
Many people have doubts about how often it takes a dog to go outside, this because, although you can say a number of walks or a certain time, this is not a rule for all dogs.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will talk about the walking needs of dogs and we will also give you a series of very useful tips for you to apply them in this essential and basic routine.
Keep reading and find out how many times should you walk a dog.
dog walk
When a dog is still a puppy, it must take a walk to learn to urinate outdoors, relate to other people and other pets.
after the dog receive the first vaccines you are now ready to go out into the street and start learning what your adult routine will be like. It is important that before adopting a dog, think about whether you have time to dedicate to it, as well as a constancy to teach it everything it needs to know.
The time to teach to urinate outdoors will happen on several occasions that our little dog will not be able to stand it and will urinate inside our house. Don't worry, it's normal that it takes some getting used to. For this reason we must do a calculation how long our puppy will take to urinate again and anticipate his physical needs.
This calculation will depend on that particular dog, in any case rest assured, as the dog grows it will learn to control its needs.

Walking an adult dog
As soon as the dog knows how to take care of his needs outside the home, we must promote well-being in your daily routine, this prevents you from being unable to bear it and ending up urinating at home. Remember that you should never scold your dog if he has urinated a few hours before you get home.
It is important to understand that the walking needs will not be the same as, say, an Afghan Hound and a Westy, as they do not have the same walking pace and exercise needs. For this reason we can say that the daily activity of a dog will depend on the specific dog.
Anyway we must know that any dog, to be happy, must walk between 45 to 90 minutes daily, whether divided into two, three or four tours, this will depend on your availability. In addition, and thinking about your dog specifically, you should or not add exercise during the walk (letting go and playing with a ball is also a form of exercise).
If you are wondering whether to walk your dog before or after eating, read our article on this topic.

Walking an elderly dog
Elderly dogs still have the same ride needs than any other dog and even more so, once they reach old age they tend to drink a lot of fluids.
We recommend that, as soon as your dog is old, be sure to practice activities with him and, although he may not be able to take long walks and exercise, the elderly dog will be grateful to enjoy more walks, even if they are shorter.
During the walk, the elderly dog should be careful with heat strokes, as well as prevent other pets from playing abruptly with him. Remember that he is now more sensitive and must take care of him as he deserves.

Advice during the tour
Your dog's walk should be a his exclusive moment, dedicated to improving your quality of life, satisfying your needs and having a good time. For this reason, at PeritoAnimal, we would like to give you some advice to improve the quality of these tours, something that directly affects the animal's positive attitude:
- Don't take away the protagonism, this is the moment for your dog.
- Let yourself go, the dog will enjoy the walk better if he can decide where to go. Many people have the wrong idea that they must drive and control the ride. If you decide to do this, you can see how the attitude is more positive.
- Let your puppy smell the flowers, people, other pees and whatever else he wants, let him relax and allow him to be in his surroundings. Besides, he is vaccinated, there is no reason to be afraid.
- Let interact with other dogs if you notice that both have a positive attitude, he should be the one to decide if he wants to do it, don't force him if he doesn't want to.
- Look for an area where you can release it without a strap for at least 5 or 10 minutes.
- The duration of the tour is not so important, but the quality of it.
- The longest walk should be in the morning, the fewer dogs on the street, the more peaceful the walk will be.
- If you are in a region of woods and bushes, you can practice the searching, a technique that consists of spreading feed on the ground, especially in areas where there are stones and plants, so that they can look for and find them. This enhances the stimulation of the dog's sense of smell.