
You advice to prevent the dog from pulling the leash will depend on the specific case of each dog, as this is not a generalized problem or lack of education, it is a much more serious problem that resides within the animal directly related to its well-being.
It is likely that when you enter here you expect to find tricks and quick fixes that will make you walk comfortably down the street with your dog, but in reality it is something more complex. Continue reading this PeritoAnimal article to find answers that will help you both.
The proper equipment
For starters, you should have good equipment before going out onto the street, which allows neither you nor the dog to get hurt due to this situation.
The dog, when pulling the lead exerts great pressure on the neck that can lead to ocular complications, especially in the case of young dogs. For this reason, our first advice is to acquire a comfortable and suitable harness for him.
Want a personal recommendation? The Julius K9 is a great chest that will allow you to incorporate different fasteners, add elements like a flashlight or backpack to go to the mountains, etc. It is also reflective and glows in the dark, a very comfortable chest.
Now, to avoid the pain in your hands every time he pulls hard, you should buy a tab with a padded strap where you put your hand. Avoid guides that are stretchable, too thin or made of hard materials. Once equipped and ready for the adventure, the key moment arrives: start working with the dog.
If the dog pulls so hard that you can't handle it, your only option is to get a anti-pull collar, with it you will practically not notice that your dog is pulling. In the image you can see the anti-pull collar, find out how it should be placed at the chosen point of sale.

Causes that make your dog pull the leash
A dog that has been properly socialized since a puppy, enjoys affection from its relatives, does not suffer undue punishment and walks with adequate regularity, could only pull the leash for pure excitement and emotion of going out on the street. For this segment we could try to extend the tour schedule and add more activity or exercise to your daily life.
Putting ourselves in another situation, when we talk about dogs with high stress levels (protective puppies, poorly socialized dogs, etc.) We must ask ourselves if our pet is stressed remembering the 5 freedoms of animal welfare.
Finally, we must include another group of dogs that have some kind of problem, whether psychological or symptomatic that can only be resolved by consulting a specialist.
Be wary of articles that suggest tricks like using the short leash, stopping and walking in the opposite direction, among others. Your dog won't notice why he's acting this way.

The Animal Expert helps you:
- Walk your dog at least 2-3 times a day.
- Let your dog smell the environment without limit during the walk to relax, although it is only recommended to approach urine if it is properly vaccinated, otherwise do not leave it.
- Don't pull the tab, let it go free.
- Look for areas where you can run.
- Practice exercise and sport with your dog.
- Don't scold him, practice positive reinforcement.
- Don't punish him, a stressed dog can worsen his condition in the face of punishment.
- Offer her love and support for as long as this happens.
- Try to make your walks calm and relaxed, enjoy the first hour of the morning or the last hour of the night.
These advices are universal and improve the quality of the walk and the routine of any dog, for this reason, if your case is serious, our real recommendation is to consult an expert who can help you solve your specific case. Keep reading to find out who you need to turn to.

Use an ethologist
After reading the previous point, you may clearly identify a stressed dog from a very active one, but if this is not your case, we recommend that you consult an ethologist expert.
What is an ethologist? Ethologists are veterinarians specializing in animal psychology. To be able to determine what happens to your puppy and find out why he pulls the leash, it would be a great help to turn to one of them. An ethologist is able to explain the situation to resolve it and, as a veterinarian, can identify physical and mental problems.
The ethologist will not only analyze your puppy's behavior and levels of well-being, but will also provide you with very valuable help in solving it properly.