Introduce a dog to a cat correctly

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
How to Introduce a Dog to a Cat - In 5 Easy Steps!
Video: How to Introduce a Dog to a Cat - In 5 Easy Steps!


Knowing how to introduce a dog to a cat is essential if you are thinking of welcoming a new member into your family, but you should bear in mind that not all cases must follow the same rules, this will vary depending on the pet's personality, your education and the specific situation.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will give you some advice on how to submit a adult dog and cat and, how should the presentation between a cub and an adult.

Remember that each case is different and concrete, so you should be very attentive to all reactions and carefully follow our advice. Keep reading our article and find out how you can introduce a dog to a cat correctly.

Factors to consider before introducing the dog to the cat

Although there are breeds that tend to be more sociable with other animals, the truth is that if we have not properly carried out the socialization process of our dog or cat, coexistence can be very complicated in its adult phase.

What is socialization? Why is it so important?

Socialization consists of introducing our dog or cat when is a puppy to all kinds of people, animals, environments and stimuli so that, when you reach adulthood, you will be an animal without fears, stable and without reactive behaviors.

If you are not able to work correctly this part of the puppy's education, it will be very important to follow some advice to avoid any accidents that can happen when you are not present or in your first interactions. For this reason, knowing your pet's behavior with other animals is essential before thinking about adopting another animal.

Some dogs and cats, despite having followed a proper socialization process, do not always get along with other animals. There are also cases of animals suffering from behavioral problems. In these cases it is very important to have the presence of an expert such as an ethologist. The professional will guide us in the process of adaptation, presentation and will offer us adequate advice for the specific case. If your pet has behavioral problems, it's especially important to ask for help.

Do you have enough space? What can you do if they go wrong?

During the first days of the dog and cat coexistence, we will need isolate both animals not to have a negative reaction to meeting each other. For this reason, it is essential to have a house that is minimally large and has several rooms. Space will also be important to achieve separate the bed and the food and drink container of each, objects that can generate disputes in coexistence.

Finally, remember that it is important to know what we are going to do if our pets go bad. Although coexistence usually improves over time, in some cases it may not be possible. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you adopt your future pet in an animal refuge, a place where the doors will always be open. The abandonment of animals is a very common practice in these cases, so we must be responsible and think carefully about what the solution will be in case the dog and cat go wrong.

The presentation of an adult dog and cat

The appearance of a cat and dog, both adults, is probably the most delicate of all since in some cases we don't know how they will react. For this, we recommend that you follow these advices:

1. Prepare a safe zone for your cat

When cats feel threatened, they tend to take refuge in high places that the dog will not be able to reach. You multi-story scrapers and shelves they are excellent tools for the feline to flee if it feels threatened. Properly preparing the safety zone is the most important point of the presentation.

2. Delimit the dog and cat zones

In the first days must not join both animals. For this, it will be useful to delimit the house in two separate areas where you will put the utensils of each pet: the bed, toys and food container. During these first days both animals will get used to eating and resting in their particular space.

3. Present them with the scent

A good way to introduce your dog and cat is with each other's scent. At first they will sniff under the doors with a lot of curiosity, but then they are likely to ignore the presence of the other animal. For this, you can use a trick that consists of leaving a blanket in each of your pets' beds. after two days must change the blankets.

With this it is intended to make known the other pet as they get information from each other, through the smell.

4. The first face to face

If you are unsure of the reaction of both animals, it is very important to physically present them in a room that has a safe zone for the cat, so in the face of any unforeseen circumstances, he can take refuge. It may also be useful to put collar on the dog or use the muzzle (only if you are used to it).

If you decide to use the collar at the time of the presentation, don't make it short, on the contrary, you should hold it tight in case the dog tries to attack the cat, but it should be loose so that it doesn't feel control or tense. You must relate the cat to something positive.

In this first face to face must be very attentive to the reaction of both the animals and the best thing will be to have another person who can help you if necessary. The growls, snorts and attempts to chase are normal, don't worry, little by little they will end.

The physical presentation should last for a short time and you should try to make it as positive and pleasant for each animal. Repeat this process every day to get them used to each other's presence.

5. Allow them to interact

After a week of short meetings, you should make a general assessment: Did they react well or badly in the presence of the other? Did either animal try to attack the other? Have you ignored each other? If everything seems to be going well, it will be time to let your animals free and stop using the collar.

In the beginning both will be alert for the presence of the other so there should be no surprises. The cat will take refuge in the heights if it finds it necessary and the dog can escape to its comfort zone.

During the first month of coexistence it will be very important to always be present in their interactions and, when you leave, you must leave each one in their own zone. delimited from the house so that no incidents occur while you are not present.

The presentation of a puppy and an adult

This type of presentation is the one that has to be more careful since he is one of the members he is very young and could come out badly from this presentation. However, and with the exception of cases of severe behavior problems, adult animals will show surprise and tenderness upon meeting the new family member.

It is important to consider that in this type of adoption, that of a puppy, can cause jealousy in the oldest animal, we must continue to offer care and attention to the oldest child, always in the first place, avoiding conflicts that may arise.

1. The smell as a presentation

if not sure of the reaction that your pet will have when meeting a puppy or cat, you should not introduce them without warning. You can let the adult specimen observe the small one, but you must not expose it directly.

As mentioned before, animals know each other and identify other animals by smell, so it can be useful offer a used blanket from puppy to cat or from dog to adult cat. In this way you will begin to recognize the little one.

2. Let each other get acquainted

If you are not sure how the adult animal will react, you can use a loose collar for the first face to face, so if something goes wrong you can act correctly. Use of the muzzle on puppies that are used to it may also be appropriate.

Let the adult specimen smell and observe the small one, it's their way of interacting. You must be very attentive to your reaction and reward him whenever he observes positive attitudes: smelling, touching, observing, being calm... Repeat this interaction on a regular basis during these first days and always under your supervision.

Don't leave the dog or cat alone, when you leave the house, look for separate areas where they are quiet and safe, so you can be sure that nothing happens.

The presentation of a cat and puppy dog

The presentation of two puppies is simply a presentation. Baby animals are so tender and sweet that there won't be any problem when presenting them, they won't hurt themselves either as their teeth and nails are very small.

Presenting two puppies will be ohgreat to strengthen socialization of both animals in addition to providing them with a best friend with whom they can grow and have fun. Use treats, prizes, words of affection and caresses whenever you observe positive attitudes between you and avoid punishment for an education based on positive reinforcement.