- Symptoms of Worms in Cats
- Types of Intestinal Worms in Cats
- Nematodes in cats (cylindrical worms)
- ascariasis
- hookworms
- Can a kitten be infected?
- Nematode treatment
- Cestodes in cats (flat worms)
- canine tapeworm
- genus taenia
- Echinococcus genus
- Microscopic worms in cats
- Giardiasis
- Apicomplexa coccidia
- toxoplasmosis
- Prevention against worms in microscopic cats
- What to do if my cat has intestinal worms?
- How to deworm a cat?
- Home Remedies for Cat Worms
- Do intestinal worms infect humans?

You worms in cats they are probably one of the most frequent reasons for veterinary consultation, especially when we have just adopted a kitten. However, we should know that adult cats are also susceptible to them, even those that live indoors, as we ourselves can carry them in our shoes without meaning to. Hence the importance of deworming our cats periodically, always using veterinary prescription products.
The presence of what we commonly know as worms in cats, present in the individual's feces, is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis. However, there are some less obvious symptoms, such as rough coat and abdominal distension that can hide the presence of parasites until the infestation is generalized.
In this PeritoAnimal article we will talk in detail about worms in cats and you will find a complete guide specifically on intestinal worms in cats. We'll explain the symptoms, how contagion occurs, what treatment options exist, and much more!
Symptoms of Worms in Cats
Not all intestinal parasites are easily detected by the presence of worms in the stool, so it is important to be aware of the most common symptomatology of worms in cats, which includes other clinical manifestations, such as:
- Weight loss
- Anemia
- Diarrhea
- growth problems
- Dull coat
- swollen abdomen
- inflamed abdomen
- vomiting
- dark stools
- Gastritis
- Food malabsorption
- Apathy
- bloody diarrhea
- Watery diarrhea

Types of Intestinal Worms in Cats
There are different types of internal worms in cats, so it's important to learn to differentiate them. Next, we will talk about the most common ones: nematodes (cylindrical worms), cestodes or tapeworms (flat worms), giardia, coccidia or toxoplasmosis, among others. Keep reading to get to know them:

Nematodes in cats (cylindrical worms)
Under the name nematodes are grouped many types of parasites that could be classified as worms for its appearance similar to her. Within this group, cats are often affected by two types of parasites: roundworms and hookworms.
Here we find Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina, the latter being less important in terms of incidence and symptomatology. Undoubtedly, the prevalence of Toxocara cati makes a deeper mention necessary: ​​it has a direct biological cycle, but very complicated, basically the eggs come out and after a few days, an infecting larva (larva in stage III). This egg with infective larva can be swallowed by a kitten, in which case the egg hatches in the intestine. L-lll crosses the intestinal wall and through the circulation reaches the liver and then the lung (portal system).
There is a new molt for the next larval stage and, through coughing, which produces phlegm and a swallowing reflex, this larva passes to the mouth and returns to the small intestine. There it will become an adult and attach itself to the intestine, taking in nutrients directly and competing for absorption with the kitten.
They do not ingest blood, but steal nutrients, which can lead to typical ascarid symptoms: rough coat, little weight gain, abdomen distension, vomiting with coiled worms like coils, diarrhea... Sometimes they cause mechanical obstruction of the intestine by having a huge amount of parasites and can even cause death.
In this type of nematode, we find the Tubaeform Ancylostoma and the Uncinaria stenocephala. They have hooks in their mouthparts with which they attach themselves firmly to the small intestine to suck blood. For this, they release a anticoagulant and if there are too many parasites, they will cause considerable bleeding, with the appearance of tar-colored stools. The characteristic symptoms of hookworms are: anemia, weakness and even death if the kitten is very parasitized.
Its size is tiny compared to ascarids, 0.5-1.5 cm, and the form of contagion is transmammary (when taking breast milk), prenatal (in the uterus, the larvae can cross the placenta, the kitten will be born infected, something that does not happen in Toxocara cati) and even percutaneous, that is, when the cat steps on surfaces with infectious larvae.
The biological cycle is the same as that of Toxocara cati, except that it cannot cross the placenta and its treatment is also the same. We can find paratenic hosts: rodents, birds, earthworms, beetles... Eggs with infective larvae are a little less resistant than those of ascarids in the environment, but in conditions of high humidity and mild temperatures, they are stable.
Can a kitten be infected?
Not very likely. In fact, these ascarids have several strategies and the worst is the one that occurs if the infective larvae are ingested by an adult female cat with good immune status. The infective larvae cross the intestine after hatching, but are dedicated to migrating through the cat's body organs (visceral larvae migrate): brain, heart, liver, lung, muscle and mammary gland. there they remain rooted, latent even for years. The cat's good immune status keeps them at bay.
But pregnancy and after childbirth cause the reduction of defenses and the larvae "awake" and can pass from the mammary gland via galactogen to the kitten. Once in it, it doesn't need to do all the juggling described above to become an adult, it changes directly to larva IV and to adults, and our kitten has active parasites and is of considerable length (3 to 15 cm) at three weeks of age, just for having suckled.
The hunting instinct of cats makes them constantly exposed to these worms, as rodents or even earthworms can ingest eggs with infective larvae in the environment. This will use the same strategy, migrating to muscle and other organs on these hosts, then rooting and waiting for a cat to ingest the rodent to complete its cycle. The rodent acts, in this case, as a "paratenic host", the cycle stops in it, serves only as a vehicle. To make matters worse, the eggs of the ascaridae are quite resistant in the environment, being able to remain stable for months if there are acceptable humidity and temperature conditions. Porous soils are ideal (ex: sand).
Nematode treatment
Milbemycin oxime (in tablet) is an ideal product for adults, or even selamectin (in a pipette), but in kittens between 3 weeks and three months, the ideal is to use a albendazole or fenbendazole (in suspension) for several days, as its slow but safe action makes them get rid of the parasites little by little and does not obstruct the intestine.
They should be dewormed every two weeks, from three weeks of age until three months of age, and every month until they are six months old. type salts pyrantel pamoate or febantel they are slightly less effective, but in adequate doses they can cover ascarids very well.
The ideal would be to continue deworming every three months from six months onwards, or more regularly if there are children and the cat goes outside, but it may also be that our veterinarian chooses to float feces from time to time and deworm it in case of observing ascarid eggs. Therefore, if you suspect these worms in cats, seek a professional immediately.

