
why my dog ​​has red eyes

ometime we ee in our puppy manife tation (phy ical or behavioral) that indicate that omething i not working properly in it body and it i e ential to pay attention to the e ign if we want to keep our ...

Cat Obesity - Causes and Treatment

Cat are truly genuine companion animal and have characteri tic that clearly differentiate them from any other type of pet, among them we can mention that de pite not having 7 live , they have urpri in...

Dog Clothing - A Luxury Or A Necessity?

The u e of clothing for dog i omewhat controver ial. hould I wear clothe to protect my dog ​​from the cold? Can my dog ​​wear clothe every day? I it bad to wear dog clothe ? It i normal for you to que...

Blind snake has venom?

The blind nake or cecilia i an animal that arou e many curio ity and i till little tudied by cienti t . There are dozen of different pecie , aquatic and terre trial, that can reach almo t a meter in l...

Types of Mosquitoes

The term mo quito, tilt or worm i u ed to refer to a group of in ect belonging pecifically to the order Diptera, a word meaning "two-winged". Although thi term doe not have a taxonomic cla i...

Agility Circuit

O Agility i an entertainment port that fo ter coordination between owner and pet. It i a circuit with a erie of ob tacle that the puppy mu t overcome a indicated, in the end the judge will determine t...

Cat wakes me up at dawn - Why?

U ed to waking up 10 minute before ringing the alarm? And at thi point, do you feel a udden jerk in your face? Your furry friend probably wake you up in the morning and won't let you leep anymore,...

because my dog ​​lies on top of me

One of the curiou thing that dog do i get into the habit of itting right on their owner ' feet or itting directly on them. Thi behavior i particularly amu ing in large dog , who eem to have no ide...

Forest animals: Amazon, tropical, Peruvian and Misiones

Fore t are huge pace , filled with thou and of tree , hrub and vegetation that, in general, prevent unlight from reaching the ground. In thi type of eco y tem, there i the greater biodiver ity of natu...


O Havana cat it come from 19th century Europe, more pecifically from England where it began to breed by electing the brown iame e. Later on, brown iame e mixed with Chocolate Point and that' where...

Names for German Shepherd Dogs

The dog German hepherd i a very intelligent, active and trong race. Therefore, we mu t forget about all the proper name for a mall dog, a they would mo t likely not uit thi breed.The German hepherd ha...

Why does the dog drink a lot of water?

In addition to watching that your puppy eat properly, you hould pay attention to the amount of water he inge t . He mu t alway have available fre h and clean water and you mu t make ure he drink the n...

English bulldog

O engli h bulldog i a dog with an unmi takable appearance. Robu t and hort, it ha a fierce appearance (due to it origin ), although it character i u ually affectionate and peaceful. They are ideal for...

Eliminate dog fleas

At flea are a common problem in puppie but that' not why it' a mild problem. The e in ect feed on blood, are annoyed by itchine , in addition to generating infection or being carrier of ome ty...


The poochon dog i a hybrid between a poodle and a bichon fri é originating in Au tralia. It i an energetic, ociable, affectionate, playful dog, very loyal and dependent on it caregiver , o much o...

5 symptoms that the dog is dying

Death i not an ea y thing to accept. Unfortunately, it' a proce that all living being pa and pet are no exception. If you have an elderly or very ick dog, it death i omething you hould be prepared...

difference between ox and bull

Did you know that there are ome difference between oxen and bull ? The two term are u ed to de ignate the male of the ame pecie . (good tauru ), but refer to different individual . Thi difference in n...

Filter animals: characteristics and examples

All living thing need energy to carry out their vital proce e , and it i obtained from the nutrient they con ume. The va t diver ity of exi ting animal pecie ha different characteri tic , among which ...

How many days does the bitch bleed in heat?

When we have for the fir t time an unneutered young or adult female dog, we have to deal with the pha e of the cycle that rai e the mo t concern to tutor : idlene . Thi pha e, which take place twice a...

Cat running like crazy: causes and solutions

If you have one or more cat at home, you've probably witne ed a moment of feline madne in which your cat run out of nowhere. Although in many ca e thi i normal behavior and doe not po e any proble...