Why does the cat crumple a bun and bite the blanket?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
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Cats have habits and behaviors that can be very strange, like knead bread, try to burrow into very small holes or throw any object they can find. Therefore, if we observe situations such as the cat biting the blanket while kneading bread, it is totally normal for us to ask ourselves if this is a behavior specific to the species or if our cat has any problems.

When a cat does this sporadically, we don't have to worry. Now, if this happens frequently, maybe something is happening. For this reason, in this article by PeritoAnimal we will give the answer to the question: "why does the cat crumple a roll and bite the blanket?" so you know what's going on.

Cock Syndrome

When cats bite, chew, lick or suck on something other than food, we are facing anomalous behavior. This behavior is called "pica syndrome". The word pica comes from the Latin for the magpie, a bird of the raven family, which is well known for its feeding behavior: it eats everything it finds. Furthermore, magpies are used to stealing and hiding the strangest objects.

The pica or allotriophagy is a syndrome that affects many animals, including humans, dogs and cats, which occurs when bite or ingest inedible substances. The feline's favorite objects for this behavior are: cardboard, paper, plastic bags and fabrics such as wool (that's why it sucks and bites the blanket). The breeds most predisposed to this specific problem of biting the blanket or sucking it as if it were nursing are the oriental ones, such as the Siamese and the Burmese cat.

There are still not enough studies to determine the exact causes that cause this problem. However, as it affects some races more than others, it is believed to have a strong genetic component. For a long time, experts believed that this syndrome originated from a premature separation of the kitten from the litter. However, nowadays it is believed that this is not the main cause in most cats.

The most likely cause is that it is a habit (as in people) that relieves stress and promotes a sense of well-being on the cat. This behavior is sometimes associated with a loss of appetite and/or ingestion of foreign foods. This stress or anxiety can be caused by different reasons, such as boredom, a change or any other change at home. Each cat is a different world and in the face of any change in behavior, it is essential to visit the veterinarian to rule out even the least probable causes.

In 2015, a group of researchers tried to better understand the problem. More than 204 Siamese and Burmese cats participated in the study. The results revealed that there were no relationships between the animal's physical characteristics and the anomalous feeding behavior in the tissues. However, they found that in the Siamese race there was a relationship between other medical problems and this behavior. In Burmese cats, the results suggested that premature weaning and a very small litter box may favor this type of behavior. Furthermore, in both breeds, there was an intense increase in appetite[1].

Undoubtedly, more studies are needed to understand this complex behavior problem in cats. So far, you should try to do what the experts say. Although there is no exact way to solve the problem.

What to do to prevent the cat from biting the blanket

cat biting blanket or any other tissue is suffering from allotriophagy or pica syndrome, unfortunately there is no 100% effective solution for this problem. However, we recommend you follow these suggestions:

  • Take the cat to the vet if you are eating strange things. Although it is not common, it can be a nutritional deficiency and only the veterinarian can perform the analysis to rule out this possibility.
  • hide the fabrics of cashmere and other materials he prefers. Close the bedroom door when you are not home to prevent the cat from spending hours performing this type of behavior.
  • Encourage the cat to exercise. The longer he is entertained, the less time he will spend on the deck.
  • Very severe cases of pica syndrome may require psychoactive medication.

Cat kneading bread for stress and anxiety

As we've seen, the previous cause could actually also be related to stress, anxiety, and boredom. However, these states do not always develop pica syndrome, so the cat may simply be kneading a bun on the blanket, without needing to bite it, like a way to relax yourself. So if you ask yourself why does the cat massage, it could be that he is relaxing.

Why does the cat knead a roll?

cat kneading bread it is behavior that can be caused by different reasons. This behavior starts shortly after birth when kittens stimulate their breasts through this instinctive gesture. Squeezing your mother's breasts produces food and, therefore, well-being and tranquility. During adulthood, cats continue this behavior when they feel good, when they develop a strong emotional bond with another animal or person, to rest better, to mark territory, or to relax when they feel stressed.

So if your cat kneads a bun or massages, but doesn't bite the blanket, you'll have to try to find out if he's stressed or if, on the contrary, he's a happy animal who simply wants to show it. If it is a result of stress or anxiety, finding the cause and treating it is critical.

premature weaning

When a kitten is separated from its mother before its time, it tends to develop behavior such as biting and crumpling the blanket to calm down or as if being breastfed, especially until they fall asleep. This usually disappears over time, although the practice of the cat kneading a roll is totally normal and can continue for a lifetime. However, it can become an obsession and develop the aforementioned cock syndrome.If, moreover, you ingest any thread or piece of fabric, you can suffer serious intestinal problems.

On the other hand, kittens that were not weaned prematurely can also develop this behavior. In these cases, they can do it to accommodate the bed or because they feel lonely and/or bored.

In the first case, it will disappear over time and we don't have to worry. In the second case, it will be convenient to offer him a variety of toys to prevent him from converting this behavior into a habit or a way to relieve his stress.

sexual conduct

when a cat is reaching sexual maturity it's totally normal for you to start exploring and performing strange behaviors, like rubbing yourself against objects and even trying to mount something, like a blanket or blanket. It is important to sterilize the animal when the veterinarian recommends it both to avoid unwanted pregnancies and to avoid trying to escape with all the risks that this entails. Sterilization early prevents the development of breast tumors, pyometra, testicular pathologies, etc.

On the other hand, adult unneutered cats can also show this behavior during the heat period or for other reasons. So, if you notice that your cat bites the blanket and gets turned on, bites the blanket as you wrinkle it, or looks like it's mating with her, it's possible that she's in heat. feel stressed and do it to relax or simply because gives you pleasure.

During mating, the male cat tends to bite the female while mating. In this way, observing if the cat bites the blanket may indicate that it is in heat. We can confirm this if we look at other symptoms such as urine marking, meowing, rubbing or licking the genitals. It is important to differentiate between sexual and territorial urine marking. If you don't ride on the deck, but bite, crumple a bun and seem to get turned on, remember that it could be a prick syndrome.

Finally, riding on deck can be a consequence of stress, and this action is an escape route for the animal, as sexual behavior causes an important relaxing or anxiolytic effect, or as part of the game, because this activity produces a high level. of excitement.

Since there are many causes that can explain why a cat crumples a bun and bites the blanket, it is essential to carefully observe each of the animal's behaviors in order to find out what may be happening, as well as visiting a veterinarian specialized in ethology. As we have seen, the simple act of biting, kneading or riding on the deck can lead to one situation or another.

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