- Names for pet parrots
- Names for male birds
- Names for female birds
- Names to put on parrot
- cool names for parrots

The names maritaca, maitaca, baitaca, maita, cocota, are common names given to birds belonging to the order Psittaciformes. The name people give them depends on the region and generally often refers to all parrots smaller than parrots.
There are several types of parrot, such as blue-head parrot, green parrot, purple parrot, red-breasted parrot, etc.
As people call this name to different parrots, we can be talking about birds that belong to the genus Pionus or to gender Aratinga. If you have adopted one of these beautiful birds, known for their beauty and intelligence, PeritoAnimal has a list of names for parrot. Keep reading!
Names for pet parrots
More and more people in Brazil are opting for a pet that is different from the usual dog or cat. Parrots have increased in popularity in recent years and it is becoming more common to have one. pet parrot. Captive breeding of parrots in Brazil is quite common but unfortunately many birds continue to be illegally captured in their natural habitat.
The number of abandoned birds has also increased. Many people don't think about the responsibility of adopting one of these birds and, when they realize the noise and dirt they can make, they abandon it. most captive bred birds does not know how to survive alone in the wild and ends up dying. Those that manage to survive can harm native birds in the area where they were released due to natural competition and disease transmission.
Because we know it's difficult to choose a name for a new pet, the Animal Expert created a list of names forpet parrots.

Names for male birds
If your parrot is a male and you are specifically looking for one name for male birds, we chose these here:
- Angel
- Blue
- Bart
- Bambi
- Beethoven
- bill
- birdy
- Biscuit
- boy
- BonBon
- Bruce
- cute
- Captain
- Charlie
- chico
- Cleo
- dino
- Phylum
- Fred
- Freud
- Felix
- gaspar
- greenie
- homer
- indie
- Jani
- joca
- Kiwi
- Lee
- Lemon
- Lolo
- lupi
- Max
- merlin
- porridge
- Mr. Chicken
- Nuno
- oscar
- olav
- oliver
- Paddy
- Pace
- pashi
- pickle
- piteus
- Goofy
- drop
- pablo
- River
- skittles
- Sunny
- Titus
- Tweety
- Xavier
- Zeus
- Joe

Names for female birds
If what you are looking for are names for female birds, we also thought of a list of names. Some are more popular names, others famous and some are even funny:
- Aiden
- Anita
- Arizona
- Attila
- aya
- Baby
- Barbie
- blue
- Cookie
- cute
- Cherri
- Cindy
- Dara
- daisy
- Dema
- owner
- Philomena
- Flute
- gaia
- gig
- Gucci
- gutta
- Jade
- jaden
- Jurema
- Katy
- Kelly
- Kiara
- Kiki
- Kikita
- Lilly
- lissu
- Lucy
- lucky
- Lupita
- mary
- mimi
- missy
- Nataly
- Nana
- Nelly
- Kite
- pinky
- Pita
- tuca
- Rita
- Roxy
- Rudy
- Sabrina
- Samantha
- Sandy
- sydney
- Silly
- Small bell
- Victory
- I lived
- Zita

Names to put on parrot
You still haven't found the names to put in parrot what were you looking for? We thought of a list of names inspired by birdsfamous. See if you can recognize all these famous characters, maybe the children around the house can do it faster:
- Albu
- Loving
- Blu
- Bobby
- Crane
- Dave
- Donald
- duckula
- chicken
- Garibaldo
- Kevin
- Lake
- Bro
- Nigel
- Roadrunner
- Daffy
- Tweet tweet
- Ping pong
- pingu
- Ramón
- Avenger
- woodstock
- ski
- Zazu

cool names for parrots
Did you think this list had cool names for parrots? If you still haven't found the ideal name, PeritoAnimal has a list of names for cockatiel and a list of names for parrots that can help you in your choice.
If you would like your parrot to learn her name, try privileging names with the vowels "I" and "E". These vowels are easier to "whistle" and facilitate the bird's learning.
Share with us what name you chose for your parrot! If you are not one of this list you can even help other people to choose too.