- Vinegar against ticks on cats
- How to remove cat ticks with vinegar
- Almond oil as a home remedy for cat ticks
- Olive oil against ticks on cats
- How to remove cat ticks with tweezers
- Home remedies for ticks on kittens
- Preventing ticks on cats, the most effective remedy

Yes, cat has tick. Usually, we tend to relate the presence of these parasites to dogs, because we suspect that they adhere to their skin during walks. However, we can carry tick eggs ourselves, which will develop in our home and bite the animals that live there, including felines. So, cat catches tick. That's why it's so important deworm the cats as a preventive measure, even if I don't have access to the outside.
You tick symptoms in cat they are usually intense itching, bleeding, inflammation of the area, redness, anemia, and paralysis. If you find a tick on your cat, you need to check that there are no more, to extract all of them. The elimination of ticks in cats is very important because these parasites are carriers of various diseases, many of them of a serious nature, such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis or tularemia. You need to go to a veterinary clinic so that they can indicate the best antiparasitic product in case of an intense infestation or, if you find a small number, use the home remedies tick on cat most recommended, which we are sharing in this PeritoAnimal article.
Vinegar against ticks on cats
Eliminating ticks naturally on cats is possible thanks to products such as vinegar as a home remedy for ticks on cats. O Acetic Acid, which is found in the composition of vinegar and provides its sour taste, is a substance that these parasites and fleas hate. For this reason, when vinegar comes in contact with the tick, it will likely try to flee from the animal because it will no longer look like an ideal host.
How to remove cat ticks with vinegar
There are several remedies to eliminate ticks on cats that you can prepare with white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, these being the most effective:
- mix water and vinegar in equal parts, dip a clean cloth in the solution and rub the cat's skin with a gentle massage. Take care that the mixture does not get into your eyes or ears.
- Mix the vinegar with your shampoo habitually in equal parts and bathe the cat, being careful not to pull off the ticks when rubbing the area, as its head may remain inside the skin and produce a serious infection. Simply bathe and dry the cat with a towel and the parasite will go away on its own.
Almond oil as a home remedy for cat ticks
Natural oils are also an excellent alternative to eliminate ticks on cats with home remedies. Almond oil is one of the best due to its properties, as it repels ticks and, in addition, favors the healing of wounds caused by its bites, moisturizes the skin and promotes its regeneration. To increase these effects, we recommend mix 20 ml of oil with a vitamin E capsule. If you can't find this vitamin, you can just apply the oil.
This remedy is highly effective for removing cat ticks when they are lodged in areas where the skin is very thin, such as ears, eyes or between the fingers.

Olive oil against ticks on cats
As with almond oil, olive oil is very effective in removing ticks on cats and dogs. The best way to use it is moisten a gauze with extra virgin olive oil and pass it through the area where the parasite is, being very careful not to pull it out. Little by little, it will loosen from the skin until it comes out completely, at which point you must catch it to prevent it from stinging again.
Olive oil not only acts as an antiparasitic method, it is also a powerful skin regenerator and natural moisturizer. For this reason, using it also allows damaged skin to recover more quickly. Likewise, it is good for fighting constipation and whetting appetite in recovering cats. Discover all its benefits in this article about the benefits of olive oil for cats.
How to remove cat ticks with tweezers
Home remedies for ticks on cats can also be used to facilitate the removal of parasites with tweezers. This method is the most effective, because you will remove the ticks yourself. With the above techniques, the results may or may not be noticed immediately, depending on the parasite's resistance to the effects of the medicine used. Therefore, we recommend applying a home remedy for tick (vinegar, almond oil or olive oil) in the area where the tick is found, wait a minute for it to penetrate and remove the tick with tweezers.
Home remedies for ticks on kittens
Kittens are even more susceptible to illness and developing infections because their immune system is still developing. For this reason, if you notice the presence of parasites in them, you need to act quickly and eliminate them from your body. Especially when they are newborns, antiparasitic products sold in clinics and specialized stores are not recommended due to their toxicity, which is why it is recommended to use products designed exclusively for kittens or natural remedies with an antiparasitic effect. Focusing on the latter, the Most recommended home remedy for tick in kitten cat is chamomile.
Chamomile has important anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and healing properties. Therefore, in addition to favoring tick extraction, it helps the skin to regenerate much better. Also, it is non-toxic to cats. To use this remedy, it is better prepare a natural chamomile infusion, allow to cool, moisten gauze with the infusion and rub the affected area. If the tick doesn't come out by itself, remove it with tweezers (he will do much better with chamomile than without it). Chamomile infusion is also a good remedy to clean the eyes of a kitten with conjunctivitis, which is very common in cats rescued from the street.
Other remedies to stop ticks in kittens are vinegar and olive oil. You can apply them following the same directions, but ensuring that they do not come into contact with the child's eyes or ear canal.
Preventing ticks on cats, the most effective remedy
After all of your cat's ticks are removed, we recommend that you brush all of your cat's coat with a flea comb, with fine, close-set teeth. This will allow you to remove any eggs that may exist and even ticks in larval stages to prevent their growth. Although ticks tend to lay their eggs in the environment, there is always the possibility that some have been left in the animal's body.
After that, you should perform a series of preventative methods to ensure that your cat doesn't suffer from tick bites again. As always, prevention is the best medicine, and all the mentioned home remedies also act as preventatives.. That way, when your cat needs a bath, you can apply the vinegar method. Also, from time to time you can massage your cat's body with almond oil or olive oil. Likewise, you can spice up your meals with a pinch of olive oil, as ingesting it also offers great benefits.
Of course, visit the veterinarian for establish a deworming schedule it is more than recommended not to have to deal with ticks on a cat.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
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