Dog belly making noise - what to do

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Why is My Dog’s Stomach Making Noise?
Video: Why is My Dog’s Stomach Making Noise?


It is common for tutors to worry when they hear noise in their dog's belly, since any non-visible disorder raises a series of questions, especially regarding the seriousness of the situation. In this PeritoAnimal article, we explain what to do if you notice the dog's belly making noise.

We will detail the possible causes of this disorder and the solutions for each one, in addition to learning to detect other possible symptoms that may influence the severity of the case and, therefore, the urgency with which you should go to the veterinarian. Dog's belly making noise, what to do?

the dog's belly

O digestive system The dog starts in the mouth and ends in the anus and is responsible for digesting the food he eats to take advantage of nutrients and eliminate organic waste. To develop its function, it requires the help of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver.

During its normal activity, this system originates movements and noises while creating gases. Usually, all this work is carried out physiologically and goes unnoticed. Only in some cases can tutors hear such noises clearly and notice the dog's belly making noise.


These sounds are called borborygms and consist of the sounds caused by the mobility of gases through the intestines. When they are heard frequently or at an excessive volume and are accompanied by other symptoms, it may be necessary consult the veterinarian.

In the following sections, we present different situations that can cause noise in the dog's belly and explain what to do in each situation.

Dog with belly noise and vomiting

If your dog's belly is making noise and he is also vomiting, there can be several causes. First, he would have gastrointestinal discomfort possibly caused by the spoiled food intake or, directly, garbage. It may also be due to some infections or even the presence of a strange body. All of these causes are responsible for inflammation in the digestive system that can lead to vomiting.

Puppies vomit easily, so it is not unusual for a dog to vomit from time to time, without this being a cause for alarm. However, if vomiting is accompanied by borborygmos, if it does not stop or if the dog has other symptoms, it is essential to visit the veterinary clinic. The professional will test your dog to identify the cause and determine the appropriate treatment.

In some cases, vomiting and borborygmus become chronic and other symptoms may appear, especially those affecting the skin such as dermatitis with non-seasonal itching. This is usually the reason why the veterinarian is consulted, and he must determine the origin of the itch, ruling out other possible causes (scabies, flea bite dermatitis, etc.)

In addition to noises in the dog's belly or vomiting, we can find loose stools or chronic diarrhea within the symptoms that affect the digestive system. All of this can indicate a food allergy, a type of allergy can arise for different reasons. The usual mechanism is the reaction of the pet's organism to a food protein (beef, chicken, dairy, etc.), as if it were a food pathogen. As a result, the body activates the immune system to fight it. Learn more about food allergies in dogs in this article.

To make the diagnosis, a elimination diet based on a new protein that the dog has never ingested (there are commercial diets already formulated with selected or hydrolyzed proteins), for approximately six weeks. If symptoms resolve, after this time the initial food is offered again. If symptoms return, the allergy is considered proven. It may also be necessary to treat symptoms produced by the allergy.

Dog's belly growling after eating too much

In some cases, especially in puppies that eat too fast, with a lot of food anxiety, the digestive system can make noises when subjected to a overload, that is, when the animal has ingested a large amount of food. This usually happens when the dog is alone and accesses the feed bag or any other food for human consumption and swallows large amounts (kg).

In these cases, it is also possible to notice the dog with swollen belly. The noises and swelling usually go away within a few hours without having to do anything more than wait for digestion to take place. As long as the condition lasts, we should not give our dog any more food, and if we observe any other symptoms or the dog does not recover its normal activity and his belly continues to growl, you should take him to the vet for an examination.

However, in some cases, the dog has just ingested its usual kibble, and even so, its belly is making noise. In this case, we may be facing a problem of malabsorption or poor digestion of nutrients that occurs when the digestive system is not able to properly process food. It usually results from a problem in the small intestine or even in the pancreas. These dogs would be thin even if they ate heartily. Other digestive disorders such as diarrhea may also arise. The condition requires veterinary assistance, as it is necessary to determine the concrete cause of malabsorption in order to start treatment.

Also watch the video from PeritoAnimal's channel on the subject:

Dog's belly making noise but he didn't eat

Instead of what we have just seen in the previous sections, in some cases it is possible to see the dog with a belly noise because it is empty. It is an extremely rare possibility in dogs that live with humans today, since the tutors usually feed them once or several times a day, preventing them from spending many hours fasting. it is possible to listen noises in the dog's belly in cases where, due to illness, he stops eating for a prolonged period. In this case, once normal food is reestablished, the borborygmus should cease.

Currently, it is common to find dogs with belly making noise by hunger in cases of abandoned or badly treated animals. So, if you've collected a stray dog ​​or if you're collaborating with protective associations, you can hear noises in the dog's belly. In addition, it is possible to notice that he is too thin, in some cases even cachectic, in a state of malnutrition.

The borborygmus should cease as soon as food is regained. For dogs in this situation, prefer to offer food and water little by little, proving that they tolerate it, several times in small amounts. In addition, they need a veterinary examination to determine their health status, deworm them and rule out the presence of potentially serious and dangerous diseases for an animal with low physical and immunological condition.

Noises in the dog's belly, what to do?

To recap, we have seen different causes that can be responsible for the noise in the dog's belly and we also indicated when it is necessary to consult the veterinarian. Although, what to do when the dog's belly makes noise?

Below we show you some things you should watch carefully:

  • Be aware of the presence of symptoms other than the dog's belly making noise.
  • Search for possible remnants of the food he may have eaten.
  • Consult your veterinarian if the belly noise does not stop and symptoms increase or worsen.

Like Preventive measures, take note of these recommendations:

  • Establish a feeding routine so that your puppy does not go hungry, but without the risk of overeating. Do not offer food outside the established hours. However, if you wish to reward him with a bone, ask your veterinarian for advice, as not all are suitable and can cause digestive disturbances. The "ideal amount of dog food" article can be helpful when determining how much food you should give your dog.
  • Keep food out of the dog's reach, especially if he will be alone for a long time. This recommendation should apply to both dog and human food.
  • Do not allow the dog to ingest anything found on the street or let other people offer food to him.
  • Maintain a safe environment to prevent the dog from ingesting any potentially dangerous objects.
  • After vomiting, reintroduce feeding slowly.
  • As always, don't hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.