Why doesn't a cat like me to get hold of its paw?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
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Video: Kitten Can’t Let Go Of His Dead Father, Kneading Him Until He Wakes Up (Part 1) | Animal in Crisis


Who doesn't like to pet a cat? They are so cute and doing this is so relaxing for us that it's inevitable to be around a feline and resist. However, we know that there are certain parts that they just don't like being played: specifically, the paws, belly and tail.

cats' paws are a very sensitive part of their bodies due to their numerous nerve endings and blood vessels, which explains why many of our cats don't like to be touched in this region. Cat's paw pads have receptors that tell them what they're stepping on, whether it's the terrain, their prey or the temperature, and they're also where they sweat and mark territory.

if you ever wondered why cat doesn't like to be held in its paw? If so, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article where you'll find several curiosities about cats' paws, the possible causes that prevent us from approaching them and tips to be able to manipulate them when necessary.

Curiosities about cats paws

To know why cats don't like to be picked up by their paw, it's important to know this very important and curious part of feline anatomy. The feet of cats have a series of characteristics that make them special and allow the furry to develop their activities and characteristic behavior. We list some of them:

1. The pillows sweat and serve to mark territory

Cats sweat especially for their paws due to the large number of sweat glands present on the underside of the pads, ie, cats sweat for their paws. In addition to the sweat glands, the cat's paws have other specialized eccrine glands that produce odors that allow them to mark the territory where they walk, scrape, scratch or dent; in this way, they make it known that this place already has an owner.

2. The color of the pillows matches the cat's coat

The pillows on the cat's paws will match the coat color and cat fur. The same pigment acts so that in black cats the pillows will be black, in whites they will usually be pink, and in cats of different colors they will usually have several blemishes on the pillows. How are your cat's?

3. Cats clean their paws often

We know that cats are very clean, and during the day they wash themselves several times. They also wash their paws a lot, so we must always check that they don't touch dirty areas or areas with poor hygienic conditions to prevent them from ingesting microorganisms, toxic plants or small objects that can harm their health.

4. Walk on tiptoe

Cats are digitigrade animals, which means that instead of walking like us, with the heels and soles of their feet, they walk on tiptoe, just supporting your fingers when you walk. Although it may seem uncomfortable for them, the truth is that it is not, as they are anatomically prepared to walk like this. Furthermore, together with the softness and low hardness of their pillows, they allow them to that move silently so that the prey cannot hear them, whether running, walking or jumping, making them extremely stealthy beings.

5. Your particular way of walking

Together with camels and giraffes they share a way of walking that consists of moving first the front and back paw on the same side and then the same thing, but on the opposite side, so that the paws on one side are suspended while treading with those on the other side. In addition, with the hind leg on one side they step on the same place where the fore leg left a trail.

6. They have great sensitivity

Due to present numerous nerve endings and blood vessels, a cut or damage to a leg causes them a lot of pain and a lot of bleeding. Furthermore, this sensitivity allows them to know the temperature of the surface where they are located, the state of the terrain and its characteristics.

7. Have retractable claws

Usually their nails are kept in a fur cover under the pads that prevent them from fraying and allow them to walk in silence. The keratin they are made of makes them grow. They only take them off when they climb or defend. In addition, they scratch to keep their claws prepared and sharp to use if the situation requires it, so it is important to meet this need of cats by putting scratchers to prevent them from scratching the chairs or curtains in our house.

8. Prefer a paw

Studies have shown that just as people are left-handed or right-handed, most cats tend to prefer one paw over the other. You can prove it by playing with them with something difficult to hunt, they will use their favorite or dominant paw with more effort to reach.

9. Great flexibility

Cats' feet are very flexible and able to climb. Cats can direct and propel their hind legs forward to climb. However, descending is another thing, as their front legs are not prepared for this, so they sometimes need help descending from certain heights. ie your body is able to go up, but not so much down.

10. Number of fingers may vary

Most cats have 18 fingers, 5 on each fore leg and four on each hind leg. However, there are cats that have polydactyly or more fingers than normal due to genetic mutations. This is most common in Maine Coon cats.

