
How many days can I leave my cat alone at home?

Cat need a lot of care from their guardian , including affection and affection, a they are ocial animal . Often the pet i cho en preci ely for it independence, however we hould not be mi taken when le...

Care of a Maine Coon

The cat Maine Coon it i the large t dome tic cat, with adult male weighing from 7 to 11 kg. There are already ca e of pecimen that reached 20 kg. Thi breed of cat come from the United tate of America,...

Rhinitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

THE rhiniti in cat it i a relatively common i ue, often related to a viru that cau e re piratory problem , uch a herpe viru or caliciviru . But, a we will ee in thi PeritoAnimal article, there are eve...

Feeding of prematurely weaned puppies

Brea tfeeding i e ential for the dog, not only becau e it i a ource of food, but al o a ource of bacteria that will initiate the colonization of it dige tive y tem and a ource of antibodie . In fact, ...

funny names for dogs

Choo ing a dog' name i a very important moment, a your dog will have thi name all hi life. Of cour e you want to choo e the be t and coole t name for your dog and that doe n't mean it ha to be...

Why does the dog bark at some people and not others?

If you hare your home and everyday life with a dog, you've probably noticed that dog bark at ome people, while other don't eem to intere t you at all. If you've ever been in thi ituation w...

Toxic Christmas Plants for Cats and Dogs

During Chri tma our hou e i full of dangerou object for our pet , including the decoration of the Chri tma tree it elf. However, plant can al o be a danger to them.In fact, there are toxic Chri tma pl...

how to train a dog

Dog training i more than a learning proce for the dog, it i a practice that trengthen the relation hip between dog and tutor, making you know and interact more with your pet. Training al o allow commu...

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine

Everyone who ha a feline friend know perfectly well that their urine i n't the mo t fragrant in the univer e. When cat pee where they houldn't, we can mell a trong ammonia-like odor in their u...

how to scare off pigeons

De pite their harmle appearance, the e bird can tran mit di ea e that are dangerou to human . They may have lice hidden in their feather , carry bacteria and leave dropping wherever they are, o it'...

Toucan feeding

Toucan are bird characterized by having a well-developed beak and above all colorful. They are arboreal bird , which have a traight, trong beak and a very long tongue. The paw have four toe , two toe ...

How many teeth does a shark have?

In the planet' eco y tem it i common to find pecie that are at the top when we talk about predation within the e habitat and, in the ca e of the ocean , hark undoubtedly play thi role. The e anima...

Aloe vera for cats with leukemia

Cat are trong dome tic animal but are equally u ceptible to variou di ea e , ome of them very eriou , uch a feline leukemia, a viral di ea e that directly affect the immune y tem and unfortunately ha ...

Advantages of Adopting an Adult Cat

Adopting a pet i a deci ion that cannot be taken lightly. All family member mu t agree with the arrival of the animal at home, and commit to the re pon ibility that entail the care and compliance with...


O Goldendoodle i one of the mo t popular hybrid dog breed , a are the Labradoodle, Maltipoo and Peekapoo. Have you ever heard of any of them? In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain detail of t...

How to massage the cat

Although cat have an unfair reputation for being unloving animal , the truth i that our feline companion can enjoy enormou ly from the ma age we offer them. E pecially if we want to trengthen our bond...

Cold Blooded Animals - Examples, Characteristics and Trivia

In the animal world, there are everal way for pecie to en ure their urvival. Adapting to the eco y tem i crucial. Even in imilar environment , each pecie ha it own mechani m for en ure your urvival. O...


The dog bobtail it wa born in the we t of England, during the 19th century, when it wa u ed a a heepdog for it great abilitie . It origin i unknown although ource claim that it ha it origin in the anc...

Exercise for an American Akita

The ance tor of the American Akita were u ed for hunting bear and unfortunately, they were later u ed a fighting dog , hence their robu t tructure and great trength. However, the behavior of thi dog m...

Cat Gastritis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

THE ga triti it i one of the mo t common ga trointe tinal di ea e among dome tic feline . It i characterized by a ga tric muco al inflammation which can be acute or chronic. Ga triti affect cat of all...