- Most common causes
- Gastroenteritis
- Foreign body ingestion
- intestinal parasites
- viral infection
- Toxic food or allergies
- tumors
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- other causes
- Changes in food
- eat too fast
- When to see the veterinarian

You vomiting they are something that sooner or later all puppies will suffer. They usually occur in isolation for several reasons. You may find vomiting on the ground but your dog is acting normally, active and eating normally. Sometimes vomiting can occur due to changes in diet or eating something that is in poor condition.
However, we must pay attention to our dog to determine what caused the vomiting and rule out more serious problems. Ingesting objects may clog your digestive system or it may be that some new food has caused an allergy.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain the reasons that cause vomiting in dogs. So, as an owner, you will know what can cause them and how you can act to avoid bigger problems.
Most common causes
The causes that can cause vomiting in dogs are diverse. All of them cause an inflammation or irritation of the stomach or intestine that makes normal digestive transit difficult. It is recommended that all owners know about them to act quickly.
Gastroenteritis affects dogs in the same way as humans. Vomiting is constant, the dog is listless and has abdominal pain. this disease you can treat yourself at home and in two days our dog will be recovered. If vomiting persists for more than 2 days and no improvement is seen, consult your veterinarian.
Foreign body ingestion
Ingestion of any object can cause obstructions in the dog's stomach or intestine, causing it to vomit to expel it. In many cases you will not be able to expel it and the vomiting will recur. It is important that if you observe your dog ingesting any object consult your veterinarian immediately.
intestinal parasites
The presence of intestinal parasites such as tapeworms or round worms can cause gastrointestinal changes, which may even cause vomiting.
viral infection
Parvovirus or distemper can cause vomiting. Puppies are much more susceptible to infections, both are very contagious diseases among puppies and can be deadly if you don't see a specialist right away. Inform yourself properly and if you suspect that you may be treating any of these causes, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian.
Toxic food or allergies
Some plants or foods can be toxic and cause indigestion in our dog. In this article about poisonous plants for dogs, you can find out everything about the subject. Allergies vary from dog to dog, so you should know your dog and control what he eats. This way you can eliminate the cause of the allergy from the diet.
Older dogs are more likely to suffer from tumors as a result of skin cancer. In this case, vomiting would be accompanied by other obvious symptoms that do not demonstrate the presence of a disease. Check all your dog's fur for physical anomalies.
Inflammatory bowel disease
This chronic disease causes inflammation of the intestines. Causes vomiting after strenuous exertion or after exercising after meals. With a special diet and controlled exercise, any dog can lead a normal life.

other causes
We have already seen that various illnesses and problems can cause our dog to vomit. However, there are other situations that can provoke isolated vomiting in our dog.
Changes in food
A sudden change in diet can lead to intestinal problems and vomiting as a result. It is important that you enter the changes gradually, especially if you feed him homemade food.
eat too fast
Sometimes some puppies get too excited when eating and eat food too quickly. In these cases, they expel vomit that may be accompanied by white foam. It is a specific problem, we should not be worried but try to make our dog improve its behavior. If you eat too quickly, divide your food into two containers and don't give the second one until you've finished the first. Wait a few minutes to confirm that she is not vomiting and give her the remaining food.

When to see the veterinarian
Vomiting can be caused by different causes. In many cases we do not know exactly why. If the dog vomits once or twice, but is not listless and eats normally, then it was definitely a passing thing. Therefore, it is important to know our dog and its habits. We must know how to distinguish between isolated vomiting and, for example, gastroenteritis.
If it's isolated vomiting, some home remedies for puppies can help.
As a general rule, if vomiting is continuous and accompanied by other symptoms we should be concerned. The best remove food during the first 24 hours and ensure the hydration of your dog.
In these cases, after proper care, in 2 or 3 days our puppy will already eat normally.
If vomiting continues for 2 or more days, see a veterinarian to determine what is causing the vomiting. if your dog is from old age or a puppy must be more careful. They are more prone to dehydration and in a young dog severe gastroenteritis can be fatal.
observe yourself blood in vomit or in feces, consult your veterinarian immediately.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.