Renal Failure in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
Kidney Failure In Dogs | Everything You NEED To Know | Veterinarian Explains | Dogtor Pete
Video: Kidney Failure In Dogs | Everything You NEED To Know | Veterinarian Explains | Dogtor Pete


When we talk about Renal failure in dogs - symptoms and treatment, we refer to a disease that can affect one or both of the kidneys and that causes changes in their functioning. These changes can manifest acutely, that is, sudden or chronic, when the renal system progressively degenerates.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will describe the causes of this insufficiency, the symptoms it produces and that can be observed in the dog, as well as the most appropriate veterinary treatment to maintain a good quality of life as quickly as possible. Keep reading and find out how to tell if your dog has kidney failure.

Kidney failure in dogs: what is it?

The kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood and thus eliminating waste substances through the urine. When there is a failure in this system, something that can happen for a variety of reasons, the body will try to make up for it, so we won't see symptoms until the damage is very advanced. Thus, kidney failure in dogs can manifest itself acutely or chronically. The most common symptoms, polydipsia (increased water intake) and polyuria (increased urination), will occur in both cases. The difference is that in the manifestation of acute renal failure in dogs the symptoms will appear suddenly, causing a serious clinical picture. In chronic, symptoms persist over months, in which the kidneys deteriorate until they can no longer stand, which affects the entire organism and ends up causing the animal's death.

Kidney failure in an elderly dog

Kidney failure in dogs over 10 years old it has a considerable incidence, while its occurrence in young puppies is rarer. In older animals, it is possible that the symptom observed is the dog starting to urinate at home. Behind this incontinence there may be an increase in urine output because the kidney is not functioning well. Kidney disease in older puppies is a consequence of age. Sometimes it's a heart problem that affects the kidneys. It is important that dogs from 7 years of age are taken to the veterinarian at least once a year to carry out a complete check, through which it will be possible to detect these diseases early.

Kidney failure in young dogs

When Kidney Disease Occurs in young dogs, it may be an effect of some other pathology., which can also occur at any age. For example, kidney failure in dogs with leishmania occurs because this parasitic disease damages the kidneys. There are also other possible causes such as an infection such as leptospirosis, poisoning, urinary obstruction or heat stroke. Other times, renal impairment occurs as a side effect of some drugs. In these cases, the primary cause of the damage must be addressed.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs

Symptoms of kidney failure in dogs are:

  • Polyuria: as we said, the dog urinating in excess is one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease, but it can also occur that the dog stops urinating (anuria);
  • polydipsia: to compensate for the elimination of liquids, the dog drinks more water;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea: sometimes even with hemorrhage;
  • Blindness;
  • Dehydration;
  • weight loss: bad appearance, bad body condition and muscle weakness;
  • Anorexia;
  • Ulcers: in the oral cavity and bad odor;
  • Ascites: accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and edemas (liquid at the ends);
  • State of shock and, in the later stages, coma.

In summary, all these symptoms of kidney failure in dogs are produced by the effects of the malfunctioning kidney system and have an influence on the whole body. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

Kidney disease in dogs can be diagnosed with urine and blood tests. In the first case, the urine density value is important, because the sick animal will not concentrate it. In the blood test, parameters that allow knowing the kidney function, such as creatinine and urea, are checked. It also establishes whether there is anemia or not and important parameters such as phosphorus or albumin are also evaluated. Currently, the SDMA also began to be measured, a biomarker that allows to determine whether or not renal failure exists before creatinine, which is also affected by other parameters, such as muscle mass. Early diagnosis is essential to determine treatment. It is also convenient measure blood pressure and x-rays or abdominal ultrasounds can be done.

Know more about: High Creatinine in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Renal failure in dogs: treatment

In cases where kidney failure in dogs becomes presents acutely, intensive veterinary treatment is essential, which usually includes admission and fluid therapy, in addition to medications that stabilize the animal and control symptoms.

In chronic cases, the treatment of kidney disease in dogs generally includes the following points:

Food for dogs with kidney failure

On the market we find feeds and cans specially formulated for the care of the renal system. It is important that the food is nutritious and has high quality protein. Also, if the food is wet, we increase water consumption, which is very necessary for these animals. And if you prefer a natural diet, you can make a homemade diet for your dog's kidney failure.


We must make sure the dog drinks water properly. The veterinarian should assess the need to administer serum, either orally, subcutaneously or intravenously. To favor the dog's comfort, you should give him more opportunities to urinate if the frequency of urination increases.

Medicine for kidney failure in dogs

To control symptoms: are those that can be used to treat secondary symptoms of the disease, such as those that are administered to control vomiting.

Maintenance medications: are those prescribed to promote the animal's quality of life. About some of them there is scientific evidence that proves that they are effective in prolonging the life of sick dogs, such as ACEi.

Veterinary follow-up

It is convenient to repeat the tests twice or more times a year, depending on the evolution of the disease. In addition, intensive veterinary control allows you to treat symptoms that appear as soon as they appear, which will result in a better quality of life.

Is there a cure for kidney failure in dogs?

Acute kidney failure in dogs is curable, although it is possible that non-recoverable injuries have occurred. Depending on their length, they will have more or less consequences for the dog's future life. Chronic cases are incurable and progressive, so that the prescribed treatment will only be able to control the symptoms and try to maintain the dog's quality of life for as long as possible. This will be the purpose of the treatments we have discussed.

In some cases, this condition can generate canine depression, especially in an elderly dog. Therefore, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as the first symptoms are diagnosed.

Dog with kidney failure: what is the life expectancy?

Veterinarians classify kidney failure in dogs into several stages, depending on its severity. The milder the phase in which the dog is diagnosed, the greater, in general, the life expectancy, since these phases correspond to the initial moments of the disease, in which an early intervention favors an increase in life expectancy. This classification distinguishes four stages, being the I the lightest and the IV the most serious. In the last two, symptoms will appear that complicate the picture and, therefore, worsen the prognosis. In these cases, the life expectancy of a dog with kidney failure may be just a few months. Thus, when deciding on treatments, we must take into account not only the quantity of life, but preferably its quality.

Read too: How to know if my dog ​​is blind

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.