Can a dog eat pumpkin? - Benefits and amounts

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Are Pumpkin Seeds Safe For Dogs? - DogEdge
Video: Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Are Pumpkin Seeds Safe For Dogs? - DogEdge


Pumpkin belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which also includes chayote, cucumber, melon and watermelon and is a very common food in the human diet. Pumpkins are used in sweet and savory recipes, and even its seeds have gained a lot of popularity thanks to their high content of vitamins and minerals, and can be considered a natural supplement.

Considering the nutritional value and properties of pumpkin, many owners wonder if they can offer this food to their dog to complement their nutrition and what they should consider before doing so. With this in mind, in this PeritoAnimal article, we will discuss whether dog can eat pumpkin - benefits and quantities. Good reading!

Pumpkin nutritional value

Before discussing the benefits of pumpkin for dogs, it is essential to know the nutritional value of the food. As there are many species and types of pumpkins, we will refer to the pumpkin Cucurbita pepo, one of the most popular varieties in Brazil and in most countries.

According to the US Department of Agriculture database[1], 100 grams of this raw pumpkin have the following nutritional composition:

  • Water: 92g
  • Energy: 26kcal
  • Total fat: 0.1g
  • Carbohydrates: 6.5g
  • Sugars: 2.76g
  • Fibers: 0.5g
  • Vitamin A: 8513Ul
  • Vitamin C: 9mg
  • Vitamin B1: 0.05mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0.11mg
  • Vitamin B3 (pp): 0.6mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.06mg
  • Vitamin E: 1.06mg
  • Vitamin K: 1.1µg
  • Folate: 16µg
  • Calcium: 21mg
  • Iron: 0.8mg
  • Magnesium: 12mg
  • Phosphorus: 44mg
  • Potassium: 330mg
  • Sodium 1mg
  • Zinc: 0.32mg.

Can you give a pumpkin to a dog? Is it good?

As we saw in its nutritional composition, pumpkin is a food rich in vitamins and minerals, that's why helps strengthen the immune system and to prevent the most common diseases in dogs. And because it is low in carbohydrates, fats and sugars, it can even be consumed by obese dogs and puppies diagnosed with canine diabetes.

The significant contribution of fiber offered by pumpkin also helps in the digestive process, stimulating intestinal transit and preventing constipation in dogs. In addition, its high water content helps keep the dog well hydrated, preventing the development of signs of dehydration that occur especially during times of great heat.

However, precisely because of its high fiber content, the Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) or Animal Poison Control Center, in the free translation of the American organ, indicates that the pumpkin is not toxic to dogs, but that in large quantities can cause stomach problems, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore, it is important to control the amount of this food, otherwise the benefits could be counterproductive.

Considering these data, we can say that not only can a dog eat pumpkin, but also that its moderate consumption is beneficial for your organism and, consequently, for your health. It's important to keep in mind, however, that pumpkin can be added as a supplement to a dog's diet, but it should never be the mainstay of nutrition.

The dog's diet needs to meet the nutritional needs its body requires at every stage of life. And although they have adapted to an omnivorous diet through the process of domestication and are able to digest many foods that other wild canids cannot, dogs need to consume a significant amount of protein and fat.

Therefore, while there are many fruits and vegetables that are good for dogs, such as pumpkin, it is not appropriate to base dog nutrition solely on consuming these foods, as this could lead to nutritional deficiencies that weaken the animal's immune system, making it the most vulnerable to many diseases. If a homemade diet is established, fruits and vegetables should occupy 10% of total daily intake.

Benefits of Puppy Pumpkin

Now that we know that a dog can eat pumpkin, we list here the beneficial properties of this food for your health:

A "friend" of good digestion

Without a doubt, the most notable property of the dog squash is its regulating effect on the digestive process. Due to its high fiber contribution, it is one of the best natural remedies against constipation in dogs. It is also often very beneficial for puppies with diarrhea, as mixed with rice and lean chicken, for example, it helps fight dehydration and stimulates the dog's appetite. Still, it's important to moderate the amount of squash to avoid overconsumption, which can intensify diarrhea.

Purifying effect

Due to its high water content and natural antioxidants, pumpkin offers a powerful diuretic and purifying action to the canine organism, helping to eliminate toxins and regulate renal activity [2], preventing urinary tract infections and renal failure in dogs .

A necessary food in pregnancy

The Harvard Medical School emphasizes that beta-carotene (vitamin A) contained in pumpkin, carrots, and other red-orange foods are essential nutrients during pregnancy and lactation.[3] Studies from the institution also point to the positive effects of consumption of pumpkin and other vegetable sources of iron on fertility. Therefore, pumpkin is an especially beneficial food to complement a woman's diet. pregnant bitch.

