
Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Chorkie - Top 10 Facts
Video: Chorkie - Top 10 Facts


What would happen if a Yorkshire Terrier crossed with a Chihuahua? The result would be an exemplar of the hybrid breed known as Chorkie, one of the most popular dogs in the world. Therefore, in this PeritoAnimal article we will talk about this peculiar breed, loved by many since its emergence because of its adorable appearance and small size.

Breeding two breeds with a personality as strong as the Yorkshire Terrier and the Chihuahuas is quite risky, however, the Chorkies surprise everyone with their personality and energy. Keep reading and discover the Chorkie features!

  • Europe
Physical characteristics
  • muscular
  • Extended
  • long ears
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Strong
  • Intelligent
  • Active
  • Dominant
Ideal for
  • floors
  • Surveillance
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Medium
  • Long
  • Fried
  • Smooth

Chorkie: origin

As much as the time and exact place of emergence of the first Chorkie puppies is unknown, it can be estimated that the breed emerged in the first years of the the 90's. It is believed that the main reason for the crossing between Yorkies and Chihuahuas was to have a breed similar to both, but with better health.

As with so many other hybrid breeds, the Chorkie has not yet been recognized as an independent breed, but it has already been accepted by the American Hybrid Canine Club ("Club of American Hybrid Dogs", in a free translation).

Chorkie: features

the chorkies are small dogs, just like their parents. Therefore, most specimens of this breed have a weight that varies between three to four kilograms, which is very little compared to other types of dogs. Its height varies between six and eight inches. The average lifespan of a Chorkie is ten to fifteen years, although this depends entirely on the care the dog receives during its lifetime.

The Chorkie dog's body is rectangular in shape, while your head has a rounded shape. The head resembles the Chihuahua more than the Yorkshire, although the distribution of its fur over the face makes the Chorkie look more like the Yorkieshire at first glance. The puppy has large ears, which vary in height from one to another, being triangular in shape and covered with fur. Its eyes are equally large, usually dark in color, while its nose is small and also dark.

The Chorkie's coat varies according to which of the parent races is genetically dominant. In case it is the Yorkshire Terrier, the fur is more curly, while when the Chihuahua genetics predominates, it is smoother.

Chorkie Puppy

For sure, if you see a Chorkie puppy, what will catch our attention the most is its super small size. These puppies are very delicate as puppies, so it is necessary to be aware of their health status at all times. At this age, Chorkies are playful and, just as they are as adults, lively, active and very sociable.

Chorkie colors

The most common colors among the Chorkies are brown, black, gold and grey.

chorkie: personality

Chorkies have a very special personality, being notably autonomous and independent. However, they need constant affection, otherwise they start to experience high levels of anxiety, which can be destructive.

They usually get along well with people, but they are not the best breed for families with small children, as they are very restless and impatient. Your relationship with other animals is not always good, and may have aggressive behavior in some cases. The best thing for a good coexistence is to get the Chorkie used to contact with other animals from a young age.

Chorkie: care

This breed of dog doesn't require much attention beyond taking care of its basic needs. Among these needs, nutrition stands out, since you must provide the Chorkie with a varied and balanced diet, physical exercise, with their demands being very moderate and, above all, affection.

Keeping these needs aside, you must pay attention to the condition of the coat. To keep it clean and healthy, it is recommended to brush at least once a day. You should restrict bathing, except as strictly necessary, as the skin of Chorkies is sensitive and excessive bathing can affect the good condition of the dermis. These puppies are also sensitive to cold and, although it is recommended to do some grooming during the life of the dog, it is not advisable to groom completely, except in cases of extreme heat.

chorkie: education

Although in general Chorkie has an affable personality, everything changes if you try to overcome his wishes. They are a stubborn breed of dog that generally cannot tolerate taking orders. Therefore, to train them, it is necessary to be patient and tolerant, but always firm, secure and constant. This means that it is essential to establish a work plan and follow it, always employing positive reinforcement techniques to motivate the puppy and make him want to learn. In this sense, we recommend consulting a canine educator or trainer for best results.

On the other hand, we have previously pointed out that Chorkie is a dog that needs to receive a good socialization. They are dogs that mark a lot of territory and that is why it is important to take this aspect into account when training them.

chorkie: health

Chorkies are generally in good health. This is common among hybrid breeds, where the typical conditions of the pure breeds that give rise to them disappear. This is the case of the Chorkie, which is in much better health than the Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers. Despite this, Chorkies can suffer from a series of diseases with a higher incidence than in other breeds. The most common conditions among Chorkies are usually those related to skin health. In this way, Chorkies are more sensitive to allergies and skin infections, which is why you must monitor all material and substance that comes in contact with it.

In addition, you should keep your pet vaccinated and free of parasites, following the vaccination schedule and making periodic visits to the veterinarian.

Chorkie: adopt

Despite being a relatively young breed, surely if you look around you will find a specimen of Chorkie in animal shelters in your area. At PeritoAnimal we support the adoption of animals, that's why we advise you to have an animal that is able to do so. Also, adopting an abandoned puppy has many advantages, as they are usually very affectionate and appreciative, although some may at first be fearful or even fearful.

As we can see, these are dogs with great personality and energy, which is why, if you want to have one at home, you must be aware of their particularities and that they are not a problem for you and for the lifestyle you lead . Before adopting, we recommend that you read our article: what to know before adopting a dog.