Cat Cataracts - Symptoms and Treatment
At cataract are a frequent eye problem in cat , e pecially a they get older. A cataract i a condition that con i t of a change and a lo of tran parency of the len or intraocular len that make vi ion d...
Environmental enrichment for cats
You've probably heard the term environmental enrichment at ome point, but you're not quite ure what it mean or how it might benefit your cat. While many cat are incredibly lucky to be accommod...
poisonous plants for dogs
All tho e people who have decided to welcome a dog a a pet know that they have acquired a great re pon ibility and that our furry friend need ufficient attention and care to avoid any organic or behav...
Salmonella in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
almonello i in cat i a very unknown and atypical di ea e. For thi rea on, at any ign of y temic or dige tive illne , you hould go to your tru ted veterinarian to rule out thi po ibility in your cat.I...
Dog swallowing a lot - Causes
ometime we may notice that our dog i wallowing many time in a row. Thi ge ture may be accompanied by alivation, noi e and movement of the abdomen which may be the re ult of nau ea, and it i po ible t...
Names for cows - dairy, dutch and more!
It eem like a lie, but abandonment doe n't only happen with dog and cat . More and more people abandon large animal , namely cow . And thi problem happen even in city center in plain ight. The big...
How to Clean Cat's Ears
The cat i an extremely clean animal that can devote many hour of it day to cleaning it elf, and it i al o an exceptional dome tic animal that retain it hunting in tinct, in addition to being explorer ...
Names for dog chow chow
The Chow chow i undoubtedly one of the favorite breed among tho e who love medium- ized puppie . It unmi takable mane, formed by thick fur, the nout imilar to a bear and purple tongue are part of it p...
Can rabbit eat grapes?
There are more and more hou ehold that have a rabbit among their member a a pet. For a ucce ful coexi tence and for our rabbit to enjoy good health, it i important that, before adopting one of the e f...
Pitbull dog breeds
The American Pitbull Terrier (APBT) i one of the be t known dog breed among all terrier .Unfortunately, to thi day it i quite controver ial a it rai e a great deal of controver y regarding it po ibly ...
Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dogs
Our dog' u ual diet can be complemented and enriched with an excellent product, which u ed in moderation, provide ample benefit to our be t friend. We are talking about almon oil. almon oil i one ...
Male or Female Cockatiel - Which is Better and Differences
Are you thinking of adopting a cockatiel for your home? If o, you're probably wondering if you ho t a cockatiel male or female, that i , What i the be t according to their life tyle and what diffe...
Kangaroos feeding
The term kangaroo i u ed to talk about the large t pecie of macropodino , a ubfamily of mar upial to which the three main pecie of kangaroo belong: the red kangaroo, the ea tern gray kangaroo and the ...
Cat care in summer
Cat are animal that with tand heat well, they like to lie in the un and pend hour in the plea ant heat. However, in the ummer, care hould be redoubled becau e the un i too trong and can be harmful to ...
Prevent the dog from scratching a wound
Do you hare your home with a dog? o you've certainly realized how complex your pet' health can be, ince our furry friend are u ceptible to numerou condition , ju t like u .It i important that ...
What would happen if the bees disappeared?
What would happen if the bee di appeared? It i a very important que tion that can be an wered in two different way , tarting from different premi e .The fir t an wer i ba ed on an unreali tic a umptio...
Persian cat care
O Per ian cat, with it maje tic appearance and it elegance, i one of the be t known and mo t appreciated cat , a much for it beautiful fur and it flat no e a for it per onality. Effectively it i a lov...
Tibetan terrier
Although it i cataloged within the group of Terrier , the Tibetan Terrier i very different from it congener and doe not have the typical per onality and characteri tic of other terrier breed . Previou...
The cat Aby inian it i a popular breed due not only to it phy ical appearance but al o to it per onality. Both at re t and in motion, thi animal how great elegance and harmony in it movement . The fir...
Differences between camel and dromedary
The camel and the dromedary are very animal imilar, a it come from the ame family, the camelid. Divided into race , they are defined a Camelu Bactrianu , known only a camel , and Camelu dromedariu , b...