members of the house, etc.

This picture can also correspond to some pathologies such as kidney disease, so we must always take the dog to the veterinarian to perform the necessary tests to rule out a physical disorder. The dog's age should not be an impediment to starting treatment.

If cognitive dysfunction is confirmed, we can adopt measures to modify the behavior, if applicable, and the environment, always in agreement with professionals in canine behavior. It is also possible to resort to medication.

Dog with depression: causes

There are different situations that can be behind canine depression, such as the following:

Canine Depression by Separation

It is a common circumstance in which the puppy will develop depressive, disruptive and destructive behaviors when he is alone at home.

Canine Depression Due To The Death Of Another Dog

Like people, dogs can grieve after the death of a canine companion, but also of another species, because what they feel is the loss of the bond.

Canine depression due to change of residence or family

A sudden change in his routine can have negative consequences for the dog, which will need an adjustment period and adequate stimulation to reestablish the attachment. At this point you can include the arrival of new members to the family, whether human or animal.

Dog with depression due to severe stress situations

Conflicts in the house, fights with other animals or illness can lead to depression that will have to be treated according to this trigger.

dog with depression by poor socialization

Dogs that were separated too early from their mothers and siblings, or that were abused, may have behavioral problems, including depression. See our article on how old you can separate puppies from their mother.

dog with depression by pseudopregnancy or psychological pregnancy:

In non-castrated female dogs, after heat, it is possible that a hormonal cascade is triggered as if the female dog had brood, even without fertilization. She will develop a maternal instinct and changes in her behavior, including depression. Nthere is no postpartum depression in dogs, and if after giving birth you see your dog depressed, you should see your veterinarian as she may be sick.

Dog with depression: how to treat it?

As we have already said, any sign of the ones mentioned above is a reason for veterinary consultation because, in the first place, it is necessary to rule out that the dog is suffering from any physical illness. If the diagnosis is depression, it is important find out what the trigger was and, based on it, adopt measures to improve your dog's state of mind. We'll look at these measurements in the next section.

Professionals like the ethologists or behavioral veterinarians can help us modify behavior and environment, if appropriate. In the case of puppies in more serious situations, the veterinarian can prescribe medication.

Dog depression: what to do?

Whatever the cause of your dog's depression, you can adopt a series of measures to help you regain your spirits:

  • The most important thing is to dedicate some time to spend exclusively with him. Dogs are social, family animals that need to feel integrated into the group.
  • Exercise Appropriate for your pet's age, walks (which shouldn't be limited to just doing necessities), play, and generally miscellaneous activities help to keep the dog entertained, as well as obedience education.
  • In some cases, you may want to consider adding a new dog to the family, which can act as an activating element for the depressed dog. Of course, this decision cannot be taken lightly, so we recommend consulting a professional, which can be an ethologist or veterinarian, since as mentioned above, the arrival of a new member in the house can worsen the state of depression.
  • Don't leave the dog alone for many hours.
  • Avoid stressful situations that can aggravate or perpetuate the condition.
  • Follow fitting recommendations according to professional advice.
  • Although they have only demonstrated a placebo effect, it is possible to use herbal remedies. bach or products with pheromones.
  • Finally, the psychological pregnancy of female dogs is controlled with the sterilization.

Also see our YouTube video about a dog with depression - what to do?

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.