
the hedgehog as a pet

The hedgehog i a mall, pine-covered mammal that belong to the family Erinaceinae. There are currently 16 pecie divided into five genera, which are di tributed acro Europe, A ia and Africa. The e anima...

Mystic Names for Cats

The behavior of cat ha alway arou ed the curio ity of human being and, perhap for thi rea on, the e animal are involved in o many my tical torie . If you have a pu y at home, you know that your partne...

Is the rhinoceros endangered?

the rhino i the third large t mammal in the world, after the hippopotamu and the elephant. It i a herbivorou animal that inhabit different part of the African and A ian continent. With a olitary chara...

Is rosemary good for dogs?

the ro emary, Ro maniru Officinali , i aromatic plant endemic to the Mediterranean very popular for it culinary, medicinal and therapeutic u e . Perhap for thi rea on many people think about including...

Can a dog eat cinnamon?

THE cinnamon that we normally u e, in powder or tick, to give flavor and aroma to our preparation , i a pecie obtained from the inner bark of an evergreen tree called Cinnamonum verum, originally from...

Canicross: what it is and how to practice

There i nothing better than haring daily activitie with your dog to trengthen your relation hip with him, for thi rea on in thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain everything about the canicro : w...

Most common diseases in iguanas

The popularity of reptile in Brazil ha grown exponentially. One of the e favorite "new pet " i the green iguana (iguana iguana). A a re ult of life in captivity, everal problem ari e, e peci...

Dog assisted therapy

When we are willing to talk about people with di abilitie , there i nothing more beautiful than thinking of an animal that help them and can take care of each other. Dog have a very peculiar way of ac...

Differences between Labrador and Golden Retriever

In thi article we are going to talk about two extraordinarily intelligent canine breed : the Labrador Retriever and the Golden retriever. Both breed have ome common characteri tic and their morphology...

Cat sticking out its tongue: what can it be?

Ever wonder why cat tick their tongue out? Thi uper common behavior in dog tend to be fla hy when it appear in pu ie . In fact, tutor need to pay attention becau e thi behavior could be a ign that the...

how to play with cats

The game i a fundamental activity for the cat and on that depend a healthy phy ical con titution a well a a po itive emotional tate. If you ob erve the cat cleaning it elf exce ively, binge eating, or...

Natural anti-inflammatory for dogs

The organi m of our four-legged friend i truly complex, in fact, both anatomically and phy iologically it ha important imilaritie to the human organi m, therefore, it i al o u ceptible to contracting ...

What does the elephant eat?

the elephant are the large t mammal that exi t on dry land. Their great ize and beauty arou ed admiration in all human civilization that knew them. Throughout hi tory, they have been u ed to tran port...

Benefits of Owning a Cat for Kids

If you are a parent, or oon to be, you have urely een on more than one occa ion how other parent cold their children when they approach any animal, whether it be a dog, cat or any other.Thi behavior, ...

Names for female cats

Choo ing a pet' name i one of the mo t difficult ta k for anyone. We know that our partner i unique and therefore we want hi name to be unique too.Do you have a female cat and don't know what ...

Advantages of Adopting a Mutt

To have tray dog on many occa ion it i a advantageou circum tance. Furthermore, on many occa ion the e dog are very cute, intelligent and with a good character.In ome breed puppie their breeding i not...

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The Wel h Corgi Pembroke i one of the mo t popular dog in the world. Their attractive appearance and Queen Elizabeth II' love of the breed made the e dog go from humble hepherd to Royal member . A...


O Doberman, or Doberman Pin cher, i an elegant, mu cular and powerful dog. With a compact and powerful body, the Doberman ha captivated many people for many year , however today it i not a popular a b...

Cornish Rex Cat

Corni h Rex are weet and affectionate, have large ear and wavy fur that conquer thou and of heart all over the world and no wonder, after all they have numerou qualitie . Therefore, on PeritoAnimal yo...

Types of Dog Worms - Symptoms and Treatments

If there are para ite that are known in dog , they are called worm or roundworm . Mo t are a ociated with the ga trointe tinal y tem, but in thi article by PeritoAnimal, in addition to talking about t...