Dog Ranitidine - Doses, Uses and Side Effects

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
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In this article by PeritoAnimal we are going to talk about a medicine commonly used in veterinary medicine. Specifically, we'll talk about the dog ranitidine, what are its effects and the precautions that we must observe in its administration, since, like all medicines, they can cause problems if not used correctly.

As we always insist, all medications we use with dogs must be prescribed by the veterinarian and we must respect their recommendations to avoid complications. Good reading.

What is ranitidine for dogs?

THE dog ranitidine is a drug that works on the digestive level, regulating gastric acidity and minimizing the risk of ulcers. Ratidine for dogs is also used in cases of reflux or when the dog must be treated with steroids for a long time, as they can cause ulcers.

In summary, ranitidine in dogs reduces damage that hydrochloric acid can cause to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the veterinarian can prescribe it when our dog suffers from any pathology that affects the digestive system, which usually causes vomiting or diarrhea.

The dosage must be prescribed by the doctor, as each dog will present demands with variations that will indicate to the veterinarian the most appropriate dosage. Ranitidine is available as a capsule, tablet, syrup and can also be administered by intramuscularly or intravenously, which is the most common mode of use in emergency situations in hospitalized dogs undergoing fluid therapy. Such an intravenous procedure is indicated for dehydrated dogs because they have lost fluids through vomiting and diarrhea and cannot replace food and fluids because they vomit everything they ingest.

In these cases, as they would also vomit the drug, it is necessary administer intravenous fluids (through the veins) and also medicines. Once they recover, ranitidine for dogs can be given orally at home, along with other medications that may have been prescribed. It can be given with food without affecting its absorption.

Ranitidine contraindications

Ranitidine for dogs is commonly used to treat gastrointestinal conditions or situations such as those described above, but we must be careful when giving it to dogs with renal insufficiency, as part of the drug is eliminated by the kidney and is also transferred to puppies in the case of pregnant or lactating bitches, as ranitidine is excreted in breast milk. It is also essential to exercise caution when using this remedy for dogs with liver failure.

In these cases, the veterinarian will assess the risks and benefits of its administration and make a decision. We highlight that we must never medicate animals on our own.

Ranitidine side effects in dogs

Although ranitidine does not normally produce adverse effects, like any medication, it can cause side effects and cause some problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), drowsiness, thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets), rapid breathing or tremors.

If our furry friend is taking ranitidine and shows any of these signs, we should notify the veterinarian as soon as possible. In addition, if he is taking any other drugs, we must also inform the veterinarian so that he can assess whether there is any type of incompatibility between these two medications.

Some dogs, although not common, may be allergic to ranitidine, suffering an anaphylactic shock when consuming it, which is a veterinary emergency. Obviously, these dogs cannot be given a new prescription with ranitidine, and can replace it with another drug with similar effects. In any case, there are generally no adverse effects as long as we follow the prescribed administration protocol.

Ranitidine overdose for dog

Excess ranitidine in dogs can occur if we commit a error when administering the drug and if we give more than the amount indicated by our veterinarian or if the dog accidentally ingests all the medicine. In these cases, the clearest signs of ranitidine overdose are the following symptoms in the dog:

  • tremors
  • vomiting
  • Tachypnea (accelerated breathing)

If our four-legged friend has swallowed a lots of pills of ranitidine or if we mistakenly give you a higher dose, we should immediately inform our veterinarian. He can prescribe a product that neutralizes the drug or capable of decreasing its absorption, or even recommend that a gastric lavage be performed.

How to give ranitidine to a dog

After the medical prescription, the time comes when, for some dogs, it can be more difficult, as many tend to refuse to take pills.

The best way to give a dog ranitinide, in the case of pills, is to give it mixing with food or, if you can, directly into the animal's mouth. In this case, check if he actually swallowed the medication. Ranitidine for dogs is usually administered on an empty stomach before the first meal of the day, but the veterinarian will evaluate the best time in each case.

The first effects of this medication should be noticed within 1 to 2 hours, but they may not be noticeably noticeable.

What if I forget to give the medicine on time?

If for any reason you do not offer ranitidine to dogs at the time set by your veterinarian, do not give it when you remember (if it is hours later than the correct time). The best option is to wait and give the dose at the prescribed time. It is important to highlight that you should never offer two doses or extra doses of ranitidine.

Now that you know all about dog ranitidine, you might be interested in this dog staggering video: what it could be:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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