why my dog ​​has red eyes

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Dog Red Eye Home Remedies
Video: Dog Red Eye Home Remedies


Sometimes we see in our puppy manifestations (physical or behavioral) that indicate that something is not working properly in its body and it is essential to pay attention to these signs if we want to keep our puppy healthy and treat any condition in time and properly .

It is important to learn to recognize certain signs so that we can associate them with a certain cause, not to treat the condition (something that only the veterinarian should do), but to know how to make a decision in time that translates into a healthy and happy pet.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain to you why dogs have red eyes, to act as soon as possible before this sign.

Red eyes in dogs

When we see that our dog has red eyes, this redness is affecting a concrete structure of the eyeball, in this case we observe redness in the white part of the eye, known medically as episcleritis, a term that indicates inflammation of this ocular structure.

It is an inflammation that can present as a generalized thickening in the eyeball or as a small inflamed nodule with a very defined location. Let's clarify right away that this is a benign condition and with a good prognosis.

Symptoms of episcleritis in the dog

If our dog suffers from inflammation of the episclera you will see the following symptoms in it:

  • Nodule in the eye or generalized thickening.
  • Altered coloration of the white part of the eyeball that can range from pink to brown.
  • Angry, reddened eyes.
  • The dog can keep the affected eye closed.
  • Signs of malaise and pain when inflammation is too extensive.

How to Treat Red Eyes in Dogs

THE episcleritis it can have different causes and sometimes this inflammation corresponds to different conditions, some of them easy to treat, such as conjunctivitis, but others with a more complex prognosis, such as glaucoma. THE veterinary evaluation It will be important to determine the underlying cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

As we mentioned at the beginning, this symptom does not usually indicate seriousness and its prognosis is good, but immediate veterinary attention is needed for this, since complications can arise if the inflammation is not treated and if it spreads.

The veterinarian may prescribe eye drops and ophthalmic ointments, which may include different active ingredients, usually including anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, but if the inflammation is very severe, a drug containing cortisone, one of the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs, can be used, although it also has important side effects .

The treatment can be administered at home and the owner must commit to perform adequate therapeutic compliance as well as a follow-up of your pet's condition, immediately consulting the veterinarian if there is any kind of aggravation or new symptom.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.