- Characteristics of heat in cats
- Characteristics of heat in cats
- Symptoms of heat in cats
- Symptoms of heat in male cats
- Symptoms of heat in cats
- Cat care during heat

Do you think your cat is in heat period? It is important that you know how to recognize when the animal is at this moment, to be able to understand its attitude and take care of it with the attention it needs.
Please note that the a cat's heat is different from a cat's, that's why, next, we'll show you the different characteristics according to the genre, to get a better understanding of your pet.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain everything about the heat of cats, characteristics, symptoms and necessary care.
Characteristics of heat in cats
Let's start by talking about the heat in cats, since it is the most complex and the one that shows the most obvious signs when they meet at this time. The first thing you should know is that heat periods happen at certain times of the year, moments in which the cat is predisposed to be fertilized by the male in order to procreate. But she will not allow the sexual encounter throughout the year, only when she is in heat.
A cat starts to have the first heat up to 6 or 9 months. If your cat has a short fur, she is likely to start heat earlier than female cats with longer fur (these cat breeds can delay heat for up to 15 months).
Bitches have heat more than once a year and with cats it's exactly the same. The hottest months and those in which the days are longer are the ones that favor the onset of heat (in spring and summer). During this time, the frequency of heat may increase and appear every two or three weeks. However, there is no rule that can help us know the frequency of heat in cats, because factors such as those explained below intervene:
- We have already mentioned that the breed of the feline influences a lot, as well as factors such as the weight and genetics.
- We have also already mentioned that in hot seasons heats are more frequent, this is because factors such as light and/or the weather.
- Cats can also have heat if they are in contact with others that they have it, this because they release pheromones that can provoke the appearance of the heat.
It is also important to know the phases in which the heat is divided in cats because, unlike cats, the heat of cats is much more concrete preparing the cat to be fertilized. At 3 phases are the following:
- before heat: these are the days before the onset of heat, when the reproductive organs begin to prepare to receive the male and welcome the young in the belly. During these days you will notice how the cat is more nervous and affectionate.
- heat: after 5 days, heat begins, when the cat is ready to receive the male. And if you don't, you'll spend the day crying, meowing and rubbing yourself on the floor to alleviate your instincts and also call the cat with your screams.
- Relaxation: if they do not meet, the cat will eventually relax and return to normalizing her reproductive system.

Characteristics of heat in cats
Estrus in cats is different from that in females in that it takes longer to begin with. It usually starts between 8 and 12 months and ends around 7 years. In addition, males do not have the heat cycles that we just explained in the case of female cats, because the cat is prepared to dock all year round. When they detect the odor that females give off with heat or hear their screams, cats get into heat also with the desire to meet them.
Although we have mentioned that there are no estrus cycles in males, the truth is that during the months of winter and autumn libido is lower than when good weather arrives. The environmental factor also has an influence on cats, but this does not mean that outside these seasons it does not react if it picks up the signal of a cat in heat.

Symptoms of heat in cats
Now that you know some of the characteristics of heat in cats, let's talk about the signs that will help you know when your pet is in heat. These symptoms are also different depending on the gender, so below we classify them depending on whether it is male or female.
Symptoms of heat in male cats
When it picks up the scent or screams of a female in heat, the cat will start to get the signs of heat that are recognizable because it will notice your cat more nervous, starting to meow more insistently, they can even reach tremble with excitement.
You may also notice that you urinate in places you do not use to do so, this is because you are marking territory to make it clear that this female is yours. And it is precisely this very territorial attitude and of marking territory that can make the animal become a bit more aggressive with other males.
Symptoms of heat in cats
Unlike what happens with bitches, cats do not bleed when they are ready to be fertilized. To find out if a cat is in heat, you should look at her attitude, which will be easily recognizable. a cat in heat will meow much more than usual, at times it may sound like you are screaming and your voice may be confused with that of a small child.
Also, you will see that if starts to rub in everything and in everyone, rubbing against the furniture and showing a affectionate attitude. It is also common that, if you caress your pet during this period, you will see how you put your body in the way you would to receive the male.

Cat care during heat
When you see that your cat or cat is in heat, you will have to pay more attention because you are more sensitive and in need of affection. Also, if you get distracted, you're likely to run away from home to look for a mate, so don't let your cat out of your sight. You should play with your cat, give her more pampering and attention, to make her feel calmer.
To protect her from the males that will come looking for her, at PeritoAnimal we recommend that you close the windows and doors, to make sure that the cat doesn't enter the house and the cat doesn't run away. To take care of your animal at these times and get it to stop suffering, a good way is to sterilization or castration.
There are no serious side effects resulting from this operation and, although the heat continues to exist (since it is a natural instinct), the cat will not go through these physical changes or this need to be fertilized. If you operate, you may have a tendency to put on weight, in addition to being calmer, so take care of your diet to ensure a healthy life.
In the case of males, neutering is also favorable as they will not have the instinct to fight other cats, in addition to preventing diseases such as feline leukemia or immunodeficiency syndrome. In this article by PeritoAnimal you can learn more about the benefits of neutering a cat.
If you are curious to know why cats make so much noise when they breed, read our article on this topic!