
Dog belly making noise - what to do

It i common for tutor to worry when they hear noi e in their dog' belly, ince any non-vi ible di order rai e a erie of que tion , e pecially regarding the eriou ne of the ituation. In thi PeritoAn...

Most common diseases in kittens

When we adopt a kitten, we mu t pay attention to it health, a baby cat are more u ceptible to infectiou di ea e than adult cat , that i , di ea e that are cau ed by viru e and bacteria and that are hi...

Story of Balto, the wolf dog turned hero

The tory of Balto and Togo i one of America' mo t captivating real-life hit and prove how amazing dog can do. The tory wa o popular that Balto' adventure became a film, in 1995, narrating hi t...

penguin feeding

The penguin i one of the be t known non-flying eabird due to it friendly appearance, although 16 to 19 pecie can be included under thi term.Adapted to freezing climate , the penguin i di tributed thro...

Do dogs smell fear?

It' been proven that dog have much more powerful abilitie than human , e pecially when it come to mell, a en e that they have developed a lot.The que tion to a k about thi fact are not ju t: "...

Why do cats bite guardians?

Anyone who ha or ha ever had a cat know that they have a very complex behavior. There are very affectionate kitten , other that are quite independent and even cat that bite!The cau e of the bite i not...

Gould's Diamond Care

You Gould' Diamond are mall bird of Au tralian origin, very famou and beloved among lover of exotic bird , thi becau e they have a beautiful plumage, with different color , and a cheerful and viva...

Dog obesity: how to treat

Obe ity i , in the ca e of human , an evident concern around the world, not only in term of phy ical health, but al o a concern in term of ae thetic .Intere tingly, many dog ​​handler do not con ider ...

Care and Feeding of a Malnourished Dog

Malnutrition can be defined a a generalized deficit of nutrient and it cau e can be everal, uch a an infe tation by inte tinal para ite or a yndrome of malab orption of nutrient , however, mo t ca e o...

Knot knots in longhair cats

If you have a feline at home, you will know how important it i for him to anitize hi body and e pecially hi fur, an activity in which cat inve t a lot of time throughout the day. The re ult are u uall...

How long does a dog with cancer have to live?

Hearing the word cancer i ynonymou with bad new . Ju t by li tening, the image that come to mind are a long proce of medication and inten ive care, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Not only human uffer fro...

Why doesn't my cat use the litter box

The feline behavior make the cat pet independent and with a genuine per onality, which in ome ca e can make the guardian not under tand certain attitude ea ily or that they mi interpret them.One of th...

Ways to Say I Love You to a Dog

The human brain allow u to be the only animal that are aware of our own death. Thi omewhat un ettling ability i the only one that allow u to con ider other kind of que tion that trouble u . In the ca ...

The most fun toys for cats

Cat are like children, they don't complicate life too much. They have fun with whatever they are curiou about, move, and have in front of them. They are more creative than they look. ometime we th...

Types of Flying Dinosaurs - Names and Images

Dino aur were the dominant animal during the Me ozoic. Over the cour e of thi era, they have diver ified enormou ly and pread acro the entire planet. ome of them dared to colonize the air, giving ri e...

Can a dog eat orange? And tangerine?

In addition to pet food, dog can eat many other thing , including ome fruit and vegetable . When it come to fruit , not all of them are recommended and ome of them rai e many doubt among the tutor , u...

Differences between dog and bitch

The female and male nature are very different although they complement each other perfectly and the difference between them are manife ted through anatomy, phy iology and behavior, not only in the hum...

Best Pets for Seniors

Companion animal bring a great deal of benefit to the elderly, a they u ually begin to notice the phy ical and p ychological problem of aging. Having a pet you are re pon ible for can help improve you...

150 Irish Names for Dogs and Cats

Are you thinking about adopting a dog or a cat? In thi ca e, it i important to take the time to inve tigate and reflect on the perfect name, a it will accompany your future dog or cat for life.Current...

Small cat breeds - the smallest in the world

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will introduce you to 5 mall cat breed in the world, which are not con idered the malle t that exi t. We'll explain to you the origin of each one of them, the mo ...