Dry nose on the dog, is it bad?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Dog Dry Nose: What Does It Mean?
Video: Dog Dry Nose: What Does It Mean?


There are some aspects of our puppies that we still don't know about, some even worry us, such as dry nose. It is very common to ask the question whether a dog's dry nose is bad, as the popular conception says that a dog should always have a nose a little wet and that a dry, hot nose means a sick nose.

The reality is that in most cases the reasons for a dry nose have nothing to do with your dog's health. Most of the time you won't have to worry too much. Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article where we will answer you if the dry nose in the dog is bad.

Why does my dog ​​have a dry nose?

A fully healthy dog's nose can vary throughout the day, from wet to sex, several times. There are few times when you need to worry if your puppy has a dry nose, for example, chronic dry nose accompanied by cracks, scabs and sores, but most of the time it doesn't pose a problem. Next, we explain why puppies can have dry nose:

  • If your dog's nose dries up during sleep, this is totally normal. When he takes his naps he stops licking his nose, and this makes the nasal moisture go away. For peace of mind, watch his nose 10 minutes after he wakes up. You will see how it returns to its normal state.
  • There are dogs that are allergic plastic, or other materials and even certain foods. Maybe your puppy is one of them and your nose gets irritated and dry when you play with your toys, eat food from your plate or drink from a water source. Allergy to some material or food can be expressed through allergic reactions, in this case through a dry nose. Consult your veterinarian if you notice your nose dry daily.
  • the dogs with pink noses or paler are more susceptible to sunburn. If your dog drops sunbathing, it's possible that his nose will dry out to the point of burning. Be careful with this, because if it is too frequent it can lead to skin conditions and even cancer. You should be aware of signs of the skin: red nose or in the process of desquamation. In these cases, remember to apply sun creams recommended by the veterinarian.

Other problems associated with dry nose

  • If your dog is too close to a heat source or lives in a room with poor air circulation, it is normal to dry his nose. This often happens during the winter season, when puppies love to stay close to the heat or places where the temperature is kept. Hot air can not only dry out your dog's nose, it can also cause cracks. You can apply a little petroleum jelly, shea butter, coconut oil or olive oil to help moisten.
  • your dog don't drink enough water. Like people, when an animal does not have enough fluid in its body, it dehydrates, starting in the nose and moving on to the kidneys and other body systems. The problem is that if you don't hydrate you can go into shock. It is very important for your puppy to drink water. Have a fresh, clean water source available for your dog at all times.
  • There are some health problems that can cause your dog's nose to dry out, such as dropping his defenses. It can also happen in dogs that suffer from parvovirus or distemper.

In any case, remember that dry nose is not always a sign of illness, however if it happens frequently and you notice other signs that accompany dry nose (such as flaking or sores) go to the vet right away.