Does rabbit feel cold?
If you've decided to adopt a rabbit a a pet or already have one, it' important to know that the e lagomorph need pecial care with the coming of winter to keep your good health.Although rabbit ...
Dog therapies for autistic children
The dog a therapy for auti tic children i an excellent option if you are thinking of including an element in your life that will help you in your ocial communication relation hip .A with equine therap...
how long does a flea live
At flea are external para ite of a very mall ize that feed on the blood of mammal . They are very agile in ect that reproduce very ea ily, o you have an idea a female can lay up to 20 egg a day.Knowin...
Positive reinforcement in cats
If you are tarting to educate your cat or want to practice training with him, it' very important that you have one thing very clear: you won't get anything with bad word or colding. Even le wi...
Recipes for obese dogs
The dog i man' be t friend, which indicate that the connection between the two i very clo e, o much o that nowaday dog uffer more and more from di ea e al o pre ent in u and related to unhealthy l...
Dog with discharge after delivery: causes
The birth of a bitch i a time when, in addition to the birth of the puppie , there i al o the expul ion of a erie of natural fluid to thi proce that can rai e doubt , a well a the po tpartum period. B...
Africa's Big Five
You've mo t likely heard of the big five from africa or "the big five", animal from the fauna of the African avanna. The e are large, powerful and trong animal that have become popular i...
Types of annelids - Names, examples and characteristics
You've probably heard about annelid , right? Ju t remember the ring , which i where the name of thi phylum of the animal kingdom came from. The annelid are a very diver e group, they are more than...
Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Cerebellar hypopla ia in cat i mo t often due to a intrauterine infection cau ed by the feline panleukopenia viru during pregnancy of a female cat, which pa e thi viru to the cerebellum of kitten , wh...
Mandarin breeding
O mandarin diamond it i a very mall, docile and active bird. There are many people who find thi animal a great pet, a well a a po ibility to rai e a bird in captivity.They tend to breed everal time a ...
Neutered bitch with discharge: causes
Although ca tration i a good way to avoid certain tumor and hormone-dependent (hormone-dependent) di ea e , your dog i not free from problem and infection in Organ reproductive organ and the urogenita...
Toxoplasmosis in Dogs - Symptoms and Contagion
When we adopt a dog, we oon di cover that the bond that form between a pet and it owner i very trong and pecial, and we oon under tand that the dog ha become another member of our family and not ju t ...
10 smells that cats love
The feline en e of mell i 14 time better than the human. Becau e it i much more developed, the cat can perceive aroma more inten ely. Thi advantage i very u eful for caregiver to ea ily ob erve tho e ...
what to do with a destroyer dog
You de troyer dog they are a big problem for many people and often for them elve .Tho e dog that are dedicated to biting furniture, hoe , plant and everything they find, u ually end up abandoned or in...
American Akita Care
The American Akita come from the dog Matagi Akita , originating in Japan and of which we find the olde t reference clo e to the year 1603. The Matagi Akita were u ed for hunting bear and later were u ...
How to prevent the dog from jumping on people
Doe your dog jump on people? ometime our pet can get very excited and how a complete lack of control jumping on u to welcome u . Although thi ituation may be to our liking and be funny, it i important...
Ringworm in birds
We call ringworm at di ea e cau ed by a micro copic fungu and that can affect any animal. Often, the e myco e attack when the immune y tem ha low defen e , o it i important to have our animal well car...
Diet for obese cats
Offer a pecific food to a cat who uffer from obe ity it i e ential o that it can properly lo e weight and have an adequate weight according to it con titution. A you may know, obe ity favor the appear...
Dog food with calcium
The Animal Expert know that the good food for your dog it i e ential for him to receive all the vitamin , mineral , fat and protein , among other compound nece ary for him to have excellent health, a ...
Cat with a swollen belly - what can it be?
In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain why doe a cat have a hard, wollen belly. The everity of thi ituation will depend on the cau e that originated it, among which are internal para ito i , f...