Why Cat Doesn't Like To Get Its Paw - 7 Reasons

Below, we'll discuss the causes that can make your cat not want you to touch his paws:

1. Because it hurts

The cat's paw has a lot of innervation, as we've already mentioned, and your pillows, although they are tough despite their appearance, can be damaged. When a cat steps on something sharp like a needle, thumbtack or nail that we have around the house, or if it goes out and is traumatized or pierced by something, its nerve pathways will be activated and the cat will be in a lot of pain. This means that when you want to get close to his paws, he will push them away and even attack you to avoid further pain with your contact.

If your cat has a paw sore, this article about cat sores - first aid may be helpful.

2. Want to protect your nails

In a cat's paw, inside its fingers are its nails. For them, they are a treasure, they defend, care for and hide them with great dedication. They usually don't trust our intentions, despite being their guardian and giving them affection every day, protect them so much because they are a great defense against possible predators or threats.

3. Doesn't want to accept you

If the person who approaches the cat's paws is a stranger to the cat, someone he doesn't like, it's his guardian's spouse or it's a child or someone very restless, the cat somehow will be stressed, jealous or annoyed with that person and avoid their contact. If you touch their paws, their odor will certainly be impregnated with their scent and they don't want this person to be welcome in their home, so turning them down is a possible way of saying: "I don't want you in my house".

If that's the case for you, we encourage you to read this other article about my cat doesn't like me - causes and what to do.

4. Past trauma

If your cat has been through a traumatic event that caused great pain in its paws, such as being run over or operated on for a fracture, it will especially protect this area, because it reminds him of a great pain that has gone by and he feels that if you touch him it might hurt again.

5. If you don't pet him correctly

Cats must be petted gently and tactfully, avoiding squeezing, caressing them against the sense of fur, force and pulls. If you don't caress them correctly, it can be unpleasant for them, even feeling pain and discomfort. This way, if you've ever done it, especially on the cat's paws, they will avoid that you do it again because of your high sensitivity in the area and because of everything they want to protect in them.

If you want to know how to properly pet a cat, read this other article on how to pet a cat.

6. Arthrosis

Arthrosis or wear on the cartilage of the joints that produces bone exposure is a uncomfortable and painful disease which most commonly affects older cats. It can also be secondary to trauma or joint malformation. In general, these cats, in addition to preventing their paws from being touched if they are affected by arthrosis of the joint, especially the elbow, usually hide their pain.Cats are experts at hiding what is going on, but we may notice a decrease in their physical activity or that they avoid climbing to high places, limp or excessively wash their paws.

7. Your preferences

It may simply be your feline's preferences. It is well known where cats like to be petted: on the head, forehead, nape, back and even at the base of the tail. But you should always avoid the paws, the tail and the belly - unless he makes it clear that he likes affection in those regions. Sometimes he simply prefers to receive affection in regions other than the paws.

How to get my cat to let me touch his paws?

Sometimes it's necessary to manipulate our cats' paws, whether it's to cut their nails - check out the video tutorial at the end of this article - heal wounds, look for injuries or infections or extract foreign bodies. Therefore, it's important to try to reduce stress at this traumatic time that often ends up in cats' scratches and escapes. Know that this is not an easy task, especially if our cat has a trauma from the past or feels some pain.

You can also discuss the problem, especially if it is accompanied by other behavioral changes, with an ethologist. But if our cat's personality is like that, we can hardly change it. We can try the following, if we need to manipulate their paws:

  • Look for a quiet moment: try to catch it in a quiet moment or when it is half asleep, as it will not respond to stimuli as much as possible.
  • cuddle him only where he likes: caress him where he likes and calm him so that he enters a moment of trust.
  • back or side: Try to perform the procedure on the cat's back or side, avoiding direct contact from the front, as it is a threat to them.
  • Be patient: be very patient and stay calm.
  • Caress it gently: Very gently stroke the area while stroking another area he loves, such as the sides of his head or throat, depending on your feline's preferences.
  • Be quick: Carry out the procedure you need to do as soon as possible so as not to stress too much.

If these measures are not effective, the only way is to involve him in a blanket or towel and expose only the limb to be manipulated, this way he will have fewer options for defense and movement and will be easier to touch his paws. In very extreme cases, the only solution will be take them to the vet and have them do it there, with the help of sedation to avoid this stressful situation.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why doesn't a cat like me to get hold of its paw?, we recommend that you enter our Curiosities section of the animal world.