the hedgehog as a pet

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
10 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Hedgehog
Video: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Hedgehog


The hedgehog is a small, spine-covered mammal that belongs to the family Erinaceinae. There are currently 16 species divided into five genera, which are distributed across Europe, Asia and Africa. These animals have become popular in recent years as domestic animals, however, you should know that this is an animal with nocturnal habits and that it mainly feeds on insects.

You may wonder, "Is it okay to have a hedgehog as a pet?", in this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain about the behavior of these animals and other fundamental aspects before adopting or not a hedgehog.

Is it allowed to have hedgehogs in Brazil?

O trade in hedgehogs is illegal and their breeding is prohibited. by IBAMA, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. Trading, breeding, reproducing or transferring these animals is considered a crime.

the hedgehog it's not a pet, unlike the dog and the cat. Therefore, their coexistence with humans is incompatible with the behavior of the species, such as digging and looking for insects for their food.

have the hedgehog as a pet favors the appearance of behavioral problems, facilitating the emergence of pathologies. Furthermore, he is a crepuscular animal, which indicates that he does not have an active behavior during the day.

Despite getting used to the presence of people, the most hedgehogs are not sociable, feeling fear of humans. In the following video we explain more about this:

African Pygmy Hedgehog Characteristics

Hedgehogs stand out for their spines, which are actually by the hollows filled with keratin. They are neither poisonous nor sharp (they still cause pain) and can break out in youth or in times of stress. If they feel threatened, they are able to curl in on themselves forming a ball of thorns, that will depend on their survival.

They measure between 10 and 15 cm and can weigh 400 grams. Most of the day they sleep in their lair, where they are protected. During certain seasons they suffer from lethargy, depending on the climate and the resources available in their area: they hibernate or stagnate. They have four fingers with sharp nails that allow them to dig for food in the ground, mainly eat insects and snort nonstop.

They communicate with a wide variety of sounds: from grunts to squeaks. They are sensitive to sudden movements and sounds, this leaves them destabilized and they use their spines to protect themselves by making a fast breathing until they feel that the dangerous has disappeared.

They perform a ritual or custom known as anointing. When they notice a new smell, they go there to bite and sniff, leaving the object covered in saliva with their tongue. It is a typical behavior of species that allows them to interact with the environment.

How is the hedgehog as a pet

We start by emphasizing that the hedgehog is not a domestic animal, because, unlike the dog or cat, it has not lived with humans over the years. This makes their possession in a domestic environment incompatible with the needs and behaviors of the species, such as digging for insects.

Having a hedgehog as a pet, especially if we do not know the ethology of the species, favors the development of behavior problems, such as stress, which in turn can lead to the development of certain pathologies. So, in addition to not respecting the five freedoms of animal welfare, we would also be putting in risk the well-being of the species.

As we have already mentioned, the hedgehog is a solitary and twilight animal. We should not expect sociable, affectionate, or active behavior from him during the day. Rather, it is an independent animal that spends most of the day sleeping. By nightfall we can see how he leaves his den in search of food and wanting to exercise. It will be essential to enrich the environment with structures and various objects, from tunnels to vegetation, to stimulate your senses and keep your muscles in shape.

You can try to accustom them to your presence by offering them small worms, which they love, or small portions of fruits and vegetables. Until the hedgehog is used to you, it should be handled with gloves, as its spines can be really painful. It's quite normal to see them breathing a lot, "sneezing" and wrinkling your nose.

Common Hedgehog Diseases

Health is an important aspect that must be taken into consideration by all those who wish to have a hedgehog as a pet. In addition to knowing the dmost common diseases in hedgehogs, it is very important to make regular visits to a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals every 6 or 12 months to provide adequate preventive medicine, to detect and prevent any pathology early.

