
Natural food for cats

Natural food ha been increa ingly cho en a a daily food for animal .De pite looking like omething ea ier, impler and more acce ible, the natural diet require a lot of dedication and awarene on the par...

How long does a mutt live?

A dog will alway be a dog, pedigreed or not, but what make them different? Mixed breed dog are adored by ome and rejected by other for different rea on : it i not known how they will be when they grow...

Food for dogs with kidney failure

Puppie are u ceptible to multiple di ea e , which al o affect u , ince there are few pathologie that can only be diagno ed in human .The aging proce of our dog will al o be a tage in which care and di...

The best vitamins for dogs

Do you take vitamin ? Are you careful to know if your diet contain the nece ary vitamin to keep your body in top health? If your an wer i ye , then let' a k the ame que tion for your dog. Will you...

How to scare off birds?

Within biodiver ity, bird are a group of animal clo ely related to human , a thank to their ability to move around, they are found very ea ily and frequently in urban area . The pre ence of the e anim...

What to do if a bee stings my dog

Doe your dog like to play outdoor ? Puppie are animal that adapt perfectly to family life for everal rea on , al o becau e, like u , they are very ociable and enjoy lei ure time.Outing during the hott...

dwarf poodle

O dwarf poodle i one of the different ize of poodle that exi t, being the econd malle t and coming from the original poodle, the tandard poodle or giant poodle. It i a centurie -old breed that come fr...

Animal names from AZ

It i e timated that there are at lea t 8.7 million animal pecie all around the world. But the number of animal that are till unknown i huge. Did you know that Brazil lead the ranking of countrie with ...

The piranha as a pet

If you plan to have a piranha a a pet you hould pay clo e attention to thi article by Animal Expert. It i an exotic and pecial fi h that require certain feeding care.It i a fla hy fi h and popular for...

Tihar, a festival in Nepal that honors animals

Tihar i a fe tival celebrated in Nepal and in ome tate of India uch a A am, ikkim and We t Bengal. the diwali i an official and very important party in Hindu countrie a it celebrate the triumph of lig...

Why doesn't my puppy want to eat?

You exerci e your dog, play with him, teach him how to look for food, offer him healthy and deliciou di he , and have tried many kind of food , but till, he till doe n't eat?If your puppy i not ea...

How to deworm a cat

In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will talk about the different way in which we can deworm a cat, both internally and externally. Although our feline live at home and ha no acce to the out ide, it ca...

Most common diseases in dogs

If your intention i to adopt a new pet or if you already have one, it i e ential that you are informed about the mo t common di ea e that your dog can uffer to effectively prevent them. The mo t effec...

Mutualism in Biology - Meaning and Examples

At relation hip between different living being remain one of the main ubject of tudy in cience. In particular, mutuali m ha been tudied exten ively and, nowaday , really urpri ing ca e of animal mutua...

How long does a cat with kidney failure live?

Unfortunately, kidney failure i a very common di order, e pecially in older cat . Thi in ufficiency, which con i t of the malfunction of one of the kidney , can pre ent it elf in a chronic or acute. I...

How do you know if the cat is hot?

A the hotte t month of the year approach, our cat reduce their activity and tend to hide, e pecially in place where temperature exceed 30ºC and there i no air conditioning. You cat uffer a lot fr...

How to know if your dog is pregnant

A re pon ible owner mu t be able to recognize the ign and ymptom that indicate a po ible pregnancy on your pet, in thi ca e we are talking about bitche . It i e ential to know all the information that...

Why do cats hate water?

Cat are known for their hygiene and per onal care and love to drink water, but when it come to bathing, they u ually don't like it very much. I thi a trend that happen to all cat ? And the mo t im...

Dog with shortness of breath: causes and solutions

Breathing i the act of inhaling and exhaling air through the mouth, no e or kin. Dog and cat breathe mo tly through their na al cavitie . The ga exchange that occur during breathing are e ential to li...

Dog Ranitidine - Doses, Uses and Side Effects

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we are going to talk about a medicine commonly u ed in veterinary medicine. pecifically, we'll talk about the dog ranitidine, what are it effect and the precaution t...