
Because my dog ​​has dry skin

ometime the dog uffer from having dry kin and thi can lead to corn or exce ive cratching, which cau e them ore . The peed of treatment will allow u to re olve it effectively and prevent it from getti...

How to make guinea pig toys

If you have decided to hare your life with a guinea pig, a well a find out about the nece ary care and what your need are regarding food and health. You mu t al o know how to interact with them, a goo...

101 names for Border Collie

The Border Collie dog breed i one of the marte t and mo t unique breed . They have an intellect far uperior to the other and, in addition to being beautiful dog , they are extremely loyal to their fam...

Vegetarian or vegan dog: pros and cons

Currently, vegetarian and vegan diet are on the ri e. Every day more people are predi po ed to follow thi type of diet for ethical and health rea on . Vegetarian and vegan who have dog or cat a pet ma...

Home remedy for dog mange with sulfur

It' normal to ee a dog cratching him elf everal time throughout the day. However, you hould be concerned and ee a veterinarian when he cratche him elf exce ively, for long period of time, and too ...

Is Aloe Vera toxic to cats?

One of the main characteri tic of the cat i it independent and explorer character, in part due to the fact that the cat i the quinte entially dome ticated hunter, o people who choo e to hare their hom...

sokoke cat

The okoke cat i originally from Africa, who e appearance i remini cent of thi beautiful continent. Thi breed of cat ha a pectacular coat, a the pattern i imilar to the bark of a tree, which i why in K...

Names of famous cats

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we are going to ugge t name of fictitiou and real famou cat , a everything goe when finding the perfect name for our cat or cat. ome name of famou cat are relatively pre...

japanese bobtail cat

Although it tend to be confu ed with the American Bobtail, the Japane e Bobtail cat i a different breed who e only imilarity i the hort pompom- haped tail. Thu , thi i one of the main characteri tic o...

350 Names for Shih Tzu

Having a dog at home i alway an amazing experience. In addition to the e animal being great companion for tho e who live alone, they are playful and full of love to give.If you have never had a puppy ...

Names for Beagle Puppies

are you thinking about adopt a dog? o you hould know that thi i a great re pon ibility becau e the owner mu t provide the nece ary care to hi dog to cover all hi need and provide him with a complete t...

Can I give canned tuna to my cat?

Tuna i one of the healthie t fi h in term of nutrition. Not only doe it provide protein, it al o contain fat that are beneficial to the cat' health. Al o, cat love thi food, but it houldn't be...

10 signs of old age in the dog

If your be t friend i over 7 year old he will probably tart noticing the e in time. 10 ign of old age in the dog. The e are ba ically factor that appear becau e of age. Getting to know them will help ...

The 5 oldest animals in the world

There are creature almo t a old a planet Earth it elf. Animal that have urvived the mo t extreme circum tance uch a natural di a ter , extinction , climate change and all ort of deva tation . Their ow...

How to Teach the Dog to Paw

Who doe n't want your dog learn ome trick ? It i normal for a puppy owner to want to ee hi puppy roll over, lie down or play dead. But the be t thing i that with thi , you are not only enhancing y...

Dog food supplements

When it' time to make a homemade diet for our dog, we have to be aware that we are going to need a veterinary control and certain upplement that avoid nutritional deficiencie . It i very important...

Dog Hair - Tips for Properly Brushing

Bru hing our puppie ' fur i e ential for their health, a it eliminate dirt and the appearance of external para ite . Depending on the hair type, the bru hing frequency i variable and the bru h typ...

The 10 biggest animals in the world

There are million of animal pecie on our planet and, in fact, many are till unknown. Throughout hi tory, human have trived to di cover all the ecret and all the wonder that planet Earth ha to how u , ...

How long does it take to deliver a bitch?

During the pregnancy of a dog, one of the main concern i the time of delivery. In order for u to face it afely, it i important that we have followed the veterinary exam marked by our veterinarian thro...

11 things that make your cat stressed

Cat are extremely en itive animal and u ceptible to change and, therefore, they uffer more tre epi ode than dog . In general, and due to the tre ful factor, feline are u ed to treating thi di order an...