
what parrot eats

Parrot are one of the mo t popular bird in home around the world and are a much appreciated and re pected pet for anyone who hare a home with them. Obviou ly, before adopting a parrot, it' conveni...

Causes of vomiting in dogs

You vomiting they are omething that ooner or later all puppie will uffer. They u ually occur in i olation for everal rea on . You may find vomiting on the ground but your dog i acting normally, active...

Bichon Frize

O Bichon Frize it i a mall white dog with long curly hair. It tand out a a pet due to it cheerful, vivaciou and charming character. In a nut hell, thi i the perfect breed of dog for tho e people who h...

Renal Failure in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

When we talk about Renal failure in dog - ymptom and treatment, we refer to a di ea e that can affect one or both of the kidney and that cau e change in their functioning. The e change can manife t ac...

Can you bathe a rabbit?

Many people a k if rabbit can bathe. The doubt ha precedent , ince, in addition to being very clean and con tantly cleaning them elve , like cat , have a protective layer on the kin they could be remo...

Names for puppies

Having a dog a a companion at home i alway a delight. When choo ing the ideal pet, many people choo e puppie , o they can educate them from an early age, facilitating care and hygiene. In addition, it...

gregarious animals - definition, examples and characteristics

We've alway heard that we human are ocial animal . But are we the only one ? Are there other animal that form complex group to urvive?In thi Peritoanimal article, we invite you to meet tho e anima...

Vinegar for Fleas on Dogs - Home Remedy

O vinegar It i effective in eliminating flea on dog with mild to moderate infe tation . When the infe tation i very evere, the fa te t and mo t effective i to eek out a veterinarian to apply the antip...

When to clean the cat litter box?

THE andbox or litter for cat i an in trument e ential for daily hygiene of our cat . We mu t en ure that the cleaning performed i adequate, in order to prevent health problem and even behavioral di or...

Why doesn't a cat like me to get hold of its paw?

Who doe n't like to pet a cat? They are o cute and doing thi i o relaxing for u that it' inevitable to be around a feline and re i t. However, we know that there are certain part that they ju ...

Miscarriage Symptoms in a Dog

During the dog' pregnancy, our be t friend' body will undergo variou change and chemical reaction to create the ideal condition for the embryo to develop in ide her. It will work a a perfect m...

Cat has menopause?

Menopau e i the term u ed to explain the end of reproductive age in the human woman. Ovarian exhau tion and decrea ed hormone level cau e men truation to withdraw. Our reproductive cycle i little or n...

how to scold my cat

Would you like di cipline your pet and don't know how? It i normal for everyone to give you advice on how to teach a dog to behave well, not to bite hi hoe , to take care of him elf out ide the ho...

australian shepherd

O au tralian hepherd, al o known a Au ie, i a medium- ized, agile and intelligent dog. Due to it energetic and hard-working character, thi i one of the be t heepdog that exi t . By the ame token, it c...

Why do dogs rub against dead animals?

Many dog have thi unplea ant behavior. We may think they are ju t a little di gu ting, but behind thi behavior there are rea on why your dog may need veterinary a i tance relatively urgent.Do you want...

Names for cockatiels

The popularity of cockatiel in Brazil ha grown exponentially and more and more people decide to adopt thi animal a a pet. It i very difficult to remain indifferent to the extremely ociable per onality...

What do tadpoles feed

Want to know what the tadpole feeding? Frog are quite common pet , and mall children like them a lot, and even more o if they are mall tadpole .Having a tadpole with children at home i a great opportu...

Types of Toys for Dogs

In addition to taking walk with your dog in which he play , run , cha e each other and throw him elf on the gra with him, we can buy toy that add to the fun and break the routine. In addition, it i ve...

Commensalism - Definition, types and examples

In nature, everal ymbiotic relation hip occur between different organi m to achieve a goal. ymbio i i preci ely thi long-term a ociation between two organi m , which can be beneficial to both ide or n...

Why does my dog ​​shiver fur?

Have you ever een your dog get goo e bump ? It i a normal reaction, imilar to the chicken kin that people have and that occur due to adrenaline ecretion. It i a hormone that appear in ituation of tre ...