Leopard Gecko Phases - What They Are and Examples
The leopard gecko (Eublephari maculariu ) i a lizard that belong to the group of gecko , pecifically the family Eublepharidae and the genu Eublephari . They originate from ea tern region , having de e...
Types of Dinosaurs That Have Been - Features, Names and Photos
dino aur are a reptile group that appeared over 230 million year ago. The e animal diver ified throughout the Me ozoic, giving ri e to very different type of dino aur , which colonized the entire plan...
10 Halloween Costumes for Small Dogs
Taking advantage of Halloween to dre up our be t friend i without a doubt an excellent idea. Halloween i a fe tival full of horror, my tery and fanta ie , why not include your dog too? Think you'r...
why does my cat meow so much
O meow it' the way cat communicate with u , get our attention and try to tell u that they need omething. In thi PeritoAnimal article we want to give you the an wer to thi que tion and help you ide...
Why do cats bite their legs?
If you hare a hou e with a feline, you've probably already been urpri ed by an ankle attack. For many tutor , thi behavior i a matter of concern, a they con ider it to be a po ible ymptom of aggre...
Can you give a dog plasil?
It i very common for puppie to pre ent vomiting and nau ea during all tage of their live , whether from traveling by car, inge ting foreign bodie , illne e , chemotherapy treatment or food intolerance...
Worms in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
You worm in cat they are probably one of the mo t frequent rea on for veterinary con ultation, e pecially when we have ju t adopted a kitten. However, we hould know that adult cat are al o u ceptible ...
Differences between alpaca and llama
The llama and the alpaca are native animal of the Ande Mountain and are very important for the countrie in the region. Due to the hybridization and near extinction of outh American camelid during the ...
Canine Acne: Causes and Treatment
ometime you may notice one or more pimple on your dog, on different part of the body. They can have everal cau e , a you will ee in thi PeritoAnimal article. if your dog ha acne on the kin, thi may i...
because my dog follows me everywhere
Once you've adopted a dog, and e pecially if you've never had one before, you can quickly ee that the animal doe n't top following u wherever we go. And it may be that thi ituation bother ...
Blue Whale Feeding
THE Blue Whale, who e cientific name i Balaenoptera Mu culu , it i the large t animal on the entire planet, a thi mammal can mea ure up to 20 meter in length and weigh 180 ton .It name i due to the fa...
Dog in heat: symptoms and duration
Generally, we u ually a ociate heat only with female dog , a we mi takenly think that heat in dog i nece arily marked by bleeding and fertility cycle . However, although it occur differently from fema...
O Camargue or Camarguê i a breed of hor e that come from Camarga, located on the outh coa t of France. It i con idered a ymbol of freedom and tradition becau e of the antiquity that weigh on it b...
Animal aposematism - meaning and examples
ome animal have a very inten e coloration that ea ily catche attention. Other even have elaborate pattern that include all ort of geometric hape worthy of a Cubi t painting. The re ult i beautiful bu...
Euthanasia in cats
Deciding to end an animal' life involve a lot of re pon ability and adequate advance planning. It i not the ame to acrifice an old cat a another ick cat, ince we cannot know exactly the tate of ou...
Why do cats bring dead animals?
The moment a cat bring a dead animal into our hou e, everything change . We tarted to look at our feline in a different way. It make u cared. Chance are, if thi happened to you, you will be puzzled an...
Names for black bitches
Recently adopted or are you thinking of adopting a black bitch? It ha load of technique for choo ing a name for a female dog. Many tutor look for a name that reflect the dog' color - it' quite...
Best Dog Breeds for Autistic Children
Dog are very en itive and empathetic creature . The connection they can e tabli h with man i often pectacular. Over the year , the dog ha made uch a good team with the human being that there are alrea...
Prevent my dog from shedding too much fur - Tricks and advice
THE exce ive hair lo of our dog can be cau ed by everal factor or ju t be a natural proce . If you notice that the lo i localized to a pecific location on the coat rather than a general one, we recomm...
Mast cell tumors in cats - Symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Ma t cell tumor in cat can pre ent in two different form : cutaneou and vi ceral. Cutaneou ma t cell tumor i the mo t frequent and i the econd type of malignant cancer more prevalent in cat . Vi ceral...