Cestodes in cats (flat worms)
Continuing with the worms in cats, specifically those that affect the intestines, there is another important group, the flatworms, which include the famous tapeworms. Below, we will mention the most important ones:
canine tapeworm
The canine tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum), which can also affect cats, needs an intermediate host for its (indirect) biological cycle. It is usually flea-borne in cats mainly, although it can also be spread by lice in cats. We will not observe a very evident symptomatology, except for pregnant proglottids in the animal's feces and anus or some anal itching. It is treated with praziquantel, requiring the elimination of intermediate hosts.
Find out more about canine tapeworm in our article on dog tapeworm worm - symptoms and treatment.
genus taenia
taeniformes is the most important, it is another cestode that can parasitize our cat through ingestion of infected intermediate hosts, in this case rodents. Normally, does not give symptoms, maybe itchy anus, abdominal distension, dull or sparse coat... And, of course, the observation of pregnant proglottids in stool.
Echinococcus genus
Echinococcus granulosus it is one of the rare worms in cats, but it is interesting to mention it because of its importance as responsible for a known disease in man, the hydatid cyst. The cat, however, is a very unlikely host, reported in very few cases, with the dog and the fox being the most prominent hosts.

Microscopic worms in cats
There are other worms in cats that can affect them collectively (breeders, shelters, colonies or refuges, for example). The most notable are the protozoa, among which it is worth mentioning:
Giardiosis in cats is due to a flagellate protozoan that gives rise to a symptomatology ranging from intermittent diarrhea, with some mucus and a droplet of fresh blood, to a general state of good health or a complete absence of symptoms.
Thrives in humid environments, and the contagion is via oro-fecal, being important the cleaning, disinfection and drying of surfaces in these communities. Treatment consists of applying fenbendazole for five days or using metronidazole for a slightly longer period of time. The latter is an antibiotic with an antiprotozoal capacity.
Apicomplexa coccidia
They are another type of protozoa, such as Grage, but without scourges. Within the coccidia we find the genus isospora spp what mainly affects young kittens of feline groups, causing yellowish diarrhea, growth retardation, rough and dull coat, abdominal distension...
In general, severe conditions are due to coinfection with bacteria and it is common to find asymptomatic infections that are self-limiting. They are diagnosed by coprological study (oocysts are seen in the stool) but sometimes false negatives and laboratory detection techniques are required. Treatment consists of sulfonamides (antibiotics with action against protozoa) for 5-7 days or the use of diclazuril or toltrazuril in single doses, a drug not registered for felines but frequently used.
The toxoplasma genus has as its only representative the Toxoplasma gondii, another kind of coccide, sadly famous. O cat and other felines they are the only definitive host of the parasite (their sexual reproduction takes place in the cat). the feline gets infected by eating meat from infected reservoirs with the parasite's oocysts, particularly rodents.
Although we include it within the group of worms in cats that affect the gut, it can cause very varied symptoms and usually non-acute: anorexia, fever, apathy, neurological symptoms, eye damage, dyspnoea... Mild, intermittent and usually misleading symptoms. the infection in utero it is usually fatal. The most common is that coinfection with Leukemia virus or feline immunodeficiency gives rise to toxoplasmosis symptoms.
Appropriate treatment is based on the use of clindamycin for 4 weeks, twice a day, and relapses are frequent. Diagnosis by coprological analysis is not very accurate, as the infected cat eliminate the eggs (oocysts) intermittently and erratically, therefore, the determination of antibodies in the blood by specific methods is indicated, together with the appearance of clinical symptoms that point to this protozoan.
