How to get the Persian cat out of knots

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
How To Remove Mats From Cat Fur
Video: How To Remove Mats From Cat Fur


One of the main features of the Persian cat its long, soft fur. But, the truth is that to keep it beautiful, shiny and healthy we have to spend time taking care of it with regular brushing and bathing.

The Persian cat, due to its calm and relaxed character, will let itself be brushed without any problem. In addition, it is usually a very vain and sociable cat.

Regardless of the reason your cat has matted its fur, in this article by PeritoAnimal we will give you some beauty advice so that you know how to get the persian cat out of knots.

Take us out of step by step

As mentioned before, it is very important to follow the care of the Persian cat to keep it soft and free of tangles. If we don't do it properly, the first knots can start to appear. If this is your case, don't worry, we'll give you a simple step-by-step guide to eliminate them.

Necessary materials:

  • Comb
  • dry conditioner

Steps to follow:

Before you start, and especially if you are the first to do this, you should know that cats are very special animals that won't let you do everything you want. Do this in a positive way (may include treats) so that the animal is relaxed and doesn't run away in fear.

  1. While stroking him, start palpating the entire fur without hurting him, the ideal is to look for another possible knot and identify the size of the knot.
  2. A little excessively, dry conditioner on top of your Persian cat's fur and follow the product's instructions. After the application time, the hair should be smoother and less dense.
  3. Once the application time has passed, you should brush the animal's hair with the comb carefully. This is the trickiest part, as the cat doesn't usually handle the hair pulling well. Try to hurt him as little as possible.
  4. Start combing the most superficial layer of the knot, never try to undo it from the inside. You can follow the direction of the fur, for example, to guide you through this process.
  5. You may be able to undo a part of the knot, but inside, which is much drier, it remains the same with a knot. Reapply conditioner.

Once you get to this point, you should be able to untie your cat's fur without a problem, but if you see that it is too tangled, go to the next section.

Last option: cut the hair

If your cat's knot is impossible to brush you will have to cut it. Don't worry if you do it properly and carefully you can do it yourself at home, although if you get a little scared, the best thing is to go to a professional place like an animal beauty center.

Necessary materials:

  • Comb
  • Scissors
  • clipper

Steps to follow:

  1. if your cat have only one node or are in isolated places from each other, you should use scissors. Start by looking for the knot to cut to determine how far it is from the skin and calculate well what you are going to do.
  2. Look for someone who can help you. If your cat moves it can be really dangerous, so you shouldn't do this alone.
  3. Start by cutting little by little. It's preferable to cut unless you end up hurting the poor animal. Start at the top of the knot and work your way up until the knot is practically cut.
  4. Use a comb if you see that it can be untangled easily.
  5. If, on the contrary, your cat have many knots or these are too close to the skin you will have to use the electric machine.
  6. Look for someone who knows how to use this instrument. While you may believe it's pretty easy, if you've never done it before, it could hurt your beloved Persian cat.
  7. Carefully scrape the knot areas with the help of another person.

Now that you've managed to free your Persian cat from the knots you should have something clear: you can prevent the knots from reappearing. Learn how to groom your cat in the next section.

Prevent the Persian cat's knots from appearing again

To prevent the Persian cat from suffering from knots in its fur, it will need two things: brushing and bathing. Bear in mind that not all products are ideal for your specific case, you should use products with a minimum quality.

  • Shampoo and conditioner: Of course, they must be specific products for cats, but you should also look for some with specific characteristics, for example: for white cats, extra softening or with intense shine. Look for the perfect one for your Persian cat.

Bathe your Persian cat monthly to prevent the dirt from tying your pretty fur back into knots.

  • brushes: Although it would be useful to have three types of brushes (combs, brushes and brush) knowing how to use them correctly, you can settle for a brush with metal bristles with protected ends.

Brush your cat's fur every day or every other day to keep you healthy and free from knots. Do not forget any part of your body and do it with care and delicacy.

Do not hesitate to visit the Gray Persian Cat image gallery if you think this breed is one of the most beautiful in the world. In addition to beautiful photographs find trivia who perhaps did not know about the past of this breed.

Have you recently adopted a cat of this breed? See our article on names for Persian cats.