Is the rhinoceros endangered?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
These Two Rhinos Are The Last Of Their Kind | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth
Video: These Two Rhinos Are The Last Of Their Kind | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth


the rhino is the third largest mammal in the world, after the hippopotamus and the elephant. It is a herbivorous animal that inhabits different parts of the African and Asian continent. With a solitary character, he prefers to go out in search of his food at night to protect himself from the intense heat of the day. Currently, there are five species of rhinos that are among the endangered animals.

If you are interested to know if rhino is endangered and the reasons that lead to it, don't miss this PeritoAnimal article!

where the rhinos live

The rhinoceros is one of the largest terrestrial mammals in the world. There are five species that are distributed in different areas, so knowing them is crucial to know where the rhinos live.

The white and the black rhino live in Africa, while the Sumatra, the one of India and the one of Java are located in the Asian territory. As for their habitat, they prefer to live in areas that have high pastures or open areas. In either case, they require places with abundant water and richness in plants and herbs.

The five varieties stand out for a territorial behavior, a situation that is accentuated by the threats they must face, due to the fact that they have been displaced from their natural habitats. As a result, their aggressiveness increases when they feel trapped in small places.

In addition to the areas mentioned, there are rhinos living in zoos, safaris and protected areas intended for the conservation of the species. However, the high costs of keeping these animals reduced the number of specimens currently living in captivity.

Types of Rhinoceros

You five types of rhinos that exist have their own characteristics, even though they include the fact that they are among the species threatened by human action. Otherwise, the species does not have natural predators when it reaches adulthood.

These are the types of rhinos that exist:

Indian rhinoceros

The Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) It's the biggest of the varieties of this mammal that exists. It is found in Asia, where it lives in India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

This variety can measure up to four meters in length and weigh more than two tons. It feeds on herbs and is an excellent swimmer. Although its threats are many, it is certain that this species of rhinoceros does not consider itself in danger of extinction as with others.

White rhino

The white rhinoceros (keratotherium simum) is found in northern Congo and southern South Africa. two keratin horns that grow periodically. This horn, however, is one of the main reasons that threatens its existence, as it is a coveted piece by poachers.

As with the previous species, the white rhinoceros not in danger of extinction, according to the IUCN, is considered to be almost threatened.

black rhinoceros

The Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicorni) is from Africa and is characterized by having two horns, one longer than the other. What is more, your upper lip has a hook shape, which allows you to feed on plants that are sprouting.

This species of rhinoceros measures up to two meters in length and weighs around 1800 kilograms. Unlike previous types, the black rhino is in critical danger of extinction due to indiscriminate hunting, the destruction of their habitats and the development of diseases. Currently, as shown in the IUCN Red List, different recovery and conservation measures for the species are being carried out.

Sumatran Rhinoceros

The Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) and the lesser rhino species, as it only weighs 700 kilos and measures less than three meters in length. It is found in Indonesia, Sumatra, Borneo and the peninsula of Malaysia.

Another characteristic of this species is that males can become very aggressive when the female does not want to mate, which in certain occasions can mean her death. Unfortunately, this fact added to the destruction of their habitats and the hunting of these animals, the Sumatran rhinoceros is found in critical extinction hazard. In fact, according to the IUCN, there are only 200 copies in the world.

Rhino of Java

The Java Rhinocerant (Rhinoceros sonoicus) is found in Indonesia and China, where it prefers to live in marshy areas. It can be easily identified due to the fact that your skin gives the impression that it has an armor. It has solitary habits, except during mating seasons, and it feeds on all kinds of herbs and plants. It can measure three meters in length and weigh up to 2500 kilos.

This species is also in critical danger of extinction, being the most vulnerable of all. if you ask yourself how many rhinos are there in the world of this species, the answer is that it is estimated that only there are between 46 and 66 copies his. The reasons that led the Java rhinoceros to near extinction? Mainly human action. Currently, work is being done on recovery and conservation plans for the species.

Why the Rhinoceros is in Danger of Extinction

As we've already mentioned, none of the rhino species have natural predators. Due to this, the elements that threaten them come from the human action, whether about the species itself or the habitat where its life develops.

Among the general threats from rhinos are:

  • Reduction of its habitat due to human action. This is due to the expansion of urban areas with all that this implies, such as building roads, centers that provide basic services, etc.
  • civil conflicts. Many areas of Africa, such as those inhabited by the Indian rhinoceros and the black rhinoceros, are territories where military conflicts occur and therefore they are razed to the ground. Furthermore, the horns of the rhinoceros are used as weapons and, as a result of violence, water and food sources are scarce.
  • THE poaching remains the biggest threat to the future of the rhinoceros. In poorer villages, the trafficking of rhinoceros horn is very important, as it is used to manufacture parts and make medicines.

Today, some actions are in place with the aim of conserving these species. At the United Nations there is a committee formed by representatives from different countries dedicated to the protection of the rhinoceros. Furthermore, laws were implemented that strictly punish those involved in poaching.

Why the Java Rhinoceros is in Danger of Extinction

In the Red List, the Javan rhinoceros is classified as in critical hazard, as we've already indicated, but what are your main threats? We detail below:

  • Hunt to get your horns.
  • Due to the small existing population, any disease poses a considerable threat to the species' survival.
  • Even though the data you have are not exact, it is suspected that there are no male individuals in registered populations.

Threats of this kind could drive the Java rhinoceros to extinction in a very few years.

Is the white rhino in danger of extinction?

The white rhinoceros is one of the best known and is considered to be almost threatened, so there are still many actions that can be taken for its preservation.

Among the main threats are:

  • Illegal hunting for the horn trade, which has been reported to increase in Kenya and Zimbabwe.
  • You civil conflicts trigger fights with firearms, which raises suspicions that it is extinct in Congo.

These dangers could represent the extinction of the species in a short time.

How many rhinos are there in the world

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the indian rhino is vulnerable and currently has a population of 3000 individuals, while the black rhinoceros species is in critical danger and has an estimated population of 5000 copies.

Then the Rhino of Java is also in critical danger and is estimated to exist between 46 and 66 members, being the most threatened. already the White rhino, is a species classified as near threatened, it is estimated that there is a population of 20,000 copies.

Finally, the Sumatran rhinoceros it is considered to be extinct in freedom, since the last male specimen, called Titan, died in Malaysia in mid-2018. There are some specimens bred in captivity in different parts of the world.

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