Mange in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
Mange in Cats: Symptoms, Causes, Signs of Mange, Diagnosis and How to Prevent Mange in Cats
Video: Mange in Cats: Symptoms, Causes, Signs of Mange, Diagnosis and How to Prevent Mange in Cats


scabies is a skin disease, caused by a microscopic ectoparasite that can occur in different species of animals, including humans, and exists all over the world. It is infected by contact, produces a series of symptoms that make it easily recognizable and usually has an easy solution.

When we detect any symptoms in our pets, we must quickly go to the veterinarian to carry out the necessary tests and act as soon as possible. In this PeritoAnimal article we will explain what you need to know about mange in cats - symptoms and treatments. Good reading!

What kind of mange affects cats and what parasites produce them?

Focusing on domestic animals, we have the following most common types of scab:

  • THE notohedral mange, produced by Cati Notoheders, sit appears in cats. Hence, it is known as feline mange.
  • THE otodectic mange or from the ears, produced by the mite Cynotis Otodects. It appears mainly in cats and occasionally in dogs.
  • THE cheilletheelosis, can be confused with dandruff, but if you look closely you can see how the mites move. Produced by Cheyletella Spp. It appears mainly in cats and is less common in dogs.
  • THE demodectic mange or "black scab", originated by the Demodex Cati. Appears mostly in dogs (Demodex Kennels), but it can occasionally appear in cats.

Is there any breed more prone to scabies?

Not, there is no greater propensity for one or another race to contract scabies. In other words, any domestic feline of any breed and even of any age can have mange as long as it is not prevented or treated.

How is scabies spread in cats

The contagion of mange in cats always occurs by the contact with direct contact with another infected animal with mites responsible for it, or for objects that the animal can touch or use. Feline mange, or notohedral mange, is extremely contagious...

For this reason, you should always pay a lot attention to contact that your cat may have with other animals that may be infected, whether they live indoors, but have contact with another animal, or live or have constant access to the outdoors.

If you discover that one of your animals has mange, you should immediately isolate it, ie, separate the sick animal of the animals and start with the scabies treatment (prescribed by the veterinarian), preventing any part or object from coming into contact with other animals. It will be necessary to disinfect beds, feeders, blankets and toys that the animal has touched that may contain the mites that cause scabies.

Very rarely do the different types of mange in cats pass to humans, except the cheilletiolosis, these yes can pass to humans although they affect us in a lighter way.

Symptoms of mange in cats

As there are different types of scabies caused by different types of mites, the symptoms can be very different. However, mange in cats presents the following as the most common and easily recognizable symptoms:

  • restlessness. Our pet cannot be quiet or lie down to rest due to the discomfort caused by the mites.
  • Itch excessive, especially on the head and ears, which are the regions most attacked by scabies. this itch produces a lot of licks in the affected areas.
  • hair loss in the affected regions.
  • Redness of the skin and inflammation of the region, accompanied by eczema and scaling of the affected skin.
  • sores and scabs. After uncontrolled scratching and licking, wounds and scabs are produced that can become easily infected, so it is very important to follow the scabies treatment indicated by the veterinarian.
  • In the case of ear mange in cats, as it affects the inside of the ear, we find an excess of dark wax which can result in otitis. In the extreme case of the animal's lack of control, it can cause bleeding or bleeding in the ears and even perforation of the eardrum.

Prevention and treatment of mange in cats

The best way to prevent scabies is through good hygiene the place where the cat lives and avoid the pet's contact with other infected animals. The cat must also be dewormed and have a balanced diet.

Treatment for scabies can be done in different ways, it depends on the type of scabies and the situation of the animal. The treatment of notohedral scabies, for example, requires bathing with specific products or it can also be through some oral medication, pipettes or injectables and can last from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the medication.[1]

Here are some examples of cat mange remedies that can be purchased at specialty stores or from veterinarians:

  • Pipette or spot-on. External application. Some products and brands are: Revolution 6%, Advantix, Frontline, Advocate, Stonghold, etc. Its application is usually monthly, but we must follow the instructions on the package insert for each product.
  • Pills, Pills, Capsules and Pastes. Internal treatment that can be a combination against ectoparasites and endoparasites. The best known remedies for cat mange are Drontal and Milbemax.
  • Injectables.
  • Shampoo, aerosols, sprays, powders, ear drops, etc. Some products are: Tetisarnol, Sentry HC Earmite ree, Mita-Clear, 3X1 Pet Shine Anti-Flea Shampoo, etc. It is important to point out that treatment collars that are used against parasites such as ticks, ticks and fleas, are not usually used for mites. Therefore, make sure that the product you buy acts against the mites in question.
  • In addition, mange in cats is treated at home. In this other PeritoAnimal article we present some home remedies to cure mange in cats.

Both the prevention process and the treatment of mange in cats must be prescribed by a veterinarian, since tests must be done to determine the type of mange and the degree to which it is found to decide which will be the most effective treatment to eliminate the mange in the least aggressive way for the cat.

And now that you know everything about feline mange, its symptoms and treatment, you may also be interested in this video that shows what are the most common diseases in cats:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Mange in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment, we recommend that you enter our section on Parasitic Diseases.