sokoke cat

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Sokoke Cats 101 : Fun Facts & Myths
Video: Sokoke Cats 101 : Fun Facts & Myths


The Sokoke cat is originally from Africa, whose appearance is reminiscent of this beautiful continent. This breed of cat has a spectacular coat, as the pattern is similar to the bark of a tree, which is why in Kenya, the country of origin, received the name "Khadzonzos" which literally means "bark".

Did you know that these cats continue to live in African tribes in Kenya, like the Giriama? In this form of PeritoAnimal we will explain many mysteries about this breed of cats, with aboriginal customs that little by little seems to be gaining ground in the category of domestic cats. Keep reading and find out all about the Sokoke cat.

  • Africa
  • Kenya
Physical characteristics
  • thin tail
  • Strong
  • Active
  • outgoing
  • Affectionate
  • Curious
type of fur
  • Short

Sokoke cat: origin

Sokoke cats, which originally received the name of Khadzonzo cats, come from the African continent, more specifically from Kenya, where they live wild in both urban and rural areas.

Some specimens of these cats were captured by an English breeder called J.Slaterm who, together with a friend breeder, Gloria Modruo, decided to breed them and thus give rise to specimens adapted to domestic life. The breeding program began in 1978 and was quite successful as, just a few years later, in 1984, the Sokoke breed was officially recognized in Denmark, expanding to other countries such as Italy, where they arrived in 1992.

Currently, TICA catalogs the Sokoke cat as a New Preliminary Breed, FIFE recognized it in 1993 and CCA and GCCF also recognized the breed despite the few examples existing in America and Europe.

Sokoke cat: physical characteristics

Sokokes are medium sized cats, weighing between 3 and 5 kilos. Life expectancy is between 10 and 16 years. These cats have an enlarged body, which makes them have an elegant bearing, but at the same time the extremities show a lot of muscle development, being very strong and agile. The hind legs are larger than the front legs.

The head is rounded and small, the upper part corresponding to the forehead is flatter and does not have a stop marked. The eyes are brown, oblique and medium in size. The ears are medium, held high so that it seems to be always on alert. Although it is not essential, in beauty contests, the copies that have "feathers" on their ears, that is, by the extras at the end. Anyway, what draws the most attention in Sokoke cats is the coat, as it is stripy and the brown color makes it look like the bark of a tree. The coat is short and shiny.

Sokoke cat: personality

Because they are cats that live in the wild or semi-wild state, you might think that this is a very skittish breed or one that flees from contact with humans, but that is far from reality. Sokoke cats are one of the friendliest races and peculiar in this sense, they are affable, active and energetic cats, who need attention and pampering from their tutors, always asking for caresses and seeking constant games.

Because they have a very high energy level, it is recommended that they live in large spaces so they can play. However, these cats adapt to apartment life, whenever they have places to play and release energy in a positive way, creating this space is possible through environmental enrichment.

They also adapt very well to socializing with other cats and other domestic animals, showing themselves very respectful whenever they are well socialized. In the same way, they get along well with people of all ages and conditions, being very affectionate and caring for everyone. It has been proven that it is one of the most empathetic races, perfectly perceiving the emotional and affective needs of others and giving itself to them so that they are always well and happy.

Sokoke cat: care

Being such a caring and affectionate feline, the Sokoke need a lot of affection. That's why they are one of those cats that can't be alone for a long time. If you don't pay enough attention, they can be very sad, anxious and continually meowing to get attention.

For having a very short hair, it is not necessary to brush daily, being recommended to brush once a week. Bathing should only be done when the cat is really dirty. In these cases, you need to take a number of steps, such as using the proper shampoo and making sure the cat is completely dry when you're done or it could get a cold.

are very energetic and that is why it is necessary to provide the Sokoke cat with the necessary tools and resources to exercise and thus maintain the proper energy level. For this, you can buy toys or scrapers with different levels for them to climb, as they love this activity, as in Africa it is common for them to spend the day climbing and descending trees. If you don't want to buy it, you can make cat toys out of cardboard.

Sokoke cat: health

Due to the genetic characteristics of the breed, there are no congenital or hereditary diseases own of it. This is due to the fact that it is a race that arose naturally, following the course of natural selection, which made the specimens that survived in such wild terrain in Africa stronger and more resistant.

Despite this, it is necessary to pay attention to the health and care of your feline. You must provide adequate and quality food, have up-to-date vaccinations, visit the veterinarian periodically ensuring that the vaccination and deworming schedule is adhered to. It is also important to practice daily exercises with your cat and also ensure that the eyes, ears and mouths are clean and healthy. It is recommended visit the vet every 6 or 12 months.

One aspect that should be paid special attention is the weather conditions, because, with such a short coat, not too dense and without a woolly coat, Sokoke is very sensitive to cold. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful that the temperature inside the house is mild and that when it gets wet, it dries quickly and does not go outside when the temperatures are lower.