Rich in Folic Acid

Pumpkin is rich in B-complex vitamins, including folic acid (vitamin B9). This nutrient is involved in cell formation and hemoglobin synthesis, so it is essential in the prevention and treatment of anemia in dogs. Folic acid is also an essential nutrient in the diet of pregnant dogs and puppies, as it actively participates in the formation of all cells and tissues in their body, preventing malformations and stimulating the physical and cognitive development of puppies.

Natural antioxidant against cell aging

Pumpkin is rich in natural antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene. These components fight free radicals, preventing cell aging and LDL cholesterol oxidation, which marks the beginning of the processes that lead to arteriosclerosis and numerous degenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, pumpkin is one of the foods with cardio-protective action, which also helps to prevent cancer in dogs, among other serious health problems.

An ally of eye health

The high content of beta-carotene, added to natural antioxidants, makes pumpkin an ideal ally for good eye health, helping to fight the degenerative damage inherent in the aging process. Thus, this food can be incorporated into the diet of older dogs to prevent the loss of acuity of their senses and the progressive deterioration of their brain functions, which often leads to symptoms of cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

Helps regulate blood pressure and sugar levels

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of moderate and regular consumption of pumpkin for the regulation of high blood pressure and hyperglycemia.[4] In addition, pumpkin is low in calories and generally gives a very good feeling of satiety, so it is highly recommended for diets aimed at losing weight. For this reason, dogs can eat pumpkin especially those diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes and/or overweight to promote healthy weight control and control of glucose and cholesterol levels, always under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Pumpkin Seed Properties

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural remedies for deworming dogs. In addition, they are rich in minerals such as magnesium, which acts as a cardiovascular and prostate protector, and zinc, which helps to strengthen the autoimmune system and has a positive impact on mood, helping to prevent and treat depression and from excessive tiredness. Furthermore, some studies have proven the anticancer effect of pumpkin seed extract, thanks to its effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells. [5]

Pumpkin Seed Properties: Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural dog deworming remedies. In addition, they are rich in minerals such as magnesium, which acts as a cardiovascular and prostate protector, and zinc, which helps to strengthen the autoimmune system and has a positive impact on mood, helping to prevent and treat depression. and excessive tiredness. Furthermore, some studies have proven the anticancer effect of pumpkin seed extract, thanks to its effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells.[5]

Pumpkin Flower Properties

Another interesting fact about pumpkin is the medicinal properties of its flower. In addition to not containing sodium, saturated fats and carbohydrates, pumpkin blossom is rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene), C and the B complex, also showing excellent contributions from essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Its composition makes it an excellent supplement for strengthening the immune system, stimulating the production of white blood cells, and taking care of eye health.[6] However, its most notable property is the stimulation of the production of regenerating enzymes which, in addition to their natural antioxidants, help to prevent the abnormal multiplication of cancer cells.

As we've seen, there are numerous benefits to offering puppies for dogs.

How to prepare pumpkin for dog

You already know you can give pumpkins to dogs. And one of the most frequently asked questions of tutors is how to offer the pumpkin to their pets to take advantage of all its beneficial properties.

THE baked pumpkin is the best choice for puppies, as this raw vegetable is very difficult for dogs to digest and can cause some digestive disturbances, such as excessive gas formation. However, it must always be given without the bark, which can be harmful to these animals.

The simplest and healthiest way to prepare the pumpkin for your best friend is to make a pumpkin puree for dogs, whose preparation requires only cooking the vegetable in water (without salt) and mashing it with a fork. You can also add a spoon ofturmeric tea to make the puree even more nutritious, as this root is an excellent natural supplement, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, digestive, anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-glycemic properties.

Plus, you can add pumpkin to an infinite number of sweet and savory homemade recipes to complement your best friend's diet, either in pureed or grated form. At PeritoAnimal, we have several ideas for dog cake recipes, one of them pumpkin.

dog talking pumpkin

And since the question we answer is whether a dog can eat pumpkin, we couldn't help commenting on a video that became very well known on the internet: that of a dog talking pumpkin. Published in February 2018, the "puppy talking pumpkin" video had over 2 million YouTube views as of this writing.

We put the link for you to watch here at the end of this article, in the Bibliography part.

amount of pumpkin for dog

As we have already seen, regular and moderate consumption of pumpkin can be very beneficial to our best friends, as long as we respect the limits of a safe quantity for your body. Although pumpkin is not one of the prohibited or harmful foods for dogs, it is important to offer the ideal amount according to the size and weight of the dog to avoid negative effects such as diarrhea due to excessive fiber intake.

In general, it is advisable to respect a daily dose of 1 tablespoon of pumpkin for every 10 kilos of the dog. However, it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian before adding a new food or supplement to your dog's diet. The professional will be able to advise you on the most appropriate dosage and form of administration to obtain a positive impact on the health of your hair, without the risk of adverse effects.

And now that you know which dog can eat pumpkin, in the following video you can check whether a dog can eat an egg or not:

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