Canine calazar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) : Symptoms, causes and treatment

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 21 January 2025
What is Leishmaniasis? An introduction and overview
Video: What is Leishmaniasis? An introduction and overview


Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as Calazar, is a worrying disease in Brazil. This disease is caused by a protozoan and can affect dogs, people or other animals. Because it is a zoonosis, that is, can be transmitted from animals to people, it is a very worrying disease.

This disease is distributed almost all over the world. In Latin America alone, it has been identified in more than 14 countries and 90% of cases occur in Brazil.

As it is a very worrying epidemiological disease in Brazil, PeritoAnimal has prepared this article so that you know everything about the Chalazar or Visceral Leishmaniasis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. Keep reading!

Chalazar in dog

Calazar or leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan of the genus Leishmania. The transmission of this protozoan occurs through the bite by an insect vector, that is, an insect that carries this protozoan with it and, when biting a dog, man or other animal, deposits this protozoan and infects it with the disease. Those insects are calledsandflies and there are over 30 different species of them.

The animals or people that are bitten by these insects become the so-called disease reservoirs. An animal or person can be bitten and carry the disease, even without showing clinical signs. However, whenever an insect of those mentioned bites a dog or other animal, it becomes a potential transmitter of the disease.

In urban centers, the main reservoir of the disease is dogs. In a wild environment, the main reservoirs are the foxes and the marsupials.

In dogs, the main mosquito that transmits this disease belongs to the genus Lutzomyia longipalpis, is also called straw mosquito.

What is Calazar?

Canine calazar or visceral leishmaniasis is one of the two forms of leishmaniasis in dogs. In addition to this form, there is tegumentary or mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. this disease can affect any dog, regardless of age, race or gender.

Symptoms of kala azar in dog

About 50% of dogs with kala azar they do not show clinical signs and it is possible that they live their entire lives without showing signs, being just carriers of the disease.

How do you know if a dog has kala azar? Clinical signs may only be dermatological, but it is considered visceral because the parasites spread throughout the body, even before the first dermatological signs appear.

It all starts with the bite of the insect and forms a nodule called leishmaniama. This nodule almost always goes unnoticed because it is very small. Afterwards, the whole process expands through the dog's organism and the processes of skin ulceration and even necrosis.

First symptoms of kala azar in a dog:

In summary, the first symptoms of kala azar in dogs are:

  • Alopecia (hairless regions)
  • Hair depigmentation (lose color)
  • Skin peeling, especially on the nose
  • Skin ulcers (ears, tail, muzzle)

Advanced symptoms of a dog with leishmaniasis:

In the more advanced stages of the disease, the dog may show other symptoms of kala azar, such as:

  • Dermatitis
  • Spleen Problems
  • Conjunctivitis and other eye problems
  • Apathy
  • Diarrhea
  • intestinal hemorrhages
  • vomiting

Symptoms in the final stage of kala azar disease in dogs:

In the final stage, when the dog is in the last stage of canine visceral leishmaniasis, it may present symptoms such as:

  • Cachexia (which is the loss of adipose tissue and bone muscle)
  • Paresis of hind legs
  • starvation
  • Death

Below we can see a photo of a dog with leishmaniasis:

Chalazar in dog passes to humans?

Yes, unfortunately a dog with leishmaniasis can transmit the disease to humans, as we have already mentioned. It is not transmitted directly from the dog to humans, but through an insect that bites an infected dog and then bites the human being, thus transmitting the disease, which can be lethal, especially in malnourished children or immunocompromised individuals, such as carriers of the HIV virus.

Any dog ​​or other animal can carry this disease and not know it, as it has no symptoms. O important is that your dog is protected of insect bites, as we will explain later.

Some studies claim that not only sand fly insects can transmit the disease, but also other parasites such as fleas and ticks. There is also the possibility of being transmitted via the placenta from mother to child and via venereal.

Below is another example of a photo of a dog with leishmaniasis.

Diagnosis of Calazar in Dog

To diagnose Calazar disease in dogs or canine visceral leishmaniasis, the veterinarian is based on clinical signs and makes the definitive diagnosis through specific tests.

The test can be parasitological or serological, as in human medicine. O parasitological exam consists of collecting biological material through the puncture of a dog's lymph node, bone marrow, spleen or directly from the skin. Although they are simple and effective methods, they are invasive, which brings more risks to the animal.

Another possibility is the serological testss, such as indirect immunofluorescence or the Elisa test. These tests are especially useful in large groups of puppies such as kennels and are recommended by the Ministry of Health.

Is there a cure in dogs?

Although we cannot say that there is actually a cure, because the protozoan remains in the animal's organism, we can say that there is a clinical cure. In other words, the protozoan is in a state of latency, as if it were sleeping and does not multiply. In addition, the parasite load is so low with treatment that the animal is no longer a potential transmitter to other animals.

Calazar in dog: treatment

A few years ago, the Milteforan, which was a great advance for being the only product approved for the legalized treatment of canine visceral leishmaniasis. Until now there was no treatment for this disease in the country and thousands of animals had to be euthanized.

Until then, the treatment of kalazar in dog it was a controversial and highly discussed subject in veterinary medicine. Fortunately, with the advances in medicine and because there is finally this legal option for treating animals in Brazil, the prognosis has significantly improved and a dog with kala azar can live more peacefully and healthier.

Vaccine for Calazar in dog

There is a vaccine to prevent kala azar in dogs. This vaccine was developed by the Fort Dodge company and is called leish-tec ®.

Ask your veterinarian about the possibility of vaccinating your puppy and the costs of the vaccine. It is the best option to avoid having a dog with leishmaniasis.

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This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Canine calazar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) : Symptoms, causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our Infectious Diseases section.