Cat Flea: How to Identify, Causes and Solutions

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
How To Get Rid Of Fleas Fast, Cheap and Easy 🙀 Learn Secrets How to Treat Your Cat Kitten and Home
Video: How To Get Rid Of Fleas Fast, Cheap and Easy 🙀 Learn Secrets How to Treat Your Cat Kitten and Home


If you have one or more cats at home, you may know that this is a common problem, both in cats with outdoor access and in cats that don't go out. Like any feline condition, the fleas on cats should be prevented, but if it's too late for that, there are several solutions to minimize your pet's discomfort and end the infestation. If you want to know everything about this parasite, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article about cat fleas and learn how to identify them, their causes and solutions.

what is cat flea

Cat flea is a very irritating parasite that feeds on cats' blood, spreads very easily and can carry various diseases, both to pets and even to humans. Therefore, it is vital that the owners of these animals know how to identify them as soon as possible so that they can soon eradicate them from the bodies of their cats.

When a cat is itchy, if it is observed to be itchy a lot, keepers should be vigilant if something goes wrong. One of the most common reasons for this itch is the presence of fleas, a very popular parasite that causes great discomfort. illnesses.

Causes of fleas in cats

As a general rule, cats get fleas infested when they come into contact with already infested animals. However, in some cases, the contagion does not occur from animal to animal, but through synthetic fabrics or natural skins, such as rugs, mattresses and blankets, where the fleas are waiting for a new guest.

The adult flea usually doesn't change cats - it always stays the same - and feeds on blood. However, they spread very fast, because females lay about 30 eggs a day.

Eggs are installed in the animal's environment, on objects such as the scratching table or on furniture such as the sofa, which is why it is so important to stop infestations: not only to fight fleas on the animal, but also to eliminate eggs and larvae that can be found anywhere in the environment.

How to identify cat fleas

Most of the time, it's difficult to locate these parasites due to their tiny size, so the behavior of the animal must be carefully observed. The main symptom in cats is the itching caused by the infestation: because of this itching, the animal will be uncomfortable, anxious, upset, irritated, scratching frequently, licking itself and even biting itself. These actions can even cause hair loss or sores in some areas.

Owners should be aware and, when they notice any of these symptoms, they should inspect their cats. If they find any flea samples, there is no doubt about it, but, as already pointed out, it can be quite tricky given the small size of the pest. In that case, you can discover themsearching the signs that the flea leaves on your pet.

The cat should be placed on a clear, smooth surface, such as a bathtub, to recognize flea droppings that fall from the coat, and it should be hairstyle carefully with a flea remover. If your cat has fleas, you will be able to spot black dots on the comb or the floor of the bathtub.

To find out if it's flea droppings, just collect it in a white handkerchief and dampen it. If the dots dissolve and appear red spots on the handkerchief will undoubtedly be flea droppings, as these red stains are due to the blood that the fleas suck from the cat that has not yet been digested.

Cat flea-associated diseases

As uncomfortable as they are, fleas are dangerous because they carry various diseases.

First of all, the cat can develop anemia due to significant blood loss if infested for a long time. Likewise, habitual itching may increase if the cat has a allergic reaction to flea saliva.

On the other hand, there is a Feline infectious anemia called hemobartonellosis, caused by bacteria of the Mycoplasma family (Hemobartonella felis). Fleas are transmitters of these bacteria that damage the animal's red blood cells.

Likewise, these same bacteria cause bartonellosis, which can be transmitted to people through a scratch or by coming into contact with any wound.

Lastly, fleas can also have eggs from tapeworm. In this case, if the cat ingests fleas when it licks, the eggs reach the intestine and the tapeworms (parasites) develop in the intestine and take develop inside the cat's body.

How to get rid of fleas on cats

Fleas should be removed from the cat as soon as possible so that the infestation does not grow and cause the aforementioned diseases. To get rid of parasites, you must treat the animal and its environment.

To eliminate fleas in cats, there are several products like antiparasitic pipettes, sprays and collars. There are also pills that are effective for a certain period of time. The animal's owner can choose the means that he/she considers most suitable or those that the veterinarian indicates in the most serious cases.

With regard to the treatment of the environment, a thorough cleaning must be done to eliminate eggs and larvae, ensuring that they do not infest the animal again. Carpets and blankets should be washed at a minimum of 60°C and vacuumed regularly. The guardian can also treat the environment and all surfaces the cat usually encounters with. antiparasitic sprays.

Don't forget that it's not just the animal's health that's compromised, as fleas pass easily to people, although they're usually specialized in one type of host - that's why there are cat fleas and dog fleas, which are beings. different parasites.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.