
Iguana care

If you have an Iguana or are thinking of adopting one, it i very important that you inve tigate the care it require and need . The e will vary in function of your pecie , your ize, age or gender.How t...

Does a duck fly or not?

Duck are a et of animal pecie belonging to the family Anatidae. They are characterized by their vocalization , which we know a the famou "quack". The e animal have webbed feet and have a wid...

Types of bats and their characteristics

The bat i one of the few flying mammal . It i characterized by having a mall body and long wing with tretched membrane . They can be found on all continent , except Antarctica and ome i land in Oceani...

Types of Siamese Cats

iame e cat are from the ancient kingdom of Zion (now Thailand) and, formerly it wa aid that only royalty could have thi feline breed. Fortunately, the e day , any cat lover can enjoy thi excellent an...

canine behavior problems

There are many behavior problem that can affect our dog , however, before tarting to apply method indi criminately it i nece ary to reflect: we mu t know the cau e , the type of problem that exi t or ...

Small Dog Clothing - Image Gallery

Anyone who ha a mall dog at home know that the e need extra protection, whether in the ca e of extreme cold or rain. It' not ju t an ae thetic i ue, it' omething that goe beyond that. mall pup...

Feline Coronavirus - Symptoms and Treatment

O feline coronaviru it i a di ea e that worrie many guardian , and for thi rea on it i o important to be adequately informed about it tran mi ion, the ymptom it cau e and the treatment indicated in th...

how to groom a dog at home

Do you want to know how to groom a dog at home? In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we explain everything you need and all the tep to follow to groom your dog correctly. While ome people avoid pet hop and...

Prevent my cat from scratching a wound

Anyone who ha a cat know that, due to it curiou and exploratory character, it i very ea y for them to make a wound or cratch. You hould avoid cat fight , a omeone i alway injured, although thi i not a...

The twister rat as a pet

Rodent are nowaday con idered excellent companion animal and more and more, we find people who have cho en to hare their home with the e friendly creature , being common for the ham ter, the guinea pi...

10 weird things cats do

It cannot be denied that cat are very pecial and intere ting creature , that they can become the be t companion in life but, at the ame time, they have ome behavior that cau e u curio ity and that we ...

Names for small dogs

mall dog are preferred by tho e who have little pace and, even o, wi h for an animal companion. Ea y to train and very docile, they are great for tho e who live in an apartment, or for tho e who will...

Why do cats like some people?

A with human , cat have preference regarding their ocial relation hip . Therefore, it i not urpri ing that they have one or more people a "favorite ". But i thi really true? Do cat prefer on...

longhaired collie

O longhaired collie i a heepdog that, for it beauty and good temperament, ha become one of the mo t appreciated among how dog and pet . It i al o known imply a a collie (although there i a hort-haired...

Symptoms and Treatment of Bovine Mastitis

Bovine ma titi i an inflammation of the mammary gland that cau e change in the biochemical compo ition of milk and gland ti ue.It i one of the mo t common di ea e of dairy cow . Ma titi ha a negative ...

Giardiasis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Para itic di ea e are very common in mammal , be they human or animal . The mode of contagion and the degree of damage they do to the body varie , but in all ca e , the e are condition that need to be...

How to cut a Maltese

One of the mo t appreciated characteri tic of thi adorable breed i it oft, long and white fur, which can even give it a really noble appearance.The Malte e i a dog that i happy receiving care and atte...

Canine pyoderma - superficial folliculitis in dogs

Bacterial folliculiti , a type of canine pyoderma, i a dermatiti , a kin infection. The cau ative bacteria belong to the genu taphylococcu .Thi dermatological problem i very common in dog , a it i one...

How to get a dog used in the transport box

Getting a dog u ed to the crate i a relatively proce . ea y and very u eful when traveling with the dog by car, plane or other mean of tran port. In addition to being the afe t mean of tran port, the ...

Can I give antibiotics to a dog?

An wering thi que tion and determining whether antibiotic are good or bad for our dog i quite difficult, ince the action of an antibiotic depend on everal factor .In thi article by Animal Expert we ex...