
How long does the heat from a cat?

When living with a cat, it i inevitable that caregiver worry about their heat period. Due to the pecific characteri tic that the e tru of cat pre ent , which we will explain in thi article by PeritoAn...

Cat Characteristics

With a reputation for being independent and not very attached to their caregiver , the truth i that cat are excellent companion for any home. They may be a affectionate a the dog , but they will how c...

cat chausie

trikingly beautiful, with a wild look becau e of their origin, Chau ie cat are hybrid born from the mix between wild cat and dome tic cat . It i a wonderful feline but not recommended for anyone. if ...

Meningitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

The dog' organi m i complex and u ceptible to uffering from multiple di ea e , mo t of them hared with human , a there are truly few di ea e that affect only people.Dog owner mu t be informed abou...

12 animals that hardly sleep

Are you curiou to know ome example of animal that don't leep? Or meet tho e animal that re t for a few hour ? Fir t of all, you hould know that everal factor influence leep time , but unlike what ...

Toys not recommended for dogs

If you are lucky enough to hare your life with a furry and want to offer him the be t, you need to be fully informed about many a pect of hi need . For example, we love to play with our dog , but are ...

Cat heat - symptoms and care

Do you think your cat i in heat period? It i important that you know how to recognize when the animal i at thi moment, to be able to under tand it attitude and take care of it with the attention it ne...

How many times should I walk the dog

Many people have doubt about how often it take a dog to go out ide, thi becau e, although you can ay a number of walk or a certain time, thi i not a rule for all dog .In thi article by PeritoAnimal we...

Kidney feed for cats - the best feeds

THE renal in ufficiency it i one of the mo t common problem that affect cat in old age. There are two type : kidney failure, which i u ually cau ed by an infection or the appearance of toxin , and chr...

Names for white dog - males and females

Have you ever thought about adopting a white dog? Definitely ye ! However, keep in mind that owning a dog like thi require a lot of attention to keep the fur clean, although it' worth it when you ...

Does megalodon shark exist?

In general, people are fa cinated by the animal kingdom, however animal that are depicted with gigantic ize tend to attract our attention even more. ome of the e pecie of unu ual ize they till live, w...

The raccoon as a pet

O raccoon i a wild animal that belong to the Procyonidae family. It i an omnivorou mammal, mall, perhap lightly larger than a cat, with harp claw and a thick, ringed tail.If you want to know if you ar...

Addison's Disease in Dogs

Addi on' di ea e, technically called hypoadrenocortici m, i a type of rare di ea e that young and middle-aged puppie can uffer. It i not very well known and even ome veterinarian have difficulty r...

Wet food for cats: best brands and homemade recipes

Wet cat food i a very good option to keep our feline well nouri hed, regardle of it life tage. In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will analyze the be t brand of achet for cat and al o canned one for c...

Can dogs watch TV?

Did you know that in Germany there i a dog tv channel? It' not about dog , it' about dog . It' called DogTV and on the day of it relea e it wa e timated that around even million puppie wer...

Types of horse therapies

Animal are able to improve human health in many way , in fact, animal-a i ted therapie began in IEngland in the year 1872 and it wa in the year 1875 that a French neurologi t di covered all the benefi...

How Dinosaurs Were Extinct

Throughout our planet' hi tory, few creature have managed to capture human fa cination like dino aur . The colo al animal that once populated the Earth have now filled our creen , book and even ou...

Home Remedies for Cat Ticks

Ye , cat ha tick. U ually, we tend to relate the pre ence of the e para ite to dog , becau e we u pect that they adhere to their kin during walk . However, we can carry tick egg our elve , which will ...

Anal Glands of the Dog - Everything You Need to Know

At anal gland of puppie have a main function which i to lubricate the rectum for better defecation.If the e are not cared for with the proper regularity and, e pecially if it i a larger dog, we can uf...

Cat Names with Letter M

It i u pected that the letter "m" come from the letter "mem", a Phoenician name, derived from the Proto inaitic cript (one of the olde t alphabet in the world). They related thi le...