Home remedies for dog cold

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
5 Home Remedies for Dog Cold (Effective, Natural and Holistic Options)
Video: 5 Home Remedies for Dog Cold (Effective, Natural and Holistic Options)


O cold in dogs, when mild, is a condition that can be easily treated with simple care and home remedies. In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain what the common cold is, what are the symptoms of a dog cold and the home remedies indicated to improve the symptoms he is suffering from.

A dog's cold is a very common and relatively benign infectious condition in dogs, and it can often go unnoticed. Discover some home remedies for dog cold and get rid of him once and for all.

What is the common cold in dogs

Yes, dog gets the flu. The cold in dog is a viral origin condition (more specifically, they are viruses that belong to the family of parainfluenza, although it could also be due to adenovirus canine), which mainly affects the upper airways, causing inflammation, irritation and damage to the mucosa that covers these airways. It can be caused by continuous exposure to low temperatures or contagion between puppies.

dog cold symptoms

A dog with a cold has symptoms such as frequent sneezing, irritating cough and abundant nasal mucus. This condition can be accompanied by tenths of fever, which makes the animal show some apathy and general malaise, watery eyes and nasal congestion.

  • Cough;
  • Sneezing;
  • Secretion;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • tearing;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fever;
  • General malaise.

Although a cold in dogs is one of the most common causes for the symptoms described above, one must always rule out the possibility of other respiratory problems and serious illnesses such as distemper.

When to look for a veterinarian?

In the case of canine flu, symptoms usually last between one and two weeks. In more severe conditions, it is possible to notice difficulty in breathing, which requires urgent veterinary consultation. If common symptoms get complicated or worsen, you should immediately see your veterinarian. Signs that you need to take the dog to a veterinarian with a cold are:

  • If the dog is a puppy or elderly, their immunity is weaker and in case of flu, a veterinarian should always be consulted;
  • More than 2 weeks with no improvement in symptoms;
  • Presence of blood in secretions;
  • When he neither eats nor drinks;
  • When you hear a dog's chest wheeze when he sneezes.

To learn how to measure a dog's temperature with a thermometer, check out the video:

Home Treatment for Dog Flu

Some basic care can help ease the discomfort in a cold dog and make the recovery process faster:

  • First of all, you should let your dog with the flu rest as he need to sleep a lot more than usual. Avoid stimuli and respect his rest. At the time of the tour, it's important limit exercise of the dog as this would increase the cough. Also, avoid going out during the coldest and most humid hours of the day and cut down on walking time, as the dog with the flu gets more tired.
  • In the case of dogs that go out into the street with a lot of anxiety and pull the collar a lot (which puts a lot of pressure on the throat), it is necessary to avoid it by putting on wider collars or using a anti-pull chest collars.
  • If you have other dogs, mkeep them separate during the days when one of them has a cold. THE flu in dogs it's very contagious. Contact between them must be avoided as much as possible.
  • To facilitate breathing, it's good moisten the environment. You can do this with vaporizers, humidifiers or even heating water, to which you can add some essence, such as eucalyptus or similar.
  • Keep the flu dog dry and warm, as it will be very susceptible to temperature changes. Ensure that the space where he is located is warm and that the paws are very dry after the walks. At this stage, it is also recommended to avoid bathing.
  • avoid the dust and smoke, including tobacco smoke, near the dog. It should always be avoided, but in the presence of respiratory problems even more so.
  • Make sure he has fresh water always available. Hydration is essential in the treatment of canine flu.

Cold dog food

One of the best home remedies for dogs with the flu it's the good food. In cold dogs, it is normal to observe loss of appetite: the animal stops eating or eats little. Therefore, bet on a balanced and well-nourished diet, even if he is eating little.

as the dog cold usually stop eating, you can offer a feed slightly moistened with water lukewarm (37ºC) or a light broth (without salt), also at room temperature. This remedy usually works well. Keep in mind that the dog's metabolism speeds up with fever, so its caloric intake increases. It is not recommended to change the animal's diet, as sudden changes in feeding can cause diarrhea.

As mentioned earlier, it is also essential that your pet drink a lot of water. The tutor must ensure that the water container always has fresh, clean water at its disposal. The water will help to dilute the mucus and slightly reduce the dog's body temperature. Betting on moist foods also helps in the hydration process.

Home remedies for dogs with the flu

Taking advantage of the properties and benefits of natural plants and foods you can also resort to some home remedies for canine flu and cough. These are some suggestions about what to give for a dog with the flu:

Home remedies for dog cold

  • green leaf vegetables: are foods rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system of dogs. Confirm the recommended dose of vitamin C with your veterinarian, as it varies according to the pet's weight and age, and an excess of this canine flu medicine for causing diarrhea.
  • Honey: natural and additive-free honey helps soothe your puppy's sore throat. The recommended dose is one teaspoon of coffee every three to five hours (you should never exceed this dose, as it can cause problems in your digestion. flu dog). Puppies less than one year old should not consume honey.
  • mint tea: Put a few drops of mint tea in the dog's mouth to help decongest the airways. You can use a needleless syringe to help with the process.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is also a good home remedy for a dog cold, as it relieves coughing and works as an antiseptic. Just put some in his food.
  • Vapors: as mentioned before, vapors can also be useful when decongesting your pet's airways. Put the hot water running in the bathroom, lock your dog inside for a while (never alone, to avoid accidents) and put a medicinal plant such as eucalyptus or echinacea in the bathtub water, ensuring that the chosen plant is not toxic to dogs. You can check out some of the plants that are poisonous to dogs in this article.

prevention is the best dog flu medicine. A good year-round diet strengthens the dog's immune system and helps protect it from relapses and other infections.

These advices can help improve the dog's general condition, but it is necessary to remember that the entire viral infectious process has an evolution and the cure comes through the dog's immune system response. The better our care, the faster the dog will recover.


Vitamin C Supplements they strengthen immunity and, consequently, help in the home treatment for colds in dogs. Even so, you need to use the vitamin C supplement recommended by your veterinarian, as an excess of vitamins can also be harmful to the body.

Can I give human flu medicine to dogs?

Not! In these situations, some tutors wonder if can give human flu medicine dog. Know that unless the drug is prescribed by the veterinarian, you can't give Benegripe to dog, antibiotics, among other drugs that may be indicated for humans.

There are specific medications for dogs and often their pharmacological composition is no different from the version for pets. What happens, however, is that the doses formulated in human and veterinary medicines have different concentrations and proportions, which also vary according to race, size and diagnosis, obviously.

It is worth remembering that there are totally banned human remedies for dogs and its consumption can be fatal or cause severe intoxication. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, for example, are part of this list and should never be offered without veterinary supervision.

Self-medicating your puppy can be very dangerous and life-threatening, in addition to masking more serious problems that require detailed diagnosis and urgent specific treatment.

No. Out of curiosity, know that a dog with the flu cannot transmit the virus to a human and neither can a dog catch a human's cold. The virus that causes a cold in dogs is different from the virus that causes colds in humans, the most common in humans being the rhinovirus.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.