How to deworm a cat

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
How to Deworm Cats
Video: How to Deworm Cats


In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will talk about the different ways in which we can deworm a cat, both internally and externally. Although our feline lives at home and has no access to the outside, it can also suffer from the presence of parasites, since we can transport them or transmit them by another animal. Therefore, as caregivers, we must know the different antiparasitic products that exist, their forms of use and frequency.

According to the conditions of life and age, the veterinarian will indicate an adequate deworming schedule to ward off irritating pests. Keep reading and find out with us how to deworm a cat, puppy and adult.

Types of parasites in cats

Before explaining how to deworm a cat, we should keep in mind that we are basically facing two types of parasites: you external, such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes or lice, and the internal, among which intestinal worms stand out, although we can also find worms in the lungs or heart.

We can find very different products to deworm cats, from pills to collars or pipettes. In the following paragraphs, we will explain the pros and cons of all of them, as well as their different uses and forms of application.

It is necessary to know that parasites, in addition to the discomfort they cause due to their action on the organism, can transmit other parasites, such as tapeworm or even serious illnesses such as hemobartonellosis, which causes a potentially deadly hemolytic anemia.

When to deworm kittens for the first time?

As soon as a cat comes home, the first thing we must do is take it to the vet, as this professional will explain to us how to deworm our cat depending on the circumstances. Of course, a first deworming always must be both internal and external.

About two or three weeks old, depending on the type of product, the kitten can start the internal deworming. This means that even if we adopt a kitten, it is still necessary to deworm it.In fact, parasites in kittens can cause problems like diarrhea or anemia. For these little ones, it is customary to use paste or syrup for internal deworming, administered for several days, and spray for the external one.

Next, we will review the main antiparasitics, which we should always use according to the veterinarian's guidance.

Cat pipettes

The pipette is the best known and most used antiparasitic product. It consists of a plastic device that contains the vermifuge liquid inside. Learning how to deworm cats with a pipette is very simple, just break the top of the pipette and pour its contents over the head, at a point that the cat cannot reach with its paws, separating the fur well so that it comes into direct contact with the skin . Let's examine its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros of pipettes for cats: very easy to use and store, well accepted by most cats. Pipettes are generally effective for eliminate fleas and ticks, but are also active against internal parasites, facilitating a complete deworming. One application, approximately every 4-6 weeks, is enough to maintain a preventive effect that eliminates fleas and ticks when biting the cat. After its use, the parasites start to die between 24-48 hours later. There are pipettes that also act on flea eggs, preventing their hatching and, therefore, reducing their presence in the environment. Can be used from two months of age.
  • Cons of Cat Pipettes: Some cats may be agitated or annoyed by the smell that gives off the liquid. They cannot be bathed for 2-3 days before and after use in order to achieve full diffusion throughout the body.

As we can see, the pros are much greater than the cons, so this is a dewormer in high demand due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

Cat dewormer in tablet

Another option for deworming cats is lozenges or pills. Usually used for the internal deworming, we can also find them with flea effect quickly, for those cats that suffer from severe infestations. In other words, the tablets to deworm cats do not prevent the animal from suffering an infestation, but eliminate the parasites that are in its body. Likewise, its regular use controls the presence of parasites in the environment, reducing the chances of contagion. In summary, these would be the advantages and disadvantages:

  • pros: the tablets against internal worms are administered to every 3-4 months, fighting a wide spectrum of parasites. Can be used from six weeks of age.
  • cons: it is not easy to give pills to cats. If yours is one of those who usually reject this type of product, you will have to learn to make him ingest, hiding the gum in his favorite food, for example.

Cat deworming with spray

Dewormers can also be used in sprays, specifically those that fight fleas and ticks. They are used by spraying the product on the cat's body until it is completely wet. They are handled with gloves, in well-ventilated places and ensuring that they reach the whole body. They offer protection that lasts about four weeks. If you want to know how to deworm a cat with spray, consider the following inconveniences and advantages:

  • pros: its protective effect lasts approximately one month and can be used from the eighth week of life onwards.
  • cons: its application is laborious and cats are often startled by the noise of the sprayer.

There are also other liquids with an antiparasitic effect: the shampoo, which can be used occasionally, as many cats do not willingly accept the bath or the subsequent drying, which must be exhausting. They kill the fleas that are currently on the animal.

Collars for deworming cats

Lastly, another option for deworming a cat is collars. Its use is simple, as we only have to put it around our neck and adjust it. These are its pros and cons:

  • pros: easy and quick to use, they usually offer a lasting protection of 4-8 months, according to the brand.
  • cons: collars can get caught, especially if the cat has access to the outside. If we choose them, we must make sure they include a anti-suffocation device. Another inconvenience is that some cats do not accept to wear anything around their necks. Furthermore, they cannot be used before 10 weeks of age.

Side effects of deworming products for cats

Now that we know how to deworm a cat, we must insist that we can only use products recommended by a veterinarian, as it is very important to respect dosages and protocols for use. Otherwise, we may not achieve the desired effect or even cause intoxication. We must be especially careful with pipettes and always ensure that the one we use is suitable for cats. You symptoms of intoxication would be as follows:

  • Hypersalivation.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Tremors.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Breathing problems.

If we see any of these signs, we should go to the vet immediately, as it is an emergency.

On the other hand, if the collar produces any reaction, of course we must remove it. Flea lozenges can cause episodes of hyperactivity that resolve spontaneously. In contrast, pills for internal parasites have a wide margin of safety.

How long does it take for the dewormer to work on the cat?

After reviewing all the antiparasitic products on the market, their forms of administration and frequency of use, as well as their possible side effects, we will have to choose which one is the most suitable for our feline, always under the recommendation of the veterinarian. For this, we can choose how to deworm a cat depending on the time in which the product starts its action, especially if the animal has already been infested, since not all products act with the same speed. Thus, we must be guided by the following data:

  • The pipette takes 24-48 hours to take effect and lasts for 4-6 weeks. The collar takes approximately the same time, but its activity is 4-8 months.
  • The spray can instantly eliminate parasites that lie on the cat's body and provide protection for about four weeks.
  • the tablets against fleas act from 4 to 24 hours after ingestion.
  • Antiparasitic pills take effect as they pass through the digestive system.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to deworm a cat, we recommend that you visit our Deworming and Vermifuges section.