how to train a dog

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 5 March 2025
Dog Training 101: How to Train ANY DOG the Basics
Video: Dog Training 101: How to Train ANY DOG the Basics


Dog training is more than a learning process for the dog, it is a practice that strengthens the relationship between dog and tutor, making you know and interact more with your pet. Training also allows communication between you to become easier and the animal to understand more easily what you expect.

Know how to train a dog it is a basic process that allows for a harmonious coexistence between all members of the family, including the dog. Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to learn about the best dog training tricks.

what is to train

in the dictionary[1] training means becoming capable of something, preparing, training, among others. In the animal world it is common to talk about dog training as it is a pet education process. Know how to train a dog it is one of the most important care with the furry, as fundamental as vaccinations, deworming, walks or offering water and food to the pet, for example.

How to train my dog ​​and why do I do it?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Dogs, like children, need to be educated to know how to behave. It is a process that requires constancy, patience, organization and practice.

Training a dog can be done with the aim of making him learn the rules of the house and teach him tricks, such as pawing or lying down. In other cases, dogs can be trained to be police dogs, fire dogs, guide dogs, among others.

At PeritoAnimal we support the training process according to the techniques of positive reinforcement. This method consists of, as the name implies, reinforcing positive behaviors, that is, those you intend to teach. For example, you should reward, pet or congratulate if your dog has peed in the right place.

Check out our YouTube video about how to teach the dog to sit according to positive reinforcement:

positive reinforcement

As we mentioned earlier, PeritoAnimal supports positive reinforcement as a method of training dogs. Correct canine training cannot be based, on any occasion, on methods of punishment. This method consists of rewarding the dog with specific treats for dogs, affection and even kind words when it shows proper behavior, when it responds well to an order or simply when it is calm and calm. This allows the dog positively associate a certain behavior. Don't punish your puppy for what he does wrong, reward him for what he does well.

Check out our video about the 5 most common mistakes when scolding a dog:

Constant physical and verbal signals

When educating a dog you should always use the same words and gestures, in this way the dog understands perfectly what you expect from him, besides helping him to remember more easily.

On the other hand, if the gestures and words aren't always the same, the dog will be confused and won't know exactly what you're asking for. They should be simple signals and the tone of voice should always be firm. Using body language will help in the future if your puppy is suffering from hearing problems.

See what are the 6 key points to train a puppy on our YouTube video:

Work with a mentally and physically healthy dog

While it sounds obvious, training a dog when he is tired, aching, sick, or stressed is ineffective. It can even worsen the dog's condition and will only cause a bad atmosphere between you.

In addition, it is very important that you consult a veterinarian or an ethologist if your dog suffers any kind of problem, this will help him to improve the quality of life and start practicing all kinds of activities.

Check out our YouTube video as 10 things that make your dog stressed:

Train your dog in a quiet place

In order to know how to effectively train a dog, it is essential that your dog is free from distractions, as this is the only way in which he will be able to fully focus on you and what you are teaching.

Avoid excessive external stimuli such as street noise or the presence of other dogs, as they can distract you. Start the exercises when he is relaxed and in a completely peaceful environment.

Check out an example in our video about how to teach the dog to sleep in the bed:

Dog training in different situations

In order for the training process to have all the expected results, it is very important that you practice the exercises with your puppy, in different situations, when he has already assimilated.

If your puppy always obeys the order "sit" in the kitchen, it may be that he gets confused and that when he is out of that environment he doesn't recognize him or believe he understands that he should do so.

It is for this reason that should train him in different environments, likewise it is very important for your learning that you vary the order of the exercises.

See our YouTube video how to teach the dog to lie down in the park:

dog socialization

One of the tasks of training is the socialization of the dog, that is, making your pet sociable and able to live with any type of person and animal. For example, if you live in a house with cats, it is essential that all the animals get along well, maintaining a harmonious and peaceful environment.

To know how to introduce a dog and a cat in just 5 steps, see our video:

how to train puppy puppy

Have you ever wondered "when can I start training a puppy" and how should I do it? Well then, puppies must be educated in three different stages after all, like humans, the learning process also varies with age..

In the first stage, at around 7 weeks of age, you should teach him how to control the bite, where to need it, not to cry while being alone, respecting others' space and where to sleep. In the second stage, around 3 months, you teach him to do his needs outside the home and to walk around. Lastly, from 6 months onwards, you can teach him more complex orders how to give the paw.

To learn more about how to teach a dog to paw, Look: