- Angora Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
- Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
- Black-legged Weasel (Mustela nigripes)
- Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus)
- Bennett arboreal kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus)
- Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)
- Pika-de-lli (Ochotona iliensis)
- Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli)
- Cuban bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)
- Common Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)
- American Beaver (Beaver canadensis)
- White Swan (Cygnus olor)
- Sheep (Ovis orientalis aries)
- Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
- Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
- Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
- Fenugreek (Vulpes zerda)
- Slow Pygmy Lory (Nycticebus pygmaeus)
- Vombat (Vombatus ursinus)
- Other cute and funny animals

Animals are often categorized as fierce, strong, fast, and so on. However, there are several other characteristics that make the species unique. One of those traits is tenderness, which makes humans want to hug these animals for the simple reason that they are extremely cute. These characteristics make people feel the need to protect these animals and, unfortunately, some of them are in danger of extinction.
If you want to know more about the cutest animals in the world, in this PeritoAnimal article you will find a list with the 35 cutest animals in the world. Keep reading and beware, the cute alert is activated!
Angora Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
The Angora rabbit is one of the cutest rabbit breeds around. They have an abundant and long coat, giving a lovely appearance, resembling a hair bubble.
It is a domestic breed originating from Turkey. Its coat is usually completely white, although some specimens have some gray parts on the ears and neck.

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
O red squirrel is a species of rodent very common in Europe and Asia. It is one of the cutest types of squirrel in the world due to its adorable appearance. It measures about 45 cm with the tail being the longest part, which helps it balance and move easily through the branches of trees. As its name indicates, it is a squirrel with red fur, but gray and black specimens can be found.
Although not in danger of extinction, the population of this species has largely declined in Europe. The reason for this was the introduction of other animal species into their natural ecosystem.

Black-legged Weasel (Mustela nigripes)
The Black-legged Weasel is one more on the list of cutest animals in the world. It is a mammal that belongs to the ferret family, so it has an enlarged body and short legs. Its coat is brown over most of its body while its legs and face are black and its neck is white.
It is a carnivorous animal, its diet is based on rats, rats, birds, squirrels, prairie dogs and insects. Has solitary habits and is very territorial.

Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus)
The Mediterranean Monk Seal is a mammal that measures 3 meters and weighs 400 kilos. The fur is gray or light brown, but what makes this one of the cute animals is the expressive and smiling face.
The seal feeds on all kinds of fish and shellfish. In its natural habitat it is preyed upon by killer whales and sharks.In addition, illegal hunting has influenced the decline of its population, which is why it is currently considered a endangered species, according to IUCN.

Bennett arboreal kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus)
O Bennett arboreal kangaroo it inhabits tropical forests and takes refuge among the leaves of trees, vines and ferns. The cute appearance of this animal is due to the lower legs being larger than the upper ones. This feature allows for a bouncy walk with very large heels. The coat is brown, has a large tail, short, round ears.
It is a herbivorous and very elusive animal, able to jump up to 30 feet between each branch and fall from a height of 18 meters without any problem.

Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)
The Snow Leopard is a mammal that inhabits the Asian continent. It is characterized by having a beautiful coat, which has white and gray tones with black spots. It is a very strong and agile animal that lives in the mountains at 6,000 meters above sea level. It is the only species of its genus that does not roar, despite having almost all the characteristics to do so. According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) it is in a state of vulnerability.
This type of feline is considered to be one of the most beautiful because of its white coat. As an adult, he's an incredibly cute animal, but when he's a puppy he's one of the cutest animals in the world.

Pika-de-lli (Ochotona iliensis)
One more among the cute animals on this list is the Pika-de-lli, a species of herbivorous mammal originating in China, where it inhabits mountainous regions. It is a very solitary animal about which very little information is available. However, it is known that its population has decreased over time due to climate change and human population growth.
The species measures up to 25 centimeters, its coat is gray with brown spots. It also has round ears.

Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli)
The Kiwi is a flightless bird similar in size and shape to a chicken. His personality is shy and prefers to be active at night, when he looks for his food such as roundworms, insects, invertebrates, plants and fruits.
It is characterized by having a broad, flexible beak and a coffee-colored coat. Its habitat is in New Zealand, where it forms its nest in the soil of wet forests and grasslands, as they cannot fly. The round shape of its body and small head make it one of the cutest and funniest animals in the world. As puppies, they are even more adorable.

Cuban bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)
The Cuban Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. So what better reason than to include him in this list of the cutest animals in the world? This hummingbird measures 5 cm and weighs 2 g. Males have a red coloration on the neck, combined with blue and white on the rest of the body. Females have a green and white coat.
Hummingbirds feed by sucking nectar from flowers, for which they beat their wings 80 times a second. Thanks to this, it is among the pollinating animals.

Common Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)
The common chinchilla is a herbivorous rodent that find in Chile. It measures about 30 cm, has round ears and weighs 450 grams, although in captivity it can reach 600 grams.
In the wild, chinchillas live for 10 years, but in captivity their life expectancy rises to 25 years. Its coat is grayish, although black and brown specimens can be found. Their adorable appearance, characterized by the round shapes due to the voluminous coat, mean that no one can resist the temptation to hug them.

American Beaver (Beaver canadensis)
The American beaver is one more on the list of cutest animals in the world. It is a species of rodent that inhabits North America and Canada. It lives close to lakes, ponds and streams, where they get the materials to build their guard and food to survive.
Beavers measure about 120 cm and weigh 32 kilos. They have night habits, despite not having good eyesight. They have very strong teeth which they use very often. Also, its tail allows it to orient itself in the water with ease.

White Swan (Cygnus olor)
The White Swan is a bird that inhabits Europe and Asia. In addition to being adorable, the swan is one of the cutest animals as it stands out for its white coat and colorful beak surrounded by a black caruncle. It rests in slow, stagnant water where it is easy to see. If, as an adult, it is already considered a cute animal, when it is a puppy the level of cuteness increases dramatically.
Despite their quiet and amiable appearance, swans are very territorial animals. They are organized in colonies of up to 100 members, their diet is composed of insects and frogs, although in spring they also feed on seeds.

Sheep (Ovis orientalis aries)
Another among the cutest animals in the world is the sheep. It is a ruminant mammal that is characterized by having a body covered in soft spongy wool. It is a herbivore, reaches up to 2 meters from the cross and weighs about 50 kilos.
Sheep are distributed throughout the world, where they are bred to obtain their coat. Life expectancy is 12 years.

Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
The alpaca is a sheep-like mammal. IT'S from the Andes mountain range and can be found in several regions of South America. It feeds on grass, hay and other plant products. Alpaca wool is white, grey, brown or black.
These mammals are very social animals, live in groups of several individuals and use a species of chio to alert all members of danger.

Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
The Syrian Hamster is a kind of rodent that measures 12 cm and weighs 120 grams. Its coat is brown and white, it has small, round ears, large eyes, short legs and a characteristic mustache that gives it an appearance. friendly and smart. They are so small and adorable that they couldn't be missing from the list of the cutest animals in the world.
They are animals that live little, reach a maximum of 3 years. They are characterized by being playful and social, although when they get older they can become aggressive.

Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
The Giant Panda is one of the cutest animals in the world. With its large size, heavy head and rather sad look, this gives it a lovely look.
this bear if feed on bamboo and inhabits some small regions of China. It is currently on the list of endangered animals, and there are several programs to ensure its conservation. Among the reasons that threaten it is the destruction of its natural habitat.

Fenugreek (Vulpes zerda)
Fenugreek is a small and charming mammal that can be found in the desert areas of Asia and Africa. It measures about 21 cm at the cross and stands out for having a discreet muzzle and large ears, which stand out in the shape of a triangle.
The fenugreek is the lesser fox species that exists. In general, it feeds on reptiles, rodents and birds.

Slow Pygmy Lory (Nycticebus pygmaeus)
Another one of the cutest animals in the world is the Pygmy Slow Lory. It is a very rare primate that inhabits reduced areas of the forests of Asia. Like most primates, much of their life takes place in trees.
This species of Loris is characterized by measuring, maximum 20 cm. It has a small, round head, with big eyes and a small ear, which makes it look really adorable.

Vombat (Vombatus ursinus)
The Vombate is a marsupial from Australia and Tasmania. It lives in regions of forests and steppes 1800 meters high. Regarding its habits, it is a solitary species that can reproduce at any time of the year, from the age of 2 years onwards. Females have only one offspring that depends on them until 17 months.
It is a herbivorous animal, whose appearance is so beautiful that it is part of the list of cute and funny animals. They are medium in size, weighing up to 30 kilos, they have a rounded body with short legs, a round head, ears and small eyes.

Other cute and funny animals
As you can imagine, there are an unimaginable amount of animals that are extremely adorable. In addition to the cute animals mentioned above, some other examples are:
- real laziness (Choloepus didactylus);
- Pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis);
- Ragdoll Cat (Felis sylvestris catus);
- Poodle (Canis lupus familiaris);
- Meerkat (meerkat meerkat);
- Blue Penguin (Eudyptula minor);
- Red panda (ailurus fulgens);
- White whale (Delphinapterus leucas);
- Clown fish (Amphiprion ocellaris);
- Doe (capreolus capreolus);
- Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus);
- Mouse (Mus musculus);
- Ana's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna);
- Sea otter (Enhydra lutris);
- Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus);
- Carlito syrichta (Carlito syrichta);
- Crested gibbon (Hylobates pileatus).
Next, check out images of these cute animals.
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