- Can you bathe a kitten?
- How to bathe a kitten: step by step
- Step 1: water temperature
- Step 2: starting cleaning
- Step 3: the shampoo
- Step 4: drying

There is a widespread belief in the feline world that cats are not very water-friendly. However, it is important to clarify that if your pet is used to it from an early age, it will be much easier to get the cat used to water. Nowadays, there are different options on the market to sanitize cats, such as brushes, dry baths with specific products, sanitizing foams, among others. However, you should not forget that the long-haired and light-colored cat breeds are the ones that most need correct hygiene, as are cats that are used to going out and coming home with all kinds of dirt.
However, it is not advisable to bathe a puppy before 6 months of age, which is when most of the vaccines are already available and the immune system (defense) is more developed, because the bath itself generates a lot of stress and can cause other problems of health that you should avoid.
If you find newborn kittens on the street, you might want to know how to bathe a kitten. Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article to learn about the entire process.
Can you bathe a kitten?
THE cat hygiene it's as important as sleep and food. Generally, cats sanitize themselves with their tongues and help with their paws, moistening them with their tongue, like a sponge. Another highly recommended way is to brush them to remove dead hair, as this benefits the state of the skin, contributes to less hair intake and is a pleasant time for cats as they usually like to be brushed.
For bathing and brushing, it's better to get them used to it from a young age and gradually, don't force him if he doesn't want to. Sometimes you can notice that they come and go as if it were a joke, which is something that is positive. After a brushing session or a bath, you can end these moments with cuddling and playing, this way you will reduce stress and increase the positive association with that moment. In longhaired cats, such as the Persian cat, it is convenient to start getting them used to them from their young.
But after all, you can bathe a kitten? As we mentioned earlier, the most suitable is start at 6 months, so that it becomes a routine in the pet's life.

How to bathe a kitten: step by step
Bathing kittens is very common when they are found. orphan kittens, but, it will not be a simple task. You should bathe a kitten to avoid the fur and because it is a fundamental task of the mother at the time of birth. Next, we'll give you a step by step how to bathe a kitten, check out:
Step 1: water temperature
Open the faucet until it reaches a warm temperature, pleasant for our hand. Think that the body temperature of cats is 38.5°C to 39°C, and you want the experience to be pleasurable for them. Use a thermometer if necessary.
Step 2: starting cleaning
With one hand hold the kitten and with the other wet its hind legs, always backwards and forward and do not put it under the faucet, this can be very traumatic and bring unwanted physiological consequences.
Step 3: the shampoo
Put 2 or 3 drops of cat shampoo (if not, use glycerin soap) and foam to then pass on the wetted regions. Thus, you will be able to eliminate urine and feces that may have stuck together.
Step 4: drying
dry and dry the kitten with a very soft towel. Don't let it get wet as it can easily catch a cold and even fungus, which can be very difficult to fight due to its young age.
Don't forget that kittens cannot use aggressive or anti-parasitic soaps due to the strong impact they can have on the pussy's health. It is recommended to only clean the hind legs (or the body itself) when it is really dirty. Consult your veterinarian whenever you have questions.
You can repeat this process to eliminate odors, trying to be as compatible as possible with a mother cat, who cleans them several times a day. You can also use wet wipes for the same purpose. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to bathe non-orphan kittens as this can cause rejection of mother cat.
In addition, cats are very hygienic animals by nature, so bathing is recommended only in case of need.
Also check out our YouTube video with tips for how to bathe an adult cat: