- Why is calcium important for dogs?
- When should I give my dog calcium?
- Egg
- milk and cheese
- Yogurt
- bones
- Fish

The Animal Expert knows that the good food for your dog it is essential for him to receive all the vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins, among other compounds necessary for him to have excellent health, as well as to prevent diseases and improve his quality of life.
Sometimes it's not enough to give your furry friend the best quality dog food, as for one reason or another he may need extra amounts of some component. That's why we want to talk about the Dog food with calcium, a practical guide on some foods that bring many benefits to your pet at certain stages of its life. Good reading.
Why is calcium important for dogs?
It is possible that calcium is one of the most important minerals for the dog's body, as it helps to correctly form its skeletal system, including the teeth, as well as controlling cardiac and hormonal functions and regulating the nervous system. Briefly, calcium for dogs serves to:
- bone development
- Actively acts in the transmission of nerve impulses
- It has an important role in muscle action
- It is essential for good blood clotting.
For all these reasons, you cannot lack calcium in your dog's diet. This does not mean, however, that you should rush to buy calcium supplements. On the contrary, its administration is very delicate and should only be carried out under medical supervision, as an excess of this mineral can cause disorders and diseases such as hip deformities and osteochondritis dissecans.
When should I give my dog calcium?
The processed food for dogs already includes the daily amount of calcium recommended for your pet, and you should only include an extra dose if the veterinarian recommends, which can occur if:
- You offer your dog a home-cooked diet.
- Your dog is still a puppy and needs larger amounts of calcium.
- You have a female dog in the gestation period or that is nursing her puppies.
The dose is calculated for each kilo of weight, being 120 milligrams per kilo for adult dogs and 320 milligrams per pound for puppies. In the case of pregnant or nursing bitches, it is normal for a rapid loss of calcium to occur, as it is transmitted to fetuses and puppies. Therefore, before buying calcium for a dog, talk to your veterinarian to make sure if it is really necessary and, especially, the amount that should be administered to your pet.
If an extra dose of calcium has been prescribed for your furry friend and you prefer to offer it in a natural way through calcium-rich dog foods, here we tell you which ones are best suited for him.

Egg is a very nutritious food and its shell contains not only large amounts of calcium (about 800 milligrams), but also boron, zinc, magnesium and other minerals, making it a great choice among calcium-rich dog foods .
If possible, prefer organic eggs, as the shell easily absorbs the chemicals that are used in large industries and farms, and they are very difficult to eliminate. of course you will not offer your dog the whole egg or just the shells. You can take advantage of it in two ways:
- Preparing dog eggshell flour: Soak the eggshell in hot water for two minutes to eliminate any bacteria. Remove it and let it dry very well, then crush the skin. You can use a grinder, your own hands or any other tool that allows you to turn it into powder and you can offer this dog eggshell flour. So you can add flour to your dog's food.
- whole egg: prepare a whole boiled egg, without removing the shell, in a little boiling water. You must not add salt. When ready, blend thoroughly in a blender or food processor. Include this calcium-rich dog food in your dog's food preparation.
milk and cheese
Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium, but not all of them are good for your dog. When it comes to milk, goat's milk is most recommended, as puppies digest it very well. You can offer your dog some in a bowl. If you don't find this type, prefer the non-fat or lactose-free cow's milk, and mix with a little water. Keep an eye out for not causing diarrhea in your dog; if this happens, discontinue use immediately.
In relation to cheese, it is another food that contains calcium and is good for dogs. You can add it in the food preparation if you give your dog a home-cooked diet, or offer some as a treat. Prefer the cottage cheese for its low salt content, and always in small amounts. And pay attention that there are some puppies that can be lactose intolerant.
In this other article we explain all the details and talk about different types of cheese that dogs can eat.

It is another dairy product that can also provide large amounts of calcium for the dog. The beneficial bacteria present in yogurt are ideal for regulate the functioning of the intestinal flora of your furry friend, contributing to good digestion.
When choosing a yogurt, opt for those that are low in fat and have no flavor or sweeteners. You can add a little to the dog's food to soften it up.
If you want to know how to make homemade ice cream for dogs, just access this other article from PeritoAnimal.
If you are one of the people who give your dogs leftover food and bones, you should stop this practice immediately. Boiled bones are very dangerous for dogs, as they break easily when bitten and can cause perforations in the intestine and stomach. However, bones are an undeniable source of calcium for dogs, and you can provide them in several ways:
- raw bones: it is much safer as they can be chewed and digested easily when they are not cooked. They must contain meat, not just bone.
- crushed bones: Whether cooked or raw, grinding bones is a good way to avoid accidents. Use a grinder or food processor to grind the bones into powder, then mix it with your pet's food. It is a simple, calcium-rich option for dogs.

The benefits of fish are numerous: they provide calcium, omega 3, fatty acids, vitamin C and many other nutrients and minerals. The most recommendable fish for having high calcium content for dogs are sardines, salmon, tuna and trout.
To avoid illness, cook the fish before offering it to your dog. Eliminate all the spines and bones, or grind them up very well in a food processor.
Now that you know what calcium-rich dog foods are, you might be interested in the recommended dog fruits. Check out the following video:
If you want to read more articles similar to Dog food with calcium, we recommend that you enter our Home Diets section.