Rhinitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 5 March 2025
Why is your cat sneezing?  Symptoms, diagnosing, and treating upper respiratory infections
Video: Why is your cat sneezing? Symptoms, diagnosing, and treating upper respiratory infections


THE rhinitis in cats it is a relatively common issue, often related to a virus that causes respiratory problems, such as herpesvirus or calicivirus. But, as we will see in this PeritoAnimal article, there are several causes behind rhinitis, to the point that it can be difficult to reach a diagnosis.

If we notice that our cat has persistent nasal discharge, we should go to the vet as he may be suffering from rhinitis and/or sinusitis. Keep reading to find out how to identify if your cat has rhinitis and what to do.

Symptoms of rhinitis in cats

Rhinitis is a nasal cavity inflammation. The nasal region, which starts in the nostrils that we can see from the outside, continues into the nasal cavity, which occupies what we see from the outside as the muzzle, and extends to connect with the throat and sinuses. Their inflammation is called sinusitis and it is common to occur in rhinitis, as well as other problems in the respiratory tract or ear, because of the connection that all these systems have.

The prominent symptoms of rhinitis are runny nose and sneezing, but there may also be breath sounds. The characteristics of the secretion can help us to establish the diagnosis.

Causes of rhinitis in cats

As we've already said, the viral infections are often behind rhinitis. The viruses cause rhinitis and other symptoms such as a discharge from the eyes, coughing, or anorexia. In addition, herpesvirus and calicivirus remain in the body, even if the cat appears healthy, and in situations where there is a decrease in defenses, it is easy for these viruses to produce symptoms again, which can lead to chronic rhinitis in cats.

You feline immunodeficiency virus and leukemia can also be involved in nasal infections. Another serious cause of rhinitis is fungi such as Cryptococcus, which are responsible for fungal rhinitis in cats and can also form granulomas. In these cases, the nasal secretion may appear only in one of the orifices, as in cases of polyps or tumors.

Tumors appear especially in cats over ten years of age, and adenocarcinoma stands out. They may also explain the occurrence of rhinitis in which the discharge is unilateral and sometimes bloody. On the other hand, dental problems or oronasal fistulas can also lead to feline rhinitis. It should be noted that when there is a growth, whether polyp, tumor or abscess, it is possible that we notice that our cat's face becomes deformed.

Other causes of rhinitis in cats are allergies, the presence in the nasal cavity of foreign bodies that cause irritation or trauma, such as a fall from a great height or being run over. In addition, bacterial infections can complicate any of these situations, producing a purulent discharge.

How to Diagnose Rhinitis in Cats

If we notice that our cat has a nasal discharge that does not disappear, we should go to the vet. This secretion makes the cat's sense of smell difficult, so it may lose interest in food, which will aggravate the situation. Finding the cause of feline rhinitis is not always easy and sometimes it is necessary. carry out cultures to know what kind of infection we're facing, rhinoscopy, to see the state of the nasal cavity and detect the presence of polyps, tumors or foreign bodies, as well as to take samples or radiographs to assess the bone structures.

For complicated cases, exams are used. magnetic resonance or tomography computerized to examine the sinuses. If the cat has more symptoms such as anorexia or decomposition, it is advisable to have a blood test to get information about its general condition and the possible presence of infections that can be diagnosed with specific tests.

How to cure rhinitis in cats

Treatment of rhinitis in cats it will depend on the cause:

  • If we are facing a bacterial infection, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, broad-spectrum or specific if we have done a culture.
  • If the rhinitis is caused by fungi, the treatment of choice will be antifungal. In either case, they must be administered for weeks.
  • Polyps may require surgery, as if we were facing a tumor, which can also be treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  • In dental problems, extraction of the affected teeth is usually necessary.
  • In viral cases, which will be very numerous, immune system stimulants can be tried. Antibiotics are also prescribed to control secondary bacterial infections.

We must know that the rhinitis can become chronic, in which case the treatment will be guided to treat the symptoms so that the cat has a good quality of life. Therefore, self-medication of the cat is never a good idea, as the administration of an inappropriate drug can seriously worsen the animal's condition.

Now that you know which cat has rhinitis, have seen its types and learned about the different types of treatment, don't miss this other article where we explain why a cat can have a lot of cheesy. In the following video, you will learn about the 10 most common diseases in cats:

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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