The most common diseases in hedgehogs are:

  • Dry skin: especially in cold climates, the skin of hedgehogs can become dry and cracked, even losing a few thorns. It will be essential to keep your dermis hydrated with products prescribed by the specialist in the veterinary clinic.
  • Parasites: Parasite infestations can develop for a variety of reasons, including direct outdoor contact, transmission from other pets, or poor hygiene. There are many deworming products, the veterinarian will prescribe the most appropriate one.
  • Diarrhea: we can notice that our hedgehog has green, yellow, red or black diarrhea. This could be due to the presence of parasites, poor diet or intoxication. We will provide plenty of water to prevent dehydration and go to the vet to find a diagnosis and initiate effective treatment.
  • Obesity: it is a very serious and frequent problem in pet hedgehogs. It will be essential to review the nutritional needs of the species and the appropriate contribution according to the individual's age. In case of doubt, we will consult the specialist.
  • Cold: This is a common problem, especially in those domestic hedgehogs who live in a country with a climate different from that required by the individual. We must modify the ambient temperature taking into account the specific needs of the species.
  • Tangled hairs on legs: this is a very common problem in hedgehogs. Humans' hair becomes matted on their legs, causing circulation problems that can even cause necrosis and subsequent limb loss. We must be very careful and check your body daily.

In addition to these problems, hedgehogs are prone to diseases such as cancer, scabies, metabolic disease, which is caused by mismanagement and wobbly syndrome.

In case of any other abnormal symptoms not mentioned, we advise that you go to a veterinarian skilled. Keep in mind that these animals are especially sensitive, so we shouldn't hesitate to seek professional help to treat any health problem. The life expectancy of hedgehogs is approximately 8 years maximum.

where can i adopt a hedgehog

Remember, marketing and raising a hedgehog in Brazil is a crime. Therefore, it is only possible to obtain authorization for its creation with IBAMA. Furthermore:

  • Private: We do not recommend that you purchase a hedgehog through a private person. In this case, you do not know the treatment that the animal received from its previous owner, if the latter has treated it inadequately, you can find a frightening and even aggressive hedgehog. There will be no health guaranteess that certify that the animal is healthy and in perfect condition and, in addition, can suffer a lot of stress if it is an adult. This can lead to the most common illnesses. Not to mention that this sale is a crime.
  • Pet Shops: The vast majority of pet stores are not used to it and do not always have the most adequate knowledge to offer you. For this reason, you cannot always be sure to adopt a healthy and well-groomed specimen. In addition, it may be encouraging animal trafficking because the stores are not authorized to sell hedgehogs.
  • Animal Reception Centers: It's the only option of all. Many people adopt hedgehogs without knowing how they behave and abandon them soon. Refuges and shelters for exotic animals are undoubtedly the best place to adopt a hedgehog and take care of him like no one else has done before.

Caring for a Pet Hedgehog

If you have adopted a hedgehog as a pet at an IBAMA authorized animal center, here is an overview of basic hedgehog care. The goal is for you to know what it requires in your daily life to stay healthy and have a great quality of life.

the hedgehog cage

The space for the hedgehog should be as large as possible. In this sense, it is important to offer a spacious and comfortable environment, with a minimum of 175 x 70 x 50 cm. It is unlikely to find specific cages for these animals, so you should purchase any wire cage that meets your desired characteristics. Ideally, it should have several levels and the bars should not exceed two centimeters from each other.

We will place a nest so it can hide, a substrate at the base of the cage for better hygiene, and other enrichment elements (preferably natural) such as walkways, logs or herbs, which can be found in pet stores or veterinary clinics. We must completely avoid put on fabric or a hamster wheel.

They require a temperature between 25°C and 27°CTherefore, in winter it is essential to have an individual heating for him, otherwise he could hibernate. Likewise, they prefer dimly lit environments. They don't require regular bathing, but it's important to disinfect your environment two to three times a week to avoid illness.

Hedgehogs feeding

Hedgehogs should be fed when they are most active, ie when dusk and dawn. We will look for specific foods for the species on the market and, in case we cannot find them in our locality, we will have to go to a specialized veterinarian for advice. Insectivorous, low-fat mammalian foods are generally available.

It is highly recommended that insects, fruits and vegetables be present in the hedgehog's diet.

Coexistence with other animals

the hedgehog is a lonely animal, which is also very affected by noise and intense movement. Therefore, it is not advisable to adopt a hedgehog if we have other animals at home, as it is very likely that their stress levels are triggered on a daily basis.

Now that you know all about the hedgehog as a pet, don't miss this other article where we explain the differences between a hedgehog and a porcupine.

If you want to read more articles similar to the hedgehog as a pet, we recommend that you enter our What You Need to Know section.