Types of flies: species and characteristics

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
15 Most Amazing Fly Species
Video: 15 Most Amazing Fly Species


It is estimated that there are around 1 million flies, mosquitoes and black flies in the world, and currently 12,000 live in Brazil, according to an article published by Agência FAPESP (Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo).[1] Despite being pests and vectors of pathogenic bacteria that cause serious diseases in certain circumstances, flies also have an environmental importance because, like bees, some of them are pollinating insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to differentiate them in order to identify the types of dangerous flies or understand their functions in nature. In this article by PeritoAnimal we selected 22 types of flies: species, characteristics and photos that will help you recognize them.

Types of flies

Flies are insects that belong to the order dipther of arthropods. Their common general physical characteristics are a pair of membranous wings, faceted eyes and the average size of up to 0.5cm, with the exception of giant flies. Another very well remembered peculiarity of these insects is their life cycle divided into 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult - and a relatively short lifespan, about a month.

A magnifying glass is essential to observe in detail the physical characteristics of most flies. Get to know some of them below:

House fly (House fly)

It's not difficult to come across a housefly out there and notice yours with the naked eye. multifaceted eyes and hinged ends that allow you to 'rub your hands'. One of the factors that differentiates the housefly from many types of flies cited in this article is its adaptation to urban areas. These insects thrive on decaying plant or animal organic matter, and hot weather accelerates and is more prone to housefly propagation. Not only that, a house fly can fly up to 18 km a day. City life made her resistant to many insecticides.

giant fly

At giant flies they are rarely seen species as they spend most of their life cycle in the larval stage, in ant nests. Their size and appearance often make these types of flies confused with wasps and hornets.

gauromydas heroes, the biggest fly in the world

This is biggest fly in the world and she is Brazilian. It is a big black fly enough to be mistaken for a wasp: it measures about 6 cm, has brown wings and orange antennae tips.

Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

The expression fruit fly, as we will see, does not refer to a type of fly, but to more than 4,000 species of flies from the Tephrity family. As suggested, the general characteristic of these types of flies is the use of fruits for their larval development, which makes them considered pests by many farmers.

South American fruit fly (Anastrepha fraterculus)

This is one of the species of fly that currently only exists in the Americas. In addition to the fact that they are attracted to fruit plantations, as the name reveals, the South American fruit fly is also identified as a yellow fly with dark spots on the body and wings, in addition to three light yellow stripes on the belly.


The blowflies are estimated to have appeared 22 million years ago on earth. Some species of blowflies are easily recognized by metallic tones throughout the body and presence in places with meat or garbage.

Berneira fly (Dermatobia hominis)

Among the types of flies, this is one of the species of blowfly that is well known in Brazil, due to the ectoparasitosis it transmits, the 'berne', which is also called this species. This blowfly can be perceived as a green fly, but is actually described as greyish-brown with dark metallic blue patches on the chest, measuring about 12 mm in length.

Beef Fly or Blue Varejeira (Calliphora vomitory)

This type of blue blowfly may be popularly known as meat fly because it is found in environments where meat, fresh or decaying, is exposed, whether in a kitchen or a dump. Visually she is recognized by her bluish and metallic tones and a yellowish head.

Others species of blowflies:

  • Chrysomya megacephala;
  • Cochliomyia hominivorax;
  • Lucilia exonerated;
  • Chrysomya albiceps;
  • Chrysomya rufifacies;
  • chrysomya prosecution.


The types of fly popularly known as horsefly or butuca are species belonging to the family of Tabanidae and gender Chrysops. these are stinging flies and this name comes, precisely, from Tupi [2], which means to poke or pierce. This sting, by the way, can hurt. Horseflies develop in environments with water, vegetation and humidity.

Depending on the species, its length can vary between 6 to 30 mm, while its wings are transparent and mottled. The body can appear in several colors: from emerald green to black. Despite daytime habits, a horsefly sting often causes discomfort and insomnia.

At species of horseflies best known are:

  • Tabanus sp.
  • bovine tabanus
  • Tabanus sudeticus
  • Tabanus bromius(photo), which is known to be a fly with stinger.

Bathroom fly (Psychoda or Telmatoscopus)

It doesn't take a genius to guess that this type of fly adapts very well to the humidity of the bathrooms. In Brazil, the most common types of bathroom flies belong to the genus Psychoda that, in fact, it's closer to mosquitoes than flies.

In general, in addition to their 'natural habitat', these little flies are also recognized as types of small flies as they usually measure around 2 mm. They look like a small moth: their body is robust, full of bristles, colors ranging from gray to brown, and wings with hairy lines.

At species of houseflies most common in Brazil are:

  • Alternata Psychoda;
  • Psychoda cinerea;
  • Psychoda satchelli;
  • Telmatocospus albipuncatus.

White fly

As in the case of the fruit fly, white fly is a term assigned to different species of insects that, unlike those mentioned above, do not belong to the order diptera. You whitefly types best known in Brazil are species belonging to the genus Aleyrodinae. In addition to the white appearance, a size of approximately 2mm, another striking feature of the whitefly species is the fact that they are plant hosts, which makes them considered pests by many farmers and gardeners.

Horn fly (Haematobia irritans irritans)

As the name announces, the horn fly is known for attacking cattle. Apparently, this species arrived in Brazil with the Europeans, in cattle exports, in the last century. As an adult, it can be identified by its brown color, small size, partially open wings and lowered head when it lands.

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