- dog getting blue eye
- dog's eye turning white
- Dogs born blind
- How to tell if the dog is blind
- blind dog can be cured

Vision is extremely important to us humans, and so we are compelled to think that the sense of sight is most important to dogs as well. However, for dogs the senses of smell and hearing are much more important, and vision ends up in the background.
Therefore, blind dogs can adapt very well to their environment if the tutor acquires certain cares and is always trying to think about animal welfare so that he has a comfortable and pain-free life. As the organ of vision is extremely sensitive, any changes in the eyes should be thoroughly evaluated by a veterinarian, preferably a specialist in veterinary ophthalmology.
However, gradual signs of blindness can be noticed by the tutor when the dog has eyes turning white or blue. So, look now, at PeritoAnimal, how to know if your dog is blind and if there is a cure.
dog getting blue eye
When puppies start to become blind, this can have several reasons. It can be a normal sign that the dog is reaching old age, and it can also be a cause and consequence of more serious diseases, which led the dog to go blind, such as kidney failure in chronic kidney disease, which causes a deficiency in the animal's metabolism or a degenerative disease, in both blindness is a consequence that cannot be avoided. as the causes that cause the dog to go blind they can be quite different, the ideal is a good veterinary evaluation, as systemic diseases, that is, those that attack the dog's system as a whole, such as Ehrlichiosis (the famous tick disease), Babesiosis, Toxoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, Leishmaniasis and others , can cause blindness.
The eyes are responsible for, in addition to capturing the image and transmitting it to the brain, controlling the passage of light, and other very important eye segments have the function of controlling intraocular pressure, where a slight change in eye pressure can damage the eyes, sometimes permanently, leaving the animal blind.
When the dog is turning blue eye, it is not necessarily a sign that he is blind, but if nothing is done, blindness can be a final and irreversible consequence. This blushing of the eyes or any other color change, indicates inflammation in one of the layers of the eye (anatomically called vascular tunic) and is called uveitis. It can be caused by bacterial and viral infections, traumas that need not be just eye trauma, but of any kind, and even problems in the production of tears which lead to corneal dryness and subsequent inflammation of the eye. In these cases, vision is slightly affected as it can occur in only 1 of the eyes, however, eliminating the cause of inflammation, the dog has a great chance of not getting sequelae. Because of this, veterinary monitoring is extremely important.
dog's eye turning white
When the dog's eyes are turning white, it means the dog may have a disease called cataract, very common for us humans. In cataracts, the dog is not blind overnight, or suddenly, but gradually and slowly, and the whiteness of the eyes is also gradual. At first, the guardian may often not notice, or see only a light and thin white and opaque layer, with a doughy milk aspect, in the animal's eyes and in these cases the animal is not completely blind despite having part of the vision compromised, until more advanced levels of the disease leave the dog's eye completely white, and then yes, it turns out that the dog is completely blind.
Like inflammation, this disease can occur in only 1 of the eyes, or in 2, and contrary to popular belief, cataracts do not cause excruciating pain to the animal, but it can be uncomfortable. In addition, there are several types of the disease and a good veterinary evaluation by an ophthalmologist must be obtained, because depending on the type of cataract, blindness is reversible. Do not use any medication or eye drops on your own, much less human eye drops on your dog, as you can make the problem worse.
Dogs of the Golden Retriever, Schnauzer, Yorkshire terrier and Cocker Spaniel breeds are the most likely to develop cataracts. And, it can also affect cats. To learn more about Cataracts in cats - symptoms and treatment PeritoAnimal has prepared another article for you.
Equally likely to develop cataracts are the dogs affected with diabetes mellitus, Cushing's disease and hypertension.

Dogs born blind
Sometimes, the puppy can be born blind from a malformation and the puppy ends up being born without the organs of sight. It may also happen that the problem is in the cells that capture the images in the eyes and in these cases, the pup appears to be normal, even with the apparently normal eye color, which can make it difficult for the tutor to notice, as pups that are born blind they adapt better to the conditions around them, as their sense of smell and hearing will be very well developed.
The reasons for the dog to be born blind can be as diverse as poor childbirth conditions or difficulty in giving birth, mother's malnutrition and worms, hereditary diseases like diabetes, or contagious diseases, besides, there is also the question of human cruelty.
How to tell if the dog is blind
To find out if the dog is blind in one eye, or in both eyes, partially or totally, we have some tips for you. If you are suspicious, watch your pet's behavior.
Among some behavioral changes that your pet may present, which allow know if the dog is blind, they are:
- The dog bumps into furniture or objects sometimes or constantly.
- The dog misses jumps it used to do with ease.
- The dog avoids going out and exploring environments it is not used to.
- The dog constantly rubs his eyes and blinks.
- Blurry, inflamed or discolored eyes.
- Watery eyes with discharge. Some dog breeds are more likely to shed more tears, but excess and purulent discharge is not normal.
If you notice any of these changes, take your pet to an eye specialist for a better assessment of the problem.
blind dog can be cured
After the diagnosis, to find out if your blind dog is curable, talk to your veterinarian, because it will depend on the degree of blindness and what disease led the dog to acquire this condition. As in humans, cataracts, for example, can be operated depending on the stage of development it is in, and the dog can have vision return.
However, if the blindness is irreversible, it does not mean that it is the end of the world, as dogs adapt very well, especially if the loss of vision has been gradual. The older the dog, the more difficult it can be for him to adapt, and possibly some changes in the dog's and guardian's routine may be necessary, always preserving and thinking about the animal's welfare.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.