What to do if my dog ​​has bitten a frog

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
What do I do if my dog bites a frog?
Video: What do I do if my dog bites a frog?


Toad poisoning is one of the most frequent in the case of dogs that live on farms, farms and farms or in the countryside. If your dog has bitten a frog and you are concerned, you would do well to seek information on this topic as frog venom can cause serious or fatal poisoning.

Frog poison in dogs is a veterinary emergency which can affect the nervous system and can cause anything from mild episodes of respiratory failure to the death of your pet. If you are sure your pet is intoxicated, immediately seek out a veterinarian center. Keep reading to find out what to do if your dog has bitten a frog, first aid and symptoms.

My dog ​​bit a frog: first aid

If you believe your dog has bitten or licked a frog, don't waste your time. open his mouth and wash your dog's tongue to remove possible toxins he has not yet swallowed. If you have lemon juice on hand it will be even more effective as it saturates the taste buds and reduces the absorption of the poison.

this is not a home remedy for frog poison which should be replaced by professional care. Seek as soon as possible a veterinarian who will treat the symptoms and try to keep your pet as stable as possible. During transport, try to prevent the dog from moving or getting nervous.

What to do when a dog bites a frog

Always be wary of tricks for this problem because it is an intoxication that can become serious, resulting in the death of the animal. Giving milk to a dog that has bitten a frog, for example, is a procedure known in popular culture but without scientific evidence, as milk is not a recommended food for adult dogs.

Once you arrive at the emergency room at the veterinary center, the professionals will try to stop the symptoms and provide an electrolyte balance. The key is that your dog survives. In the face of seizures, they will use barbiturates or benzodiazepines and will also try to control other symptoms such as salivation and spasticity.

They will also apply intravenous fluids and the necessary medications for this specific case.

After the dog's state is under control it will receive oxygen until it reaches constant physiological signals and will remain under observation until all symptoms go into remission.

frog poison

The frog has secretory glands on its skin that produce a toxic or irritating liquid. Behind the eyes they secrete another toxic substance in a parotid flame gland and in addition produce poison all over your body. If you have any questions, the post about the most poisonous frogs in Brazil can clarify. By the way, many people end up confusing frogs with frogs, whose differences can be noticed, mainly, in their appearance. However, if your dog has bitten a frog, be aware that it can also be vebenic.

The poison to be dangerous must come into contact with the mucous membranes, mouth or eyes, but as soon as it enters the bloodstream it starts to produce circulatory and nervous system disorders. Understand the symptoms below.

Signs of Frog Poison in Dogs

The fact that the frog moves slowly and makes audible noises causes an interest in your dog, who will try to hunt or play with him. If you saw a frog nearby and your pet demonstrates the following symptoms don't waste any more time, it could be an intoxication:

  • Seizures (when the dog bit the frog and its mouth is foaming);
  • muscle weakness;
  • Tremors;
  • Mental confusion;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Muscle movements;
  • pupil dilation;
  • Abundant salivation;
  • Dizziness;
  • Vomiting.

In this case, don't hesitate to look for a urgent veterinary care and resorting to the first aid mentioned above.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.