Canine Acne: Causes and Treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
How to treat dog Acne, pimples, hot spots and dog allergies/ acne at home treatment ( 8 easy ways)
Video: How to treat dog Acne, pimples, hot spots and dog allergies/ acne at home treatment ( 8 easy ways)


Sometimes you may notice one or more pimples on your dog, on different parts of the body. They can have several causes, as you will see in this PeritoAnimal article. if your dog has acne on the skin, this may indicate that you are suffering from a skin condition, but the cysts can also be a consequence of the presence of parasites such as fleas and ticks or allergies, or they can actually be abscesses, cysts or tumors. Keep reading to find out all about canine acne, causes and treatment and know how to prevent it.

canine acne on the chin

If your dog has pimples on the skin of the chin area and is a puppy, it is possible that he is suffering from canine acne. Thus, the dog will have pimples, from which pus can come out. This can also affect the lower lips and, less often, the genital area, perineum, or groin.

It appears that this type of acne in dogs is produced by a blockage of hair follicles and there are predisposed breeds such as boxer and bulldog. The treatment consists of baths with disinfectant products, although there are cases where this alone does not solve and it is necessary to administer antibiotics. In any case, it is a disorder that usually disappears when the puppy reaches sexual maturity.

Canine Acne on Paws

While there are more causes than we'll explain in the sections below, if your dog has pimples on the skin of his paws, specifically his feet, it's possible that he's suffering from pododermatitis. This disease is an inflammation that can have different causes, from blows to foreign bodies, through allergies, parasites or fungi.

In addition, the condition can be complicated by the appearance of bacterial infections, which is called interdigital pyoderma. The paw will be swollen, with one or more pimples that may have discharge, so the dog may limp. To assess the cause, it is necessary to determine if one or more paws are affected, the treatment will depend on the correct diagnosis. Naturally, if there is a bacterial infection, the vet will prescribe antibiotics.

canine acne in the anus

If your dog has pimples on the skin of the anus, or near the anus, this can have several causes that will also produce pimples on other parts of the body, as we will see. However, there is a reason for the appearance of small bumps unique to this location. Its about anal gland infections, polyps or tumors in dogs that can originate in the rectum or these glands. You will notice them as lumps of different sizes that can grow, ulcerate, or release secretions. The veterinarian must reach the diagnosis, as the treatment depends on him.

canine acne with pus

If your dog has pimples on the skin anywhere on his body, it could be a abscess, which is nothing but a accumulation of pus under the skin. They can be caused by bites, stings, wounds, etc. They can have different sizes, this and the location will determine the importance in the dog's health. Green or yellow pimples can also occur.

Some of these abscesses are very painful and can even prevent the dog from feeding if he has such a pimple on his head and neck. The veterinarian will be responsible for drain them, disinfect them and prescribe antibiotics.

Canine Acne by External Parasites

Fleas and ticks can explain why a dog has pimples on its skin. You ticks are parasites that, in order to feed, need to introduce their head into the dog's body, usually with a preference for areas with few hairs. Sometimes, when they come loose or are pulled out after feeding, they leave their heads inside and a red pimple or small abscess forms in the place. You will notice that the dog has a pimple on the ear, neck, between the fingers, etc. They can resolve on their own, but if they have pus, veterinary treatment will be necessary. Of course, prevention using antiparasitic products is the best option.

At fleas, in turn, also feed on the blood of dogs, which can cause pimples, especially in dogs with allergies to the bite. In these cases, they will appear in the lumbosacral, perineal, abdominal, posterior hind legs or muscles. The dog will have pimples and the fur will fall out from the intense scratching caused by the itching. If left untreated, the skin will thicken and darken, treatment for these symptoms may be needed and you should always deworm the animal.

In this way, the red pimples on dogs they are usually the result of the presence of fleas or ticks. As we said, in some cases, especially when you are facing ticks, you will see pimples with blood on the dog, you can eliminate these parasites with natural remedies when the infestation is mild, but if it is greater, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian to treat with antiparasitic products or medication if an allergic reaction to the bite occurs.

Canine Acne from Contact Dermatitis

If your dog has several pimples on the skin in areas with little hair, you may think he has come in contact with an irritant. If the dog has pimples on his testicles, it could be because he sat on the ground impregnated with some abrasive substance. If the dog has pimples on its snout, you may think it is allergic dermatitis from coming into contact with plastic dishes.So, depending on the area where the substance hits the dog's body, observe red pimples, itching and inflammation in different parts of the body. There may be suppuration and, due to the itching, there is the possibility of complications from bacterial infections.

In any case, it is necessary to find the irritant and avoid it. Dermatological lesions are treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory prescribed by the veterinarian.

Canine Acne All Over The Body

The causes we mentioned in the previous sections can produce pimples in different areas. we speak of abscesses, parasites, cysts or tumors. In addition, it is possible to tick the folliculitis as a secondary disorder to other pathologies such as scabies, allergy or hypothyroidism as the cause of various pimples on the belly, armpits, groin and back of the dog. This is because of the infection of the hair follicle, you need to look for the underlying disease to be able to treat it, baths are usually prescribed and, in more severe cases, antibiotics.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.