
Why doesn't my dog ​​like to be blown?

ome action that may eem fun to human may be uncomfortable for your dog, uch a blowing into hi face or ear . I'm ure you've already noticed that, when you do thi , your pet get irritated, and ...

Taking care of a cat in 10 steps

I thi your fir t time having a cat? Do you have que tion about the care you need? To ome extent it i true that the cat doe not need a much attention a the dog, ince it i an animal with a completely di...

How do animals move around?

When interacting with the environment, animal tend to adapt o much their phy iology and behavior in order to make the be t u e of it and adapt a efficiently a po ible to the environment in which it li...

Horse sleeps standing up?

Like mo t herbivorou mammal , hor e are not characterized by pending long period of time leeping, but the ba i of their leep and their characteri tic are the ame a in other . A good re t i e ential fo...

ultrasound for dogs

If your dog ha broken a paw, ate omething he houldn't or if you want to monitor hi pregnancy, your pet will need an ultra ound. Don't be cared, it' omething normal that can happen to anyon...

Medicine for dogs with diarrhea and vomiting

Diarrhea and vomiting are very common ituation in veterinary clinical practice and affect dog and cat a lot during ome period of their live . They are the re pon e of the animal' body to try to el...

Guinea Pig Feeding

A with all other animal , the guinea pig' diet varie according to it age and condition. A newborn guinea pig doe not eat the ame a an adult or a pregnant guinea pig.It i very common for the guardi...

Rabbit breeding: characteristics and curiosities

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will talk about how the rabbit breeding: characteri tic and curio itie . We will ee why they are popularly con idered a very prolific pecie , although both in free li...

Dog Language and Calm Signs

Learning to communicate with our dog i e ential to promote a balanced and po itive relation hip with him. Furthermore, it allow u to know what our furry friend feel at each moment and improve our rela...

Characteristics of yellow cats

Cat have an undeniable beauty. omething very intere ting about dome tic cat are the different po ible color combination . Within the ame litter we can find cat with different varietie of color , wheth...

Horse diseases - which are the most common?

Hor e are animal known for being rai ed in rural environment , helping the population with the tran port of material in agriculture, or a a mean of tran port for human . In addition hippotherapy, whic...

What is the best muzzle for my dog?

The muzzle i an acce ory for dog that may be nece ary in certain ituation , however, in the ca e of puppie that mu t u e it daily, it i e ential to en ure that it i a quality muzzle, afe and that make...

Adopting an adult dog - Advice and recommendations

THE dog adoption it i one of the mo t re pon ible and u tainable practice to promote animal right , a it allow the dignity of an abandoned animal and cea e to participate in the market for buying and ...

How to travel with a dog on a motorcycle

If you're a motorcycli t or ride a motorcycle regularly and al o have a dog, you've probably wondered if you could bring your be t friend when you go on a walk or even a trip. But what doe Bra...

The smartest dog breeds

tanley Coren i the creator of The Intelligence of Dog , a book that tudied the different type of canine intelligence and ranked them. Today, the li t publi hed in 1994 remain a world reference for pe...

Puppy biting and growling: what to do

The arrival of a puppy i a moment of great emotion for any family that ha ju t adopted a pet, it eem that the environment i full of tenderne , you give a lot of affection, direct all attention o the d...

cat korat

Ironically, one of the olde t cat breed in the world took centurie to reach major citie and capital in Europe and the United tate . the cat Korat, from Thailand, i con idered a ymbol of good luck. Her...

Bird characteristics

Bird are warm-blooded tetrapod (that i , endothermic) vertebrate that have very di tinct characteri tic that differentiate them from the re t of the animal . Your ance tor were a group of theropod din...

Common diseases in west highland white terrier

More known a we tie or we ty, thi breed, originally from cotland, tand out for having a lovely appearance that catche the attention of numerou dog lover : medium ize, a den e white coat and a weet exp...

How to cool the cat in the heat

Dome tic cat can al o uffer the con equence of heat during the hotte t month of the year. Licking them elve al o allow them to cool off, but thi i not enough to end the con equence of inten e heat, wh...