Animal aposematism - meaning and examples

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 4 March 2025
What is APOSEMATISM? What does APOSEMATISM mean? APOSEMATISM meaning, definition & explanation
Video: What is APOSEMATISM? What does APOSEMATISM mean? APOSEMATISM meaning, definition & explanation


Some animals have a very intense coloration that easily catches attention. Others even have elaborate patterns that include all sorts of geometric shapes worthy of a Cubist painting. The result is beautiful butterflies, metallic colored beetles or eccentric frogs.

The colors of these animals are very striking and reveal the bearer's position in relation to their predators. Apparently, we could say that they don't have much survival advantage, but in reality their color serves as a protection. Do you want to know why? In this article by PeritoAnimal, we talk about animal aposematism, its definition and the most curious examples of nature.

meaning of aposematism

Aposmatism is a mechanism by which an animal drive away your predators without much effort. he does it for owning color patterns easily identifiable warnings of toxicity, unpleasant taste, or defense systems.

As a result, the predator learns to recognize color patterns and relate them to dangerous or unpleasant prey. Therefore, he decides that it is better to go looking for food elsewhere.

Animal aposematism is a very effective form of communication. In the next ExpertAnimal article, you can learn about other types of communication between animals.

Aposematism in the animal kingdom and evolution

Animal aposematism is the result of species evolution that possess it and its predators. Generally speaking, prey that have patterns that are easily recognizable as dangerous are more likely to survive. As a result, these animals have more offspring and pass their genes on to the next generation, which will inherit their colors.

Likewise, predators who don't recognize these patterns have fun or even die. Therefore, those who know how to recognize poisonous or dangerous prey are the ones that survive and can leave more offspring. In this way, aposematic predators and prey evolve together and "select" themselves through evolution.

Aposematism and animal mimicry

When several species of animals show the same pattern of independently acquired aposematic colors, they are said to have undergone a mimicry process. If both have defense systems, it is Müllerian mimicry; but if only one of them can defend itself, we speak of Batesian mimicry. In the latter case, we say that the copying or "falsifying" species has a false aposematism.

Aposematism in ladybugs

Ladybugs are Coleoptera in the Coccinellidae family. They are often bright red or yellow in color. These colors are indicative of the its unpleasant taste. Thus, the predators that try them decide not to hunt again an animal with the same appearance.

Thanks to animal aposematism, ladybugs can be considered as some of the most beautiful insects in the world. The best known is the Coccinella septempunctata.

Aposematism in monarch and viceroy butterflies

The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) has a beautiful orange, black and white coloration. This insect feeds on plants of the genus Asclepias that have a toxic component. However, rather than being affected, the monarch butterfly accumulates these toxins in your body as a defense mechanism against its predators.

The viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archival) is also toxic and is almost identical in color to the monarch butterfly. Thanks to this, predators only have to recognize a color pattern and everyone wins.

Aposematism in wasps

Many types of wasps (different taxa in the order Hymenoptera) have yellow and black concentric rings along their abdomen. Your predators interpret this coloring as a danger, so they dare not eat them. They don't do it without reason, as wasps have a very powerful sting. A magnificent example is the European wasp (crabro wasp).

Aposematism in mantis shrimp

The mantis shrimp (Gonodactylus smithii) lives on the coral reef of Australia. It is a crustacean with a privileged view and very bright colors. It is a toxic animal and also very dangerous.

Because of its sharp pincers, it hits its prey with a great acceleration, so much so that it causes cavitation in the water and can kill other animals without hitting them directly.

For more information, you may be interested in this other article about the world's most dangerous animals.

Animal aposematism in salamanders

The salamanders (order Urodelos) have skin toxins and often other toxic elements that can be sprayed from a distance. Many of them warn their predators thanks to animal aposematism. A good example of this is the colors yellow and black of the common salamander (salamander salamander).

Another example is Salamandra Terdigitata (Salamandrin sp.), which has the ventral part of the body dyed red, black and white. Red is concentrated on the back, tail and limbs. When disturbed, they lift their head and legs while bending their tail toward their head. Thus, they show the color red and drive out predators.

Aposematism in Opossums

Mephitidae (family Mephitidae) are black and white mammals. These colors don't help to camouflage themselves in the ecosystems where skunks live, but they are indicators of a hidden defense: an unpleasant smell secreted by your anal glands. This is one of the few examples of animal aposematism in mammals.

One of the most popular possums is the mephitis mephitis, known as the striped possum.

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