Preventing our cat from eating raw meat, or accessing rodents, is the way to avoid contagion. It is not common for cats to be infected through ingestion of sporulated oocysts in the environment (humans are infected by not washing vegetables, for example), since these are found in the feces of other cats, and felines are not given to coprophagia (the act of eating feces).
Going to the veterinarian regularly will be essential to know if a cat has toxoplasmosis, very important in pregnant women, as it can affect the fetus. However, if we refrain from manipulating the stool, its transmission is very difficult.
Prevention against worms in microscopic cats
Disinfection and cleaning measures are essential to avoid reinfections, as treated kittens can eliminate oocysts for a long time, even if they have overcome the diarrheal episode, which can cause a new infection in their counterparts.
What to do if my cat has intestinal worms?
Now that we are familiar with the most common intestinal worms, you will know that it is very important. deworm regularly your feline. However, if you suspect your cat is suffering from an infestation, it is highly recommended. go to the vet to determine what type of parasite it is and what treatment will be the best dewormer to be applied from the one mentioned above.
How to deworm a cat?
Now that you know about the worms in cats that affect the gut, you'll understand why it's so important. regularly deworm the cats, internally and externally. But also, if you suspect that your cat is suffering from a generalized infestation, it is highly recommended that you go to the vet to determine what type of parasite is affecting it and what will be the most convenient treatment to eliminate it permanently.
Of course, it should be noted that eliminating intestinal worms in cats is not always easy, as as you saw in the previous sections, in some cases a periodic treatment to prevent relapses, in which we must administer specific medications or anthelmintics regularly.
There are many remedies for worms in cats, however, not all are effective when a generalized infestation has already occurred, so we recommend completely avoiding those that do not have studies that prove their effectiveness, which can usually be found in supermarkets and non-specialized stores. We will always bet on effective products for sale in veterinary clinics.
Home Remedies for Cat Worms
On the internet we can find numerous tricks and home remedies to eliminate worms in cats, however, natural remedies are often used to prevent their appearance, not to treat them, since they are already present in the feline's body. Therefore, we do not advise the use of home remedies to internally deworm cats, especially when we are talking about a large number of parasites.
In case you want to prevent its appearance with natural remedies, it is advisable to contact a naturopathic or holistic veterinarian, who will be able to advise us effectively and without putting our animal's health at risk.
Do intestinal worms infect humans?
In closing, you might be wondering if nematodes, tapeworms and tapeworms can affect humans, right? Well then, you must know that YES, the worms that affect cats infect humans and can be especially harmful, especially to young children.
You toxocara cati and kennels can cause infection in humans by accidentally ingesting eggs with an infecting larva, resulting in a visceral larva migrans, what can reach the eye. It is very necessary to be careful with children and correctly follow deworming to avoid it. Cestodes, like the Dipilydium caninum they can affect humans if they accidentally ingest intermediate hosts, such as fleas or lice in the case of children.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Worms in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment, we recommend that you enter our section on Parasitic